Stew Peters interviewed whistleblower Brook Jackson about the lawsuit accusing Pfizer® of fraud in the testing phase of the bioweapon “gene therapy.” So far, this has been the most detailed discussion of the case. Also refer to the interview with attorney Robert Barnes in the Notes archive.
Wednesday, August 31
Saturday, August 27
Twilight Zone 2022
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Pruneface |
These are the “twilight years.” This is the “twilight zone.” A “gut feeling” has prognosticated that 72 years of age will be the optimistic upper limit for the “good years.” Subsequently, the body will degenerate much quicker than any compensation offered by gym workouts. Anecdotal observations confirm the latter.
The visage is already betraying any manner of subterfuge. Age can easily be ascertained just by perusing the “pruneface.” Hence, the futility of the “immortality project” to maintain a younger appearance. The geriatric body is simply preparing for death.
There are no regrets about the past. Many years were devoted to assimilation into mainstream society. There was moderate success, but nothing noteworthy. Unfortunately, nothing about mainstream society seemed “right,” whether involving wage slavery, friendships, personal philosophy, and so forth. There was no way to genuinely “fit in” without feeling like some kind of fraud. In the end (now), the role of outcast, pariah, and misanthrope was the option accepted.
There once was some apparently fake desire to seek marriage and establish a family. However, the true self overrode such foolishness. No long-term relationship with the other gender has been possible. As stated in the old “blog” (and, possibly, the legacy journal), the concepts of romance, courting, and marriage are human constructs of the failed “civilization” paradigm. The same applies to religion and religious beliefs.
In addition, there has been no personal desire to produce offspring. There are quite a few reasons that were cited in the legacy chronicles, but the most relevant reason is that there is no justification to the birthing of offspring who must eventually face old age and death in horror.
Since the aforementioned topics have been discussed many moons ago, there is no need to further belabor any of the points. One nebulous area, however, has been hovering in the consciousness for a while.
In the old “blog,” the series of personal research projects at the library were chronicled, which included the shaky foundation of the Yahweh triad (Judaism, Islam, and Pauline-Christianity) and the fallacy of deities. The science readings in the areas of quantum physics, astronomy, cosmology, anthropology, and so forth attested to the latter conclusions as well as offered evolution as the only possible explanation for the sequence of life on this planet.
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Creationism |
As a former “creationist,” those findings dealt a real blow to the psyche. Obviously, nihilism was a tragic repercussion as any hope for “eternal life” proved foolish. The universe conceptually became a cold and unfriendly place. Accepting evolution as the progression to all biological species and “spontaneous generation” as the actual origin of life was very difficult. In fact, “faith” was required, much like with religious beliefs.
Now at age 67 years, there is still some discomfort with the scientific origin and progression of life. The center of the controversy just happens to fall upon reproduction. Take animals (of which chimpo sapiens are included), for example. Mammals reproduce when an egg is successful impregnated by sperm. Both the egg and sperm are single cell entities, each containing the hereditary data (DNA) of the respective parent.
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Reproduction |
When both parents’ DNA combine, the process of reproduction begins. From just two single cells, an entire living creature is formed. The DNA structure itself is actually quite long and contains myriad base pairs. Yet, it is almost scientifically and statistically inconceivable that the DNA has complete instructions to “build” a mammalian species offspring. Look at the complexity of the human body, for example. How is that even possible?
This “chink in the armor” has been quite unsettling. The same goes for the physics of atomic and subatomic structures as well as quantum physics. Atoms are almost entirely composed of space. Material reality is only created by the electromagnetic bonding of atoms. Essentially, everything is made of mostly nothing. Then, life is somehow formed from that same nothing.
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“Big Bang” |
Clearly, the entire universe follows a complex set of laws. Where did these laws originate? Then, there’s the matter of the time before the “Big Bang” … well, time actually didn’t exist. The entire universe was compressed into a very tiny volume the size of a soccer ball. What can even explain such a phenomenon no less the reason for it?
Clearly, there is a “guiding force,” not necessarily a deity or other entity. Perhaps it is an “intelligence” that is outside the boundaries or dimensions of the universe. Whatever it is, it must exist. Otherwise, nothing about reality makes sense. How can anyone ponder the latter without going insane?
Miscellany: Notes could easily be mummified at this point. The foregoing discussion is really all that was pressing insofar as personal contemplation is concerned … well, at least during the “twilight years.” All other topics are superfluous.
