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El Diablo |
The situation in Hawai’i is, truthfully, depressing. There’s no doubt that not much has returned to “normal,” that is, pre-plan-demic. Even the dimmest of dimwits have probably noticed the same, even though they all attempt to act as if nothing ever happened. Thus, psychologically speaking, most people have already ascertained that this is the “new clusterfuck normal.” Of course, what happens here is happening all over empire.
The primary (s)election in Hawai’i produced no surprises. The same old faces are still festering in local politics. The candidates for governor are status quo, with the moronic Democrat (sic) most likely to be the winner in November. This is a total “blue” state after all. The fool in question is the incumbent lieutenant governor, allegedly a medical doctor, and he was “all in” with the “super-duper corona” and “vaccine” bullshit. There’s little doubt that he’s entirely “woke,” too.
The Democrat (sic) Party (DP) has controlled the entire state and municipal government apparatus in Hawai’i for decades. In that time, corruption became so deeply embedded that there really is no governmental entity that isn’t “bought off.” In essence, that’s why the islands have become such a shithole. Oddly, were it not for the tourism industry, the whole state would have probably degenerated to the level of the extreme shithole Democrat-controlled states in empire. So, there won’t be any large riots and property destruction on a grand scale here.
Now, the “Orange Bad Man” (OBM) boondoggle … well, what about it? The “conspiracy theorists” are all blaming the DP for the persecution of OBM. Yet, few of them realize that the Fascists of the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) are “pulling the strings.” The DP is a puppet regime, chosen solely because of its feckless and sinister ideology. They have been allowed to run roughshod and wreak havoc in empire in order to further the Great Re-shit agenda. In other words, the DP and its actions are a distraction, not the cause.
So, why has the DP been allowed to persecute OBM? The Fascists believe that only the DP alone can effectively execute their commands. Thus, the DP has been given tremendous leeway to insure continuation of its grip on the reins of power. OBM has already proven to be a compromised and ineffective leader. Thus, the concern is not really OBM himself. The real problem is OBM as an “influencer.” He has already proven that status, given the number of his “endorsed” candidates who are winning in the primaries. The greatest concern is that OBM is creating a large populist sentiment. Any kind of opposition is an anathema to the Fascists.
Frankly, the whole situation has surpassed absurdity and entered the realm of surrealism. The entire depopulation, Great Re-shit, and transhuman agenda is ludicrous, a “fool’s errand.” The cumulative Fascist project is, as the Great Prophet Ernest Becker defined, a ridiculous “immortality project,” one that is doomed to failure, and not on logistical aspects alone.
As stated in Notes a couple of days ago, the earth (and the solar system that it resides in) will cease to exist in less than 15 billion years. That’s when the sun goes “red star.” The Fascists believe that they will be able to overcome the hurdles of transhumanism and space travel way before that eventuality. They believe that “eternal life” is within reach. Yet, where are the asswipes going, provided that their transhuman exoshells survive long enough, when the expanding universe finally undergoes “heat death”? The entire universe will be at absolute zero temperature. Even atoms will cease to function. What are the fucktards going to do then? There’s no escape from death.
This whole foolish “immortality project” is currently bringing untold suffering upon the masses of rank-and-file peons. There is still the possibility that the Fascists will trigger a thermonuclear war to accomplish their depopulation goal. Yet, given all of the aforementioned facts, their whole plan is flawed and doomed to failure. What was it all worth?
Addendum: The preceding diatribe was included in Notes because every other opposition commentator focuses on the microcosm. Notes focuses on the macrocosm, the “big picture.”
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