Saturday, August 21

Spooky Kabuki

Local hospitals are now declaring a “state of emergency” as alleged “delta variant” patients supposedly overtake hospital ICU capacity. Thirty “leading” local physicians made an emotional appeal for the “unvaccinated” to “stop being selfish” and “get the jab.” The endless kabuki-rona theater is becoming more absurd by the day.

In three days, the Pfizer® mRNA “gene therapy” will gain full FDA approval as a vaccine without any animal or long-term human trials. In the old days, … that is, before 2020 … many years of strict trial protocols were required before approval was granted. Not so anymore.

So, once FDA approval is granted, all “vaccine” mandates become law. The “vaccine passport” will be a legal and binding instrument. Once the digital “passport” is activated, it becomes a dynamic tracker. The passport will automatically invalidate itself if mandatory “booster” requirements are not met. In other words, any and all subsequent “jabs” must be accepted unconditionally or all individual rights will be suspended.

Bear in mind that five years from now, when the “zeta” or some other Greek-letter “variant” is in vogue, the “boosters” will probably be coming in at one-month intervals. They will be same mRNA “vaccines” that cause human cells to create trillions of rogue spike proteins that end up circulating in the body. Oh, by the way, people will still be required to wear face masks, probably full-time. “Social distancing” will come back “with a vengeance,” too. There is no return to freedom.

The expectation is that all public and private venues will eventually not allow anyone to enter without a valid “vaccine passport” because that will be a crime. There will be no way for the “unvaccinated” to even purchase food. Health services will also be denied. And, rental housing will be legally obligated to deny housing or evict current tenants who are “unvaccinated.”

The days of the “unvaccinated” are numbered. New laws will require retroactive “jabs” until cumulative “immunizations” are met. There will be no informed consent. Failure to voluntarily comply will result in forced “jabs” during incarceration. The Fascist ruling élite expects 100% “vaccinations” amongst the rank-and-file peons, with absolutely no exceptions.

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