Postscript: Alex Jones of InfoWars recently sent a video plea to “Orange Bad Man” (OBM) requesting that the latter denounce the “vaccine.” According to Jones, OBM refused and continues to shill the bioweapon “gene therapy.” As previously stated in Notes, OBM is fully compromised. The reason? Refer to the Notes post, “Orange Hoax Redux.”
Friday, August 26
Twilight Years
Official declaration of the “twilight years.” There’s no need to fret about the “good years” anymore. The time is ripe to usher in the “twilight years.” Is 67 years of age too “young” to fall into the “twilight zone”? Not really. After 65 years of age, “keeling over” can happen at any time. In any case, the “good years” and the “twilight years” can briefly overlap. So, what is this bullshit all about?
As mentioned previously, the “super-duper corona” plan-demic forced many changes upon the rank-and-file peons. On a personal level, the plan-demic exposed the adopted senior citizen life-style to be a complete sham and a waste of valuable time. For that revelation, there can be some gratitude expressed. However, there are no viable options as the slow return to the sham life-style ensues. However, the fact remains that only the affluent class has real options.
Even Notes was adversely affected. The transition to third-party narration and terse summaries was accomplished successfully, that is, until the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. The whole exodus theme was abandoned to chronicle the “mass formation” spectacle that subsequently transpired. Lots of time, effort, and grief was invested when Notes joined the opposition.
Well, the opposition is firmly implanted, even though there is much more work to be done. However, the opposition now has adequate avenues of communications, of which most of the best ones have links provided in Notes. Thus, the focus on opposition issues will be deprecated in Notes unless the latter is extremely noteworthy. Many excellent video clips are being produced by the opposition, of which some of the best are included in Notes. The latter practice will continue in lieu of any transcribed personal opinions.
On a side note, being out and about in the evening earlier this week made this Friday evening difficult for sequestration in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. So, an excursion was made to Ala Moana Center at 6:30pm on the bus. First, dessert (a pint of Häagen-Dazs® ice cream) was procured at Target®. Then, shopping for more dental care products at Longs® was in order using the great OTC card.
Finally, a stopover at the International Marketplace was made to officially resurrect its status as the surrogate “living room.” Frankly, what are the options? Should funds be allocated to purchase comfortable furniture, a huge widescreen OLED tube, and a cable subscription? Then, hours of time will be spent sequestered in the mausoleum and the mind will be reprogrammed to the singular mainstream propaganda of the Fascists.
These are the “twilight years,” as there is little time left. The gym workouts are really a futile “immortality project.” If Roberto, the Mexican senior citizen buddy, has three more years, then the ol’ lavahead only has 13 more years. Well, the lifespan could be cut short if the Fascists have their way. Fuck ‘em! So say we all!
Addendum: $500 was transferred from investment accounts to the local bank in order to accommodate the increased “inflation” expenditures.
Thursday, August 25
Trajectory Options
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Ready … aim … fire! |
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Makai Market Food Court |
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International Marketplace |
Saturday, August 20
Senior Citizen Solaces
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View from the “Old Folks Home” in Waikiki |
The weather in Hawai’i has been very warm for over a week. The evenings have also been warm, which necessitated the deployment of the air conditioner in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki.
Even with the favorable temperature, there has been no desire to venture out, even in Waikiki. Well, what is there to do in Waikiki? It’s essentially a shopping mall. There’s no desire to patronize the extremely expensive, albeit mediocre, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. The beach was once a favored evening walking destination, but with all of tourists milling about … no thanks.
Hotel room rates in Waikiki have exceeded $340 per night, according to local sources. That’s a ridiculous amount of money for what is offered. Yet, the fools keep coming here for a cheesy “theme park” experience.
Well, enough of that bullshit. More personal sitrep nonsense is in order. The mind has been very close to snapping frequently as of late. Being sequestered in the mausoleum all evening, every evening, (with the air conditioner running) is the root cause. The experience can be likened to residing in an “old folks home.” Well, this is an “old folks home,” for Molech’s sake!
Another aspect of the onslaught of psychosis is the obsession with “pinching pennies.” For example, coffee had to be purchased at 7-Eleven for 50 cents more this morning because the coffee maker at the fast food joint “conked out.” Immense irritation ensued, along with a significant decrease in patience. Anything stupid could have triggered a homicidal rampage. Of course, dealing with massive incompetence (such as the on-going FOIA inaction) keeps low-level rage simmering in the subconscious.
