Tuesday, August 17

More Lies

The lies from the Fascist ruling élite are becoming more brazen and more ludicrous. Yet, the rank-and-file peons, so overcome by thanatophobia (fear of death), have accepted those fabrications and even defend them. How can they be so stupid? Well, because they are so stupid.

Take the latest lie … the “super-duper corona” mutations or “variants” have festered, like in a Petri dish, in the “unvaccinated.” The mutations are actually occurring because of “immune escape” in the “vaccinated.” That is the main reason why mass vaccinations during a pandemic should be avoided.

The experimental mRNA “vaccine” utilizes “gene therapy” to coerce human cells to create the toxic spike protein in an effort to promote antibody generation against said spike protein. Since the “vaccine” does not promote antibody generation for the virus itself, the unaffected virus will mutate. Little wonder why the recorded mutations have only affected the outer spike proteins.

The second lie is that the “variants” are deadlier. When viruses mutate under duress to survive, they become more contagious but less lethal. That is an epidemiological fact. The virus intends to survive and reproduce. It cannot do so if it kills all of the hosts.

The third lie is the slogan, “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The same propaganda is being spouted off in nation-states that have nearly 90% of the population “vaccinated.” The truth of the matter is that the “vaccinated” are the clear majority of SARS-2 infections. What about the bogus statistics? All propaganda! The statistics are including all “super-duper corona” data since January 1st, well before the mass “vaccination” campaign began. That’s the basis of the claim that the majority of “cases” are amongst the “unvaccinated.” The truth is that the highest “vaccinated” populations are exhibiting a surge in “cases” (bogus PCR test notwithstanding) of “variants.” Again, this is “immune escape” in action.

The fourth lie is that survivors of “super-duper corona” must be “vaccinated.” Anyone who was infected with “super-duper corona” has developed a natural immunity to the latter. The immunity is against the virus, not just the spike protein, so “variants” are naturally included. Subsequent “vaccination” will likely trigger “pathogenic priming” or “antibody-dependent enhancement,” which could be fatal.

The lies are obviously disseminated from the “top of the food chain.” It’s a coordinated effort in the “West” and its associated vassal states. Peak fearmongering is used to subjugate the masses and render them inert. The present overt objective is 100% “vaccination.” Obviously, there is a reason, and it’s nefarious.

Why is the ruling élite getting away with these lies? Because people are really that stupid these days. What else could explain the “woke” bullshit? Rampant stupidity is going to aid in accelerating the collapse (read: controlled demolition) desired by the Fascists. The stupid fools will embrace their overlords as “saviors,” which is just Stockholm Syndrome. Stupid, very stupid.

Addendum: No comment on the hasty withdrawal by empire from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The gasbags at the various “fake news” media have that covered in the usual obfuscating way. The Daily Stormer has better coverage.

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