Saturday, September 3

Losin’ It 2022

The usual 8:50am Route 2 bus was either late or canceled, which meant a quick decision to ride any bus to the next bus stop to board the Route E. As it turned out, the Route 2 was extremely late and completely packed. Fortunately, another Route 2 bus arrived because the Route E was also late. That’s the start of what is becoming a typical morning commute.

Coffee was procured at the fast food joint in town. Coffee time was enjoyable at the usual outside table across from Tamarind Park. There was light, but tolerable, precipitation that ended shortly afterward. Unfortunately, some kind of stringy debris was discovered in the coffee, so remainder was discarded.

The gym was fairly crowded. Lots of new people, many of whom are students at the Diploma Mill. The geriatric workout routine is still being maintained. Of particular interest is that, even with a new dedicated cleaning crew, the gym is a mess. There’s trash strewn about everywhere, even if a trash receptacle is close by. When attempting to use the restroom for major business, the only available commode had its seat covered with shit. Guess who had to clean the shit off? People have really changed for the worse since the “super-duper corona” plan-demic.

The plan was to return to Waikiki at a reasonable time to drop the gym gear off at the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Then, a timely bus ride to Ala Moana Center would follow with dinner at Panda Express®. Unfortunately, all of the Route 2 buses were fairly full. So, the only contingency was dinner at Subway® in town.

An on-line order was placed, as is the routine. Upon arrival at the Subway®, there was no tables available. The staff was involved in some kind of altercation with a street derelict. So, the only tables available were outside the small food court adjacent to Tamarind Park. The sandwich was delicious, but the gusty wind and the feral pigeons made the conditions tenuous.

The eventual return to Waikiki was uneventful, thank Molech! Once back in the mausoleum, the decision was made to make the trek to Ala Moana Center to procure a pint of Häagen-Dazs ice cream at Target®. As usual, the accumulated cash rewards could not be redeemed, even though it was previously set up for redemption. Most likely, redemption is now only possible using the “app.”

The same secluded seating area was the chosen location to enjoy the delicious dessert. However, within a couple of minutes, a stupid bitch walked over and stood a few feet away and lit up a cigarette. So, the ice cream was consumed while standing next to a stinking trash dumpster. Sadly, this will be the last ice cream excursion. At the least, the closing time of the mall has finally been extended to 8pm daily.

The return trip to Waikiki was accomplished via the Route 23 bus, which is the only sane way back. The other routes are completely packed with satanic gargoyles. The decision was made to alight at the International Marketplace. Upon arrival, a stop was made in the restroom. While taking care of business at the urinal, liquid was sprinkling on the left leg. Apparently, the fool using the adjacent urinal had no “dick control.” Fortunately, there were paper towels in the dispenser. The biohazard piss was wiped off the leg.

The favorite spot in the rocking chair section was available, thank Molech! There was hope that the shitty day could be salvaged. Unfortunately, two sequential sets of obnoxious families sat in the adjacent chairs. Fortunately, neither group stayed long. There was just a few minutes of personal enjoyment before departure. Incidentally, the free wireless hotspot does not block any “unapproved” Web sites.

Later in the evening at the mausoleum, the discovery was made that the Subway® coupon deals are back, thank Molech! Well, as for the mausoleum, the repair requests have yet to be fulfilled. No surprise, eh? An e-mail was dispatched over a week ago to the FOIA public liaison to inquire about the request for Aunty Lyn’s data. No response.

Sadly, this is really what life in empire has degenerated into. There’s no civility, no politeness, no consideration, no respect. And, the more crowded the environment, the more stupidity bursts forth. That’s the failed “civilization” paradigm!

Miscellany: There are myriad young gorgeous hotties at the gym and in Waikiki. However, that is of no concern to an old codger.

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