What to make of the tightwad, miser bullshit? In the old days, the latter was described as being a “mendicant monk.” At nearly 68 years of age, this kind of bullshit needs to end. Well, there’s always the fear of running out of money way before death. Obviously, a justifiable concern. As stated previously in Notes, a rough calculation indicated that funds would be depleted in ten years if $40,000 were spent every year. As of today, the current outlay is about $10,000 per year with the meager retirement benefits supplementing the latter.
Of course, as an old codger, there is no reason to purchase anything unless a justifiable need is evident to replace any existing possessions. Useless possessions need no replacement. Superfluous purchases are unnecessary, as such purchases are either of the “feel good” or “bragging rights” categories. In addition, with so many entities going “woke,” there are far fewer venues to choose from.
By the way, residing in the mausoleum is a really boring experience. There is no widescreen OLED tube and no cable-TV subscription. Why pay good money for a lobotomizing experience? The iPhone 12 is the only source of “entertainment” and knowledge, as it were. Yet, access to anything mainstream (read: propaganda bullhorns) has been mummified. There are no third-party “apps” installed. Only the Web browser is used for Net interactions, and it has aggressive advertising blocking extensions installed. Of course, as many more sites reveal their “woke” undertones, they are immediately removed from the acceptable list. Sadly, that list has dwindled down to nearly nothing. Soon, the only option will be pornographic sites. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
On a side note, many people have expressed amazement over the personal workout regimen at the gym with no day off. The workouts are not really that strenuous, and include strength (i.e., weights) and cardio sessions daily with an added emphasis on full range of motion. Of course, the current workout plan is nearly identical to that of 15 years ago. The body really doesn’t need a day off, mainly because the modern life-style is so sedentary.
Lots of observations of fellow senior citizens at the gym have ensued. And, there have been many concerns. Are senior citizens only capable of handling about five or ten pounds of resistance? Is a cardio session of five minutes on the recumbent cycle machine at slow speed really all that senior citizens can do? Yes, that’s pretty much what senior citizens in the same age group and up are doing for workouts.
As stated previously in Notes, strong muscles are needed to support the skeletal structure (read: bones). Excess weight, osteoporosis, and weak muscles contribute to hideous skeletal deformations such as bowleg, hunchback, and asymmetric anomalies. Thus every effort must be made to maintain muscle strength and definition. For senior citizens, muscle atrophy will occur in about two or three weeks of inactivity. That was personally proven during the first “lockdown” of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. All muscle definition and striations shockingly disappeared and maximum strength decreased almost 50 percent.
Again, in observing senior citizens with most being in their seventies, a lot of skeletal deformations were apparent. A few of them have difficulty walking, often accomplishing ambulation by shuffling or waddling. This is definitely not “quality of life,” and there’s just no way that can be personally tolerated. So, what to do? Voluntarily “check out” early? Well, if that’s the case, money worries won’t be an issue.
Wednesday, August 17
Personal Clusterfuck
The “new clusterfuck normal” obviously affects the personal sitrep, a matter that wasn’t discussed in the Notes post of yesterday. And, frankly, the situation is only going to get worse. The Fascists have many more devious theatrics in store for the rank-and-file peons.
The FOIA request to the Social Security Administration for Aunty Lyn’s data has now passed three months without any response. The request is for a photocopy of a ONE-PAGE document. How can the latter take over three months to complete? Yet, the IRS will be hiring 85,000 armed agents to enforce tax auditing and collections. What kind of “clusterfuck” shit is that?
Visible is now going through some changes which will affect all subscribers. The original one-and-only $40 plan ($25 with “party pay”) is being phased out in order to usher in two new plans. Everyone affected is in a state of total confusion. The Visible site has not provided sufficient detail about what’s happening. What is known is that the “party pay” discount is being mummified, allegedly at the end of the year. In addition, all subscribers will be forced to choose one of the new plans with no available discount. A new SIM card will be required. Can you say, “clusterfuck”?
All active Subway® discounts and coupons will expire on Saturday. So, regular prices will have to be paid until the new coupon codes appear sometime next month. The plan now is to return to the evening excursions to Panda Express® in Ala Moana Center twice per week at a minimum.
