Friday, August 20

Passport Endgame

The governor of Hawai’i has been given a set of proposed policies for a “vaccine passport” (similar to the one in New York City) to be deployed as early as two weeks. Restaurants, bars, and gyms will be targeted, even though so-called “clusters” of “super-duper corona” have not appeared in any of those places. The true purpose is to punish the “unvaccinated.”

“Lockdowns” are to be avoided for obvious political reasons as discussed in Notes yesterday. There is just no way that tourism will be shut down again. There is already a digital “vaccine passport” in use now for tourists. So, theoretically, all of them are “vaccinated.”

Currently, about 39% of the local population remains “unvaccinated.” The Fascists are attempting to coerce the “unvaccinated” to capitulate to a potentially dangerous concoction without informed consent. How many will subjugate themselves before their masters?

The personal decision to avoid the experimental mRNA “vaccine” still stands. There is much evidence that the “gene therapy” is causing adverse reactions that outweigh the risk (which is relatively low) of “super-duper corona” itself. The “vaccine” has a more nefarious purpose.

Not being able to work out at the gym will be a major inconvenience. And, being a senior citizen, the toll on fitness will be devastating. Some undetermined workout equipment will be procured once the official “vaccine passport” mandate is announced.

The assumption has to be made that the “vaccine passport” mandate will expand to all indoor venues and public transportation. Thus, there will be no way to purchase food. And, travel will be limited to walking. So, the need to hastily leave Hawai’i will become manifest fairly soon. Quite a nightmare, eh?

Addendum: The “vaccine” verification method will quickly move from paper to some kind of “app” very quickly. With the “booster” injections coming online, tracking updated “vaccinations” will become imperative. As the “boosters” become more frequent, a universal health ID “passport” will be deployed.

Update: The Pfizer® flavor of the experimental mRNA “vaccine” will have full FDA approval next week, even without animal and long-term human trials. All “vaccine” mandates will have the full power of the law for enforcement.

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