Monday, August 15

Epilogue: Perdition

Coffee time in town now spans from 9:30am until nearly noon. A lot of value has been placed on morning coffee time. Why? Well, there was always a vision of retirement, which included sitting outside a quaint café daily. Of course, that was never going to come to fruition. So, a large cup of coffee from the fast food joint in town and a nice table in the small outdoor dining area across the street from Tamarind Park will suffice.

The mendicant monk life-style has revealed that most of what is labeled as “life” is really a sham. All alternative life-style choices are traps for enslavement. The human lifespan hovers around 80 years, which really doesn’t allow time to accomplish much. Of course, what is there to accomplish when death is the final outcome?

The “super-duper corona” hoax and plan-demic ended up altering the reality of the rank-and-file peons. From a personal standpoint, Notes has proven to be a testimonial to the latter phenomenon. All the bullshit has been chronicled and permanently archived.

With that said, the last few weeks of Notes posts was an attempt to return to the original mission, that is, to occasionally chronicle the exodus, whatever that means. With a readership of one or two people, the opportunity to commit fully to the original mission is now at hand. Ideally, posting updates to Notes once every month (or even longer) is ideal. The content must be limited to personal sitreps. Nothing more, nothing less. There are many other avenues on the Net with much more qualified commentators to cover the global “clusterfuck” caused by the Fascists. So, the immediate goal is to commit fully to the original mission and, hopefully, phase out Notes completely.

Briefly, the personal sitrep remains the same. There has been no response to the FOIA request for Aunty Lyn’s data. That’s another “clusterfuck.” But, really, there is no need for the additional funds. An assessment of purchases that were contingent on that funding had only amounted to, maybe, $400 at the most. There really isn’t anything that an old codger needs.

On a side note, new policies coming out of Apple® headquarters are quite disturbing. Aside from the crackdown on anything Russian, there is now reliable information that lots of advertisements will soon be embedded in many of the system “apps.” So, there’s no question that the iPhone 12 will NOT be replaced this year. An old codger does not have to tolerate “woke” bullshit and greed from anyone or any entity.

Addendum: Timely videos will continue to be appended to Notes, although only the most relevant to legacy will remain in the permanent archive.

Miscellany: Turns out that, in actuality, Notes may have zero readership. Loading Notes in a Web browser to proofread content is affecting the number of “views.” So, the total views have been exactly the same as total proofreading sessions.

Update: A researcher has revealed that the iOS VPN tunnel is “leaky.” The developers at ProtonVPN have known about the issue for several years and posted in its “blog.” The issue was forwarded to Apple® but apparently nothing was done to remedy the problem.

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