The “old folks home” in Waikiki is preparing for on-site inspections of all mausoleum units. The inspections are supposed to be performed annually. So far, during the current personal tenure, there has not been any inspections. Repair requests had to be submitted immediately in order to insure that all mausoleum units would pass the inspections. A request was made on August 12th for two critical repair issues. So far, nada, just like the FOIA request. Yeah, another “clusterfuck”!
Addendum: Visible customers in Hawai’i should not upgrade to the Visible+ plan ($45 per month) because there is no 5G-UW or C-band spectrum available here. Stay with the old plan until forced to switch, then choose the new standard plan ($30 per month).
Miscellany: A couple of iOS shortcuts were created out of necessity. One of the shortcuts issues a verbal warning when the iPhone battery charger is inadvertently disconnected. As it turns out, the Lightning port on the iPhone 12 is apparently defective, which has been causing the intermittent charging issues reported in Notes a few months ago.
Update: Mike Adams has released the final report of the chemical analysis of the fibrous obstruction (found in the blood veins and arteries of “vaccinated” deceased by embalmer Richard Hirschman) on the Natural News site.
Tuesday, August 16
New Clusterfuck Normal
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El Diablo |
Monday, August 15
Epilogue: Perdition
Coffee time in town now spans from 9:30am until nearly noon. A lot of value has been placed on morning coffee time. Why? Well, there was always a vision of retirement, which included sitting outside a quaint café daily. Of course, that was never going to come to fruition. So, a large cup of coffee from the fast food joint in town and a nice table in the small outdoor dining area across the street from Tamarind Park will suffice.
The mendicant monk life-style has revealed that most of what is labeled as “life” is really a sham. All alternative life-style choices are traps for enslavement. The human lifespan hovers around 80 years, which really doesn’t allow time to accomplish much. Of course, what is there to accomplish when death is the final outcome?
The “super-duper corona” hoax and plan-demic ended up altering the reality of the rank-and-file peons. From a personal standpoint, Notes has proven to be a testimonial to the latter phenomenon. All the bullshit has been chronicled and permanently archived.
With that said, the last few weeks of Notes posts was an attempt to return to the original mission, that is, to occasionally chronicle the exodus, whatever that means. With a readership of one or two people, the opportunity to commit fully to the original mission is now at hand. Ideally, posting updates to Notes once every month (or even longer) is ideal. The content must be limited to personal sitreps. Nothing more, nothing less. There are many other avenues on the Net with much more qualified commentators to cover the global “clusterfuck” caused by the Fascists. So, the immediate goal is to commit fully to the original mission and, hopefully, phase out Notes completely.
Briefly, the personal sitrep remains the same. There has been no response to the FOIA request for Aunty Lyn’s data. That’s another “clusterfuck.” But, really, there is no need for the additional funds. An assessment of purchases that were contingent on that funding had only amounted to, maybe, $400 at the most. There really isn’t anything that an old codger needs.
On a side note, new policies coming out of Apple® headquarters are quite disturbing. Aside from the crackdown on anything Russian, there is now reliable information that lots of advertisements will soon be embedded in many of the system “apps.” So, there’s no question that the iPhone 12 will NOT be replaced this year. An old codger does not have to tolerate “woke” bullshit and greed from anyone or any entity.
Addendum: Timely videos will continue to be appended to Notes, although only the most relevant to legacy will remain in the permanent archive.
Miscellany: Turns out that, in actuality, Notes may have zero readership. Loading Notes in a Web browser to proofread content is affecting the number of “views.” So, the total views have been exactly the same as total proofreading sessions.
Update: A researcher has revealed that the iOS VPN tunnel is “leaky.” The developers at ProtonVPN have known about the issue for several years and posted in its “blog.” The issue was forwarded to Apple® but apparently nothing was done to remedy the problem.
Sunday, August 14
Finite Timelessness
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Finite Timelessness |
The situation in empire can only be described as a total “clusterfuck.” Truth and reality have entirely disappeared from the landscape. There’s no point in even skimming the mainstream “fake news” aggregators anymore because even the headlines are too far removed from reality. The current “Orange Bad Man” boondoggle is a case in point.
The CDC of empire has relaxed the remaining “super-duper corona” restrictions and offered vague commentary that seems to suggest that the “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-vaxxers” were right all along. Frankly, the obfuscation looks more like feeble attempts to create plausible deniability. As Dr. Pam Popper recently summarized (visit the Make Americans Free Again site), the most visible puppets of the Fascists are now attempting to “run for cover.” The fools should have known that they were eventually going to be “thrown under the bus” by their Fascist masters.
