Wednesday, August 17

Personal Clusterfuck

The “new clusterfuck normal” obviously affects the personal sitrep, a matter that wasn’t discussed in the Notes post of yesterday. And, frankly, the situation is only going to get worse. The Fascists have many more devious theatrics in store for the rank-and-file peons.

The FOIA request to the Social Security Administration for Aunty Lyn’s data has now passed three months without any response. The request is for a photocopy of a ONE-PAGE document. How can the latter take over three months to complete? Yet, the IRS will be hiring 85,000 armed agents to enforce tax auditing and collections. What kind of “clusterfuck” shit is that?

Visible is now going through some changes which will affect all subscribers. The original one-and-only $40 plan ($25 with “party pay”) is being phased out in order to usher in two new plans. Everyone affected is in a state of total confusion. The Visible site has not provided sufficient detail about what’s happening. What is known is that the “party pay” discount is being mummified, allegedly at the end of the year. In addition, all subscribers will be forced to choose one of the new plans with no available discount. A new SIM card will be required. Can you say, “clusterfuck”?

All active Subway® discounts and coupons will expire on Saturday. So, regular prices will have to be paid until the new coupon codes appear sometime next month. The plan now is to return to the evening excursions to Panda Express® in Ala Moana Center twice per week at a minimum.

The “old folks home” in Waikiki is preparing for on-site inspections of all mausoleum units. The inspections are supposed to be performed annually. So far, during the current personal tenure, there has not been any inspections. Repair requests had to be submitted immediately in order to insure that all mausoleum units would pass the inspections. A request was made on August 12th for two critical repair issues. So far, nada, just like the FOIA request. Yeah, another “clusterfuck”!

Addendum: Visible customers in Hawai’i should not upgrade to the Visible+ plan ($45 per month) because there is no 5G-UW or C-band spectrum available here. Stay with the old plan until forced to switch, then choose the new standard plan ($30 per month).

Miscellany: A couple of iOS shortcuts were created out of necessity. One of the shortcuts issues a verbal warning when the iPhone battery charger is inadvertently disconnected. As it turns out, the Lightning port on the iPhone 12 is apparently defective, which has been causing the intermittent charging issues reported in Notes a few months ago.

Update: Mike Adams has released the final report of the chemical analysis of the fibrous obstruction (found in the blood veins and arteries of “vaccinated” deceased by embalmer Richard Hirschman) on the Natural News site.

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