Tuesday, August 31

Bag of Shit 2021

The “vaccination” statistics for Hawai’i indicate that 87% of adults (18 years of age and older) and 97% of senior citizens over 60 years of age are fully “vaccinated.” Overall, 62% of the population are fully “vaccinated.”

So, here are the venues affected by the “Safe Access O’ahu” mandate (read: ”vaccine passport”) issued by the turncoat mayor of Honolulu:

  • Restaurants and bars (takeout is exempt)
  • Gyms and fitness facilities, including dance studios
  • Bowling alleys, arcades, and billiards halls
  • Movie theaters
  • Museums
  • Indoor portions of botanical gardens, zoos or other attractions.

You really can’t trust these mofos as far as you can throw them. Say, what’s the difference between a politician and a bag of shit? The bag!

As can plainly be ascertained, the target of the mandate is the 12- to 40-year-old age cohort. And, when Comirnaty is “approved” for youngsters under the age of 12 years, the Fascists will target them as well. What could be the purpose of such an evil campaign other than eugenics?

What is truly amazing is that private businesses are now being told by the Fascists exactly who can and cannot be their customers. And, they are being told that their employees must be “vaccinated,” tested regularly, or be terminated.

Reviewing the “vaccine” cards of customers will be cumbersome and, obviously, affect customer service. That’s all by design. Businesses will then appeal to the Fascists to provide a digital solution for the problem. Voilà! That’s when the digital “vaccine passport” will miraculously appear and mark the beginning of the universal digital health ID. Welcome to the “Great Reset”!

Finally, a quick look at a handful of comments concerning Mayor Mofo’s mandate:

Those spike proteins created by the mRNA “vaccine” have definitely crossed the blood-brain barrier. Lots of blood micro-clots killing the neurons. Let’s hope that these morons “kick the bucket” from the “vaccine” expeditiously. Good riddance!

Addendum: There is limited free PCR testing for the general public and usually for a short duration. Otherwise, the cost for the test is $140 on average. So, there will be no way to work out at the gym, most likely indefinitely.

Monday, August 30

Game Really Over!

No Face Mask Party Time!

Yesterday, a big (illegal) party at Kaiwi State Park with hundreds of attendees, mostly university students, was shut down by the “super-duper corona” police force. No face masks, no “social distancing” … it was a “super spreader” event. Oh, the horror! There was a lot of outrage (mostly about how many people will die from “delta” as a result) expressed by local residents as witnessed through on-line comments on the usual “fake news” site.

Well, here it is! The new mayor of Honolulu has announced the debut of “vaccine passports” for the entire island. Effective September 13th, patrons must present proof of “vaccination” or a negative PCR test (with a 48-hour window) in order to enter a long undisclosed list of establishments. People opting out of “vaccination” will be required to submit to PCR testing at least every two days to lead a “normal” life. The mayor also shilled for the “vaccine.” There was much jubilation expressed by the “vaccinated.”

What most of the fools don’t realize is that the new mandate will be permanent no matter what anyone says. Yeah, the “emergency order” states 60 days, but only a moron refuses to understand that it will be renewed ad infinitum. Heck, the entire hoax has been on-going for 1.5 years now. In addition, the mayor stated that, after the 60-day period, “vaccinations” will become fully mandatory (i.e., no testing option) if “infection counts” aren’t reduced significantly.

There will most likely be a standardized passport in the form of an “app” for “smartphones” very soon. Then, people will be required to submit to scheduled “booster” shots of the “vaccine” or the “passport” will be automatically invalidated. Total enslavement to the Fascists has been accomplished willingly by the masses without even a whimper. This is what the Comirnatarians wanted, then this is what they’ll get.

Sunday, August 29


There is an urgent need to understand what the Fascist ruling élite are conniving and by what means. Hints are always provided. For example, a list of potential “terror threats” details the kind of thinking that is no longer acceptable to the Fascists and their moronic followers.