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Yuval “Urinal” Harari |
The most annoying Fascist puppet, aside from High Priest Fauci, is that faggot, Yuval “Urinal” Harari. He is the clownish sorcerer of the WEF, the limp-wristed soothsayer behind Klaus Swab. Harari has taken upon himself the task of publicly detailing the dire future of the rank-and-file peons.
What the little “dweeb” doesn’t understand is that he will soon outlive his usefulness. There will be no need for a soothsayer after the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”). Harari will end up becoming fertilizer like most everyone else.
People do not understand what drives the Fascists. Only the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker, offers real answers. The Fascists have acquired enormous wealth and power. They are heavily invested in long-term assets, which means they have way more to lose upon death than the “garden variety” peons. In other words, they have both immense fear, and deep denial, of death. The resulting psychopathology has fostered extreme megalomania beyond all reason.
The Fascists have concocted many “solutions” to their schizophrenic assessment of the “world.” Yet, they fail to realize that this planet and this solar system will cease to exist in less than 15 billion years. In addition, the entire universe will eventually terminate in “heat death.” Essentially, that’s the “end of time.” All of those topics have been discussed in Notes and the old “blog.”
Everyone should consider reading the works of the Great Prophet regularly. Notes offers PDF downloads of those works (refer to the Notes post, “Death”). Notes also includes many discussions of Becker’s findings. Only the truth can bring comfort.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! Also, view all the timely video interviews featured in Notes.
Monday, August 8
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The Collective “West” |
Thursday, August 4
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Time is Running Out |
“Three more years,” Roberto, the Mexican senior citizen buddy, stated during a recent conversation at the gym revolving around the general topic of senior citizenship. What he was referring to is the actuarial median lifespan of human males (80 years, up or down a standard deviation), with he being 77 years of age. Of course, what he says cannot really be downplayed. The topic has been discussed numerous times in Notes and the legacy “blog.”
The whole “super-duper corona” hoax and plan-demic has wasted over two years of time, essentially what’s left of the personal “good years.” And now, the depopulation pogrom of the Fascists is in “full swing.” The ability to live peacefully to 80 years of age may have already been “cancelled.”
The alleged bout with “super-duper corona” (most likely influenza) and the subsequent food poisoning incident are both done with. A return to the usual routine was welcomed. However, there has still been no incentive to venture out in the evenings. And, with all of the violent crimes occurring (even in Waikiki), nothing could be more prudent.
Personal social interactions remain at near-zero. There have been no communications with any so-called “friends.” Acquaintances, mostly at the gym, are kept “at arm’s length” since they are all “vaccinated” and wear their face masks religiously (with the exception of the Mexican buddy). No friends, no acquaintances, no loss.
There are far too many “events” transpiring that make no sense in the general scheme. With a readership of only one or two people, there just is no need to waste time transcribing what is already indelibly impressed in the mind. And, much of what needs to be stated has actually already been stated. In addition, there are reliable sources of truth directly listed and linked in Notes.
Only one point of global interest requires a short comment … the ridiculous Taiwan bullshit staged by empire has now insured a “special military operation” by China if there is even a hint of independence from China by the Taiwan government.
A “public health emergency” for empire has been declared over monkeypox, although there is much doubt that the objectives of the NTI document (refer to the essential Fascist library) can be accomplished. Monkeypox appears to be a subordinate fearmongering campaign that will augment the new upcoming “super-duper corona” hoax. As stated previously in Notes, the Fascists will be attacking from all fronts.
On the food front, a new discovery has been made. Many food products have changed rather recently to include GMO (read: “bioengineered”) ingredients. Yes, people should check the ingredients label to confirm whether the product(s) includes any GMOs. Many previously relied upon food products can no longer be purchased, no less consumed.
The health “authorities” in Hawai’i have indicated that cases of “super-duper corona” have dropped to about 500 daily. Of course, all of that data is bullshit anyway. Many fools are feverishly testing themselves at home with free fast antigen tests. None of them are self-reporting. And, face mask usage appears to be increasing. There’s just no hope for the “woke” morons.
Medicare continues to send e-mail to all senior citizens about getting “vaccinated” and “boostered” for “super-duper corona.” The depopulation agenda is obviously continuing unabated.
Addendum: Many videos have been deleted from the Notes archive to reduce clutter. Only the most important, for the purpose of legacy, shall remain.
Update: Here comes polio! Sheesh!