Saturday, September 17

Invisible 2022

As predicted in Notes, the owners of the new iPhone 14 are experiencing major difficulties with the eSIM transfer on Visible. Actually, the situation is a major “clusterfuck.”

From what can be ascertained, the old cellphone must first be converted from pSIM to eSIM. Then, both the old cellphone and the new iPhone 14 must be in possession for the transfer. A “customer service” chat is required to complete the transfer process. The old cellphone will receive an SMS message to complete the process. And, even then, sometimes the eSIM fails to install on the iPhone 14 and both phones end up with no service.

In addition, Visible is deprecating the old plan ($40 per month unlimited everything or $25 per month with Party Pay) and replacing it with two new plans. Eventually (rumored to be January 2023), all Visible subscribers must move to one of the new plans. A new pSIM or eSIM is required for the conversion. This, of course, adds to the “clusterfuck.”

As of now, there is some concern about keeping the iPhone 12 for another year. The battery will surely need to replaced within the year. However, there is just no desire to move to eSIM. The iPhone 13 may be chosen as a replacement later this year, sad to say, because it has a physical SIM card tray. The eventual changeover to a new Visible plan will be easily accomplished with a pSIM that is sent immediately after the change request. No eSIM conversion will be necessary through the iPhone 13 lifetime.

The only other choice is to terminate the current Visible account whenever an eSIM-only iPhone is purchased and set up an entirely new account with new phone number. Yet, there is much apprehension about eSIM. The design constructs of eSIM appear to have undertones of the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”).

Addendum: The two service plans offered by Visible are the $30 per month standard package (same as the deprecated plan, only costs more) and the $45 per month Visible+ plan. The upside is that both plans will move subscribers to the better Verizon® infrastructure as opposed to the current Visible cloud infrastructure. That’s the reason a new pSIM is required.

Miscellany: The so-called “Dynamic Island” on the iPhone 14 Pro series is slated to become a universal feature in subsequent models. And, the latter grotesquerie can’t be disabled. Oh, the horror! There is now extreme doubt whether any new iPhone will be purchased.

Postscript: Data usage on Visible has been reduced by 50 percent this month. Fewer video streams are being viewed, thanks to the infighting amongst the opposition. In addition, a greater reliance has been placed upon the free wireless services available at the gym and International Marketplace.

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