All means will be exploited to identify and neutralize all “terrorist.” The ubiquitous “smartphone” will be instrumental in corralling a large number of “terrorists,” actually just everyday people who “think different.” The new on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanner devised by Apple® is coincidentally being deployed as the various “terror threats” are coming to a head. The AI scanner will be repurposed through simple OS “security updates.” Switching to the Android platform is fruitless. The new Google® “smartphones” (with new Tensor SoC processor) will have extensive on-device AI capabilities, too. So, there’s no escape.

Well, the frantic effort to change all on-line account profiles to include only a ProtonMail address is complete. Built-in PGP encryption has been enabled for communication with users of different e-mail services. And, ProtonVPN is also fully operational.

Incidentally, iCloud e-mail has had server-side scanning for many years. So, the latter service will not be used for any personal e-mail. The Messages and Photos “apps” will have on-device scanning capability when iOS 15 is introduced next month. Thus, iMessage and FaceTime have been disabled. The Find My “app” will be disabled as well. All personal data has been removed from the iPhone 12 and all syncing has been disabled. Only one file, the tax spreadsheet (numeric data only) remains on iCloud Drive. Yeah, once everything is disabled and all personal data is removed, the iPhone 12 is a pretty good device.

The plan to collect and merge all data on every individual has often been dismissed as another “conspiracy theory.” Fools who quickly dismiss everything that has not been sanctioned in the “mainstream” should reflect on the fact that many, many “conspiracy theories” have turned out to be real conspiracies. There is no denying that the global ruling élite have nefarious plans for all rank-and-file peons and “useless eaters.” Here is where it all starts.

Addendum: Here’s a screenshot of the headlines today in the local “fake news”media:

The article(s) must always be read carefully, and revealing phrases such as “coronavirus-related deaths” and “probable infections” must be parsed. The on-line comments must also be perused to understand the sheer terror amongst the fools. This is fearmongering at its finest!

Update: The new mayor of Honolulu has sold out. He announced that “vaccine passports” are coming very soon, with the first restrictions to be instituted at all bars, restaurants, and gyms. His ultimate goal is to restrict the “unvaccinated” from all businesses.

Thursday, August 26

Not So Bad

A reluctant visit to the Makahiki Clinic this morning for a dental (teeth cleaning) appointment … well, not so bad after all. The “super-duper corona” precautions are still in place, so no surprise there. Might as well take advantage of what’s available before the Fascistic “vaccine passports” are required to even enter the clinic.

The dining area of the fast food joint near the clinic was open, which was a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately, that was not known in advance. So, only ten minutes of time was spent there for an abbreviated coffee time.

So far, there has been no “knee jerk” reactions by the “officials” insofar as the surge of “super-duper corona” cases is concerned. More business entities are establishing “vaccine” mandates, but the weekly PCR testing is offered as an opt-out. So, there is still a little time before the “vaccine passports” come on-line. A “lockdown” is expected before the end of the year. That will be the only window of opportunity to flee the islands comfortably.

The lieutenant governor of Hawai’i has been subjected to “anti-semitism” and “hate speech,” according to the local “fake news” media. Well, he is a devout Comirnatarian and a “quack.” And, he’s been extremely visible lately because of gubernatorial aspirations. Of course, any time there is opposition to ruling élite, local or global, the “anti-semitism” bullshit pops up out of nowhere. Maybe there really is a “Jewish problem” as vehemently expressed by alleged “fringe” groups.

Miscellany: The personal e-mail address used for any and all on-line accounts has been changed to reflect the newest ProtonMail account. The S/MIME encryption scheme for iCloud Mail has been removed as well. The iCloud Mail account is now defunct.

Wednesday, August 25

Comirnaty or Molech?

The “vaccinated” (aka “vaxxers”) have become a religious cult. They now form a unified congregation of the Church of Comirnaty. The fanatics spew the same vitriol, the same hatred, the same death wish, upon all of the “unvaccinated.” The Comirnatarians support each other with the same lies, the same religious hymns, the same doctrinal reassurances, delivered “unto them from above.” Now, with the alleged approval of the “vaccine,” the pious zealots have become dangerous.

Contrast that to the (now deduct) Temple of Molech. There was no vitriol. No overzealous fanatics. No hatred. No “holy rollers.” Just lots of young hotties, and one High Priest. Sadly, the Temple was “deplatformed.” Obviously, that kind of content cannot be permitted when societal collapse is the prime directive of the ruling élite.

Urgent: Of grave importance to all, there is now unbiased clarification available about the shady FDA approval of the vaccine. The reference article appears on the Global Research site. Here is some relevant information:
Here’s what you need to know when somebody orders you to get the vaccine: Ask to see the vial. If it says “Comirnaty,” it’s a licensed product.

If it says “Pfizer-BioNTech,” it’s an experimental product, and under 21 U.S. Code 360bbb, you have the right to refuse.

If it comes from Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (marketed as Janssen), you have the right to refuse.
A licensed product does not have a liability shield. So, chances are, even though Comirnaty is licensed, most people will not be injected with it. Instead, an EUA product will be substituted.

Miscellany: All countermeasures have been activated to maintain security and privacy on the iPhone 12 as detailed previously in Notes. There is much certainty that the AI on-device scanning utility will be repurposed. The trigger event will most likely be related to the apprehension of rogue “anti-vaxxers” (read: remnant “unvaccinated”) once the full “vaccine” regime commences. This way to the “quarantine camp” …

Tuesday, August 24


Governor of Hawai’i

The governor of Hawai’i is asking potential tourists to delay their vacations to the islands until the end of October. That was the crux of his press conference yesterday. He also urged residents to get “vaccinated.” The governor most likely understands that a large number of the 38% “unvaccinated” residents are registered Democrats, so he must tread lightly or alienate his base. Invoking a Draconian “vaccine passport” could have serious political ramifications.

The new mayor of Honolulu has banned large gatherings for four weeks, which seems reasonable. The mayor, apparently a Republican, has kept a low profile since assuming office. He has not overreacted to the “super-duper corona” plan-demic like his predecessor. Right now, he appears to be staving off the rabid calls for “vaccine passports.” Thank Molech!

The lieutenant governor, however, is a shill for the “vaccine” and a vocal advocate for “vaccine passports.” He is allegedly a practicing physician, but comes off as a “quack.” Hopefully his pitiful behavior will unwittingly end his plans for the governor’s office.

In any case, the FDA approval of the Comirnaty “vaccine” will proliferate “vaccine” mandates by businesses upon their hapless employees. That should buy some time before the universal “vaccine” mandate is introduced.

The latest news about Apple® involves “kiddie porn” scanning of incoming and outgoing iCloud e-mail on the Mail “app.” That practice has been going on for a couple of years now. However, scanning for elusive forbidden words in e-mail and attachments has been observed since 2013 at the least. As far as the new on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanners are concerned, there has been silence. The assumption is that there’s no turning back. So, there is much certainty that a very hidden agenda is at play.

Miscellany: iPhone 12 battery health is now down to 88% of maximum.

Update: According to Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA gene therapy technology, the FDA full approval of the Comirnaty “vaccine” is for a BioNTech® product that has not been put in production yet. The Pfizer® experimental mRNA “vaccine” is still under EUA and will continue to be distributed. Although both “vaccines” are identical, the issue is the EUA liability shield. Pfizer® has also filed for EUA for its “vaccine” to be made available to young people aged 12 to 15 years.

Monday, August 23

Unsafe & Ineffective


Yes, “safe and effective.” All of the data in the VAERS database (probably as little as 10% of total actual events) is “coincidental” and does not prove causation. The mRNA “vaccine” is safe and effective. So goes the propaganda that is now being spewed out continuously by the shills of the ruling order. 

Now, here is what Belgium virologist Dr. Vanden Bossche had to say:
“… every person out there who is ‘partially’ or ‘fully’ vaccinated is a walking disease incubation system that puts everyone else at risk of contracting a deadly, vaccine-caused ‘variant’ that could kill them. The ‘vaccinated’ are walking murderers spreading disease to others. Getting injected for the Fauci Flu is not only foolish; it is also a form of murder in that unvaccinated people are now at risk of contracting the deadly diseases being manufactured inside the bodies of the vaccinated. If Trump had never introduced the vaccine in the first place, the pandemic would have long ago fizzled out. Since his vaccines continue to be pushed … however, the ‘Delta’ variant is spreading like wildfire, soon to be followed by other ‘variants’ as we enter the fall season.”
There is no way to refute that the immediate goal of the global ruling élite is 100% “vaccination” of the masses. Is that the only goal? Obviously not. The agenda for 100% “vaccination” must be seriously scrutinized. Why 100%? There’s more to the story than just “Big Pharma” greed. The only other possible reason is a eugenics pogrom.

There is some kind of strict timeline along which certain goals must be met. The target of 100% “vaccination” is to be met sometime before the end of the year. There will be more fearmongering, ubiquitous “vaccines passports,” and “lockdowns” to intimidate the “unvaccinated.” Most of the “vaccine hesitant” will capitulate. The remnant will likely be corralled into “quarantine camps” for forced “vaccinations.”

As for Hawai’i, the surge in “super-duper corona” is directly correlated with the surge in “vaccinations.” That trend is being observed in all of the nation-states that are heavily “vaccinated.” The “cases” will continue to rise as more people are “vaccine” coerced. It’s all in the playbook handed down from the ruling élite.

As to be expected, the FDA granted full approval for the Pfizer® “vaccine” (now labeled as “Comirnaty”). All other “vaccines” will be also approved expeditiously. There’s no need for any long-term trial data. Trial data was tainted when the control group was urged to get “vaccinated,” as reported previously in Notes. The “vaccine” mandates are going to come down hard now. And, don’t discard the notion of more “lockdowns.” Yeah, all in the playbook.

Addendum: The Hawai’i Pandemic Applied Modeling Work Group has announced that it predicts daily “cases” of “super-duper corona” will peak at 3,700 in October. Computer modeling … yeah. The fearmongering is ramping up again, and the masses are trembling!

Miscellany: The formerly-homeless buddy was in town yesterday. He brought a homegrown Wailua mango as a gift.

Saturday, August 21

Spooky Kabuki

Local hospitals are now declaring a “state of emergency” as alleged “delta variant” patients supposedly overtake hospital ICU capacity. Thirty “leading” local physicians made an emotional appeal for the “unvaccinated” to “stop being selfish” and “get the jab.” The endless kabuki-rona theater is becoming more absurd by the day.

In three days, the Pfizer® mRNA “gene therapy” will gain full FDA approval as a vaccine without any animal or long-term human trials. In the old days, … that is, before 2020 … many years of strict trial protocols were required before approval was granted. Not so anymore.

So, once FDA approval is granted, all “vaccine” mandates become law. The “vaccine passport” will be a legal and binding instrument. Once the digital “passport” is activated, it becomes a dynamic tracker. The passport will automatically invalidate itself if mandatory “booster” requirements are not met. In other words, any and all subsequent “jabs” must be accepted unconditionally or all individual rights will be suspended.

Bear in mind that five years from now, when the “zeta” or some other Greek-letter “variant” is in vogue, the “boosters” will probably be coming in at one-month intervals. They will be same mRNA “vaccines” that cause human cells to create trillions of rogue spike proteins that end up circulating in the body. Oh, by the way, people will still be required to wear face masks, probably full-time. “Social distancing” will come back “with a vengeance,” too. There is no return to freedom.

The expectation is that all public and private venues will eventually not allow anyone to enter without a valid “vaccine passport” because that will be a crime. There will be no way for the “unvaccinated” to even purchase food. Health services will also be denied. And, rental housing will be legally obligated to deny housing or evict current tenants who are “unvaccinated.”

The days of the “unvaccinated” are numbered. New laws will require retroactive “jabs” until cumulative “immunizations” are met. There will be no informed consent. Failure to voluntarily comply will result in forced “jabs” during incarceration. The Fascist ruling élite expects 100% “vaccinations” amongst the rank-and-file peons, with absolutely no exceptions.

Friday, August 20

Passport Endgame

The governor of Hawai’i has been given a set of proposed policies for a “vaccine passport” (similar to the one in New York City) to be deployed as early as two weeks. Restaurants, bars, and gyms will be targeted, even though so-called “clusters” of “super-duper corona” have not appeared in any of those places. The true purpose is to punish the “unvaccinated.”

“Lockdowns” are to be avoided for obvious political reasons as discussed in Notes yesterday. There is just no way that tourism will be shut down again. There is already a digital “vaccine passport” in use now for tourists. So, theoretically, all of them are “vaccinated.”

Currently, about 39% of the local population remains “unvaccinated.” The Fascists are attempting to coerce the “unvaccinated” to capitulate to a potentially dangerous concoction without informed consent. How many will subjugate themselves before their masters?

The personal decision to avoid the experimental mRNA “vaccine” still stands. There is much evidence that the “gene therapy” is causing adverse reactions that outweigh the risk (which is relatively low) of “super-duper corona” itself. The “vaccine” has a more nefarious purpose.

Not being able to work out at the gym will be a major inconvenience. And, being a senior citizen, the toll on fitness will be devastating. Some undetermined workout equipment will be procured once the official “vaccine passport” mandate is announced.

The assumption has to be made that the “vaccine passport” mandate will expand to all indoor venues and public transportation. Thus, there will be no way to purchase food. And, travel will be limited to walking. So, the need to hastily leave Hawai’i will become manifest fairly soon. Quite a nightmare, eh?

Addendum: The “vaccine” verification method will quickly move from paper to some kind of “app” very quickly. With the “booster” injections coming online, tracking updated “vaccinations” will become imperative. As the “boosters” become more frequent, a universal health ID “passport” will be deployed.

Update: The Pfizer® flavor of the experimental mRNA “vaccine” will have full FDA approval next week, even without animal and long-term human trials. All “vaccine” mandates will have the full power of the law for enforcement.

Thursday, August 19

Più Fiasco

The “case” count, using the bogus PCR test, has been between 600 and 800 daily. The Straub Hospital has announced that its ICU is full. Yet, the governor of Hawai’i and the mayor of Honolulu are MIA. Contrast that with last year when the daily “case” tally was below 50 and there were press conferences every day, sometimes twice in one day.

To say that the local residents are panicking would be an understatement. The on-line comments on the local “fake news” sites are filled with fear, rage, ignorance of facts, and a lot of “foaming at the mouth.” The fools are clamoring for a full-time face mask mandate, mandatory “vaccinations,” and … “lockdown.” They become completely “unhinged” when left without any comforting words from the governor and mayor.

No doubt, there is some deliberation going on about another “lockdown,” but such a mandate won’t be easy. There are about half-million tourists here with more coming daily. Last year, when the “lockdown” was mandated here, the entire mainland empire was already incarcerated. Most of the tourists had already departed because of the uncertainty in their point of origin. A “lockdown” … say, commencing tomorrow … would cause chaos and confusion. Even a curfew would be disastrous. Not to mention the huge public relations fiasco resulting from masses of angry tourists.

Then, there’s Apple® … now caught up its own public relations fiasco. Numerous advocacy groups for privacy have petitioned the latter to forgo the deployment of the on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanner. Yet, the elitist technology firm just continues to “double down” on its plans. Sort of like the experimental mRNA “vaccine,” eh?

Dinner was courtesy Panda Express® in Ala Moana Center. Then, a trip to town to for some micro-shopping. Small pleasures, such as being out and about, must be enjoyed before the Fascists increase their oppression of the masses.

The viewing of the “Battlestar Galactica” series has been put on hold. The Daily Stormer site has provided much more entertainment. Yeah, these are shitty times.

Wednesday, August 18



The headline article yesterday in the local “fake news” media … all the ICU beds in Queens Medical Center, the largest hospital in Hawai’i, are occupied. The implication is that “super-duper corona” is now out of control. Pavlovian panic ensued amongst the rank-and-file peons. “Lockdown,” anyone?

Abrien Aguirre, alleged whistleblower here in Hawai’i, discussed some of the questionable practices concerning “super-duper corona” that occurred in several senior citizen care facilities on O’ahu. The sound quality is marred by extreme background noises. However, the video clip has had wide exposure, but there is no coverage from any local “fake news” sources. Original article appeared on the Global Research site.

Addendum: About 500 medical personnel have arrived in Hawai’i to assist with the allegedly overwhelmed hospitals.

Miscellany: A free ProtonVPN account was established and the VPN was installed manually on the iPhone 12 device (in lieu of the associated “app”). The VPN has been set up for emergency use only.

Tuesday, August 17

More Lies

The lies from the Fascist ruling élite are becoming more brazen and more ludicrous. Yet, the rank-and-file peons, so overcome by thanatophobia (fear of death), have accepted those fabrications and even defend them. How can they be so stupid? Well, because they are so stupid.

Take the latest lie … the “super-duper corona” mutations or “variants” have festered, like in a Petri dish, in the “unvaccinated.” The mutations are actually occurring because of “immune escape” in the “vaccinated.” That is the main reason why mass vaccinations during a pandemic should be avoided.

The experimental mRNA “vaccine” utilizes “gene therapy” to coerce human cells to create the toxic spike protein in an effort to promote antibody generation against said spike protein. Since the “vaccine” does not promote antibody generation for the virus itself, the unaffected virus will mutate. Little wonder why the recorded mutations have only affected the outer spike proteins.

The second lie is that the “variants” are deadlier. When viruses mutate under duress to survive, they become more contagious but less lethal. That is an epidemiological fact. The virus intends to survive and reproduce. It cannot do so if it kills all of the hosts.

The third lie is the slogan, “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The same propaganda is being spouted off in nation-states that have nearly 90% of the population “vaccinated.” The truth of the matter is that the “vaccinated” are the clear majority of SARS-2 infections. What about the bogus statistics? All propaganda! The statistics are including all “super-duper corona” data since January 1st, well before the mass “vaccination” campaign began. That’s the basis of the claim that the majority of “cases” are amongst the “unvaccinated.” The truth is that the highest “vaccinated” populations are exhibiting a surge in “cases” (bogus PCR test notwithstanding) of “variants.” Again, this is “immune escape” in action.

The fourth lie is that survivors of “super-duper corona” must be “vaccinated.” Anyone who was infected with “super-duper corona” has developed a natural immunity to the latter. The immunity is against the virus, not just the spike protein, so “variants” are naturally included. Subsequent “vaccination” will likely trigger “pathogenic priming” or “antibody-dependent enhancement,” which could be fatal.

The lies are obviously disseminated from the “top of the food chain.” It’s a coordinated effort in the “West” and its associated vassal states. Peak fearmongering is used to subjugate the masses and render them inert. The present overt objective is 100% “vaccination.” Obviously, there is a reason, and it’s nefarious.

Why is the ruling élite getting away with these lies? Because people are really that stupid these days. What else could explain the “woke” bullshit? Rampant stupidity is going to aid in accelerating the collapse (read: controlled demolition) desired by the Fascists. The stupid fools will embrace their overlords as “saviors,” which is just Stockholm Syndrome. Stupid, very stupid.

Addendum: No comment on the hasty withdrawal by empire from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The gasbags at the various “fake news” media have that covered in the usual obfuscating way. The Daily Stormer has better coverage.

Monday, August 16

Friend or Foe

There was much relief upon encountering the formerly-homeless buddy in town yesterday. The last encounter was 1.3 years ago. Along with several chronic health issues, he now has full-on Type II diabetes. He is also fully “vaccinated.” Most of the time, though, was spent catching up on what’s been going on for the past few months insofar as respective lives are concerned.

The formerly-homeless buddy is about as close to a real friend as possible. Others are acquaintances. Sad, eh? The current state-of-affairs just doesn’t provide for much more. Who can be trusted when violent rifts occur over a bogus “vaccine”?

On the personal front, nothing has changed since self-sufficiency policies were invoked. The sole revision is the procurement of coffee at the fast food joint in town every morning. The latter activity adds $30 to monthly expenditures. Heck, severe “super-duper corona” restrictions could be mandated any day now. So, a minor deviation can be forgiven.

The entirety of humanity is moving in the wrong direction, obviously the result of “top down” planning. The Fascist ruling élite appear to be winning. And, the masses … the fools who comprise the rank-and-file peons … are “all in.” Perhaps the time has come for the chimpo sapiens to go extinct.

Sunday, August 15

Shit Hits Fan

Well, the “shit has hit the fan.” One participant was stabbed to death during the violent clash between “anti-vaxxers” and (according to police) “antifa” in LA during the “Medical Freedom” protest. That’s the way it has to be now. The days of “civil disobedience” are long gone. The “vaxxers” want to kill the “anti-vaxxers” anyway, so new asymmetric methods are now necessary. By the way, the Fascist ruling élite is loving every minute of the endless entertainment provided by the rank-and-file peons.

The Daily Stormer (DS) is warning its readership to move out of any city immediately. DS is pointing to other nation-states such as France, Canada, and Australia as a preview of what is coming to empire very soon. No argument here.

Notes continued analysis of the Apple® on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanner has not increased confidence in the latter as either being limited in scope or in-line with company privacy policy. In fact, the AI scanner is looking more and more like a temporarily purposed covert surveillance mechanism. It can obviously be increased in scope to scan more than photos. The AI scanner that will sit between the Messages “app” and the user is much more nefarious. It will be able to intercept real-time communications traffic and can be repurposed for scanning much more than nude photos. In addition, it also negates any claim of “end-to-end encryption.” All user recommendations still stand.

Of course, much of what is transpiring has been exposed by Catherine Austin Fitts. The key point is that Fitts is concentrating on what is transpiring at the “top of the food chain.” An interesting four-part report by journalist Corey Lynn summarizes those events. The report was written for the Solari Report. Again, no argument here.

Miscellany: A chance encounter this morning with the formerly-homeless buddy provided assurance that he is alive and well. Thank Molech!

Saturday, August 14

Notes Retro Music Break

Sade — Sweetest Taboo

Friday, August 13


Sinister Kahuna Day … with 1,167 “cases” of “super-duper corona” detected by the bogus PCR test, there truly is something sinister going on. Yes, that’s the tally for today in Hawai’i. Predictably, with the increased fearmongering on local “fake news” media, people have been flocking en masse to PCR testing facilities. Surely “lockdown” is around the corner. That’s been the game plan all along.

People really need to collect their wits and act sanely. Panic is already ensuing. The first proactive solution for everyone concerned is to set up a telemedicine appointment and obtain a prescription for hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. No local clinic or hospital will do anything for outpatients except to tell the latter to quarantine at home until the illness become intolerable. Then, they can be admitted to a hospital emergency room. Outpatient self-treatment is effective and certainly is more productive than waiting around to die. The other components of prophylaxis can be obtained “over the counter.”

Incidentally, the wait is on now for the first business entity in Hawai’i to require “vaccine” documentation for all its customers. When one business sets the precedent, then all the others will follow.

Addendum: The backlash concerning the iPhone on-device AI “kiddie porn” scanner is becoming a real scandal. Now, an Apple® executive has stated that the AI scanner is an “advancement” in privacy. Truly Orwellian doublespeak. The AI scanner is a “Trojan Horse.”

Thursday, August 12


There was some anxiety about on-line security during the past few days, no doubt exasperated by senior citizen syndrome. Thus, a temporary reprieve with a “walk back” to the old status quo has been established. At this time, no phone calls are made, and no text messages or personal e-mail sent. However, the ability to invoke secure communications at a moment’s notice is now a certainty. No telling when martial law could be invoked.

Apple® AI Scanner

There is still a big problem with the Apple® AI “kiddie porn” on-device scanner. The reference database is for existing photographs. A true pedophile would be creating new depraved content that is non-existent on the database. The new content will bypass the AI scanner. So, what’s the point?

Well, the only good news is that the governor of Hawai’i has signed Act 147 into law, which makes intentionally or knowingly causing bodily injury to anyone age 60 or older a Class C felony. With violent crime on the rise, the new law may become personally relevant.

With each passing day, more alternative news and opinion sources on the Net are being culled from the acceptable list. The “vaccine” issue appears to have exposed the hypocrisy of those sites when self-censorship is applied to content that deviates from the preferred narrative. Will the Daily Stormer be the only source remaining?

Addendum: The CDC has issued “guidance” for “pregnant people” which recommends becoming fully “vaccinated” with the experimental mRNA “vaccine.” What? There are no long-term human or animal trial data available for the “vaccine.” The motives of the ruling élite are becoming more transparent, eh?

Tuesday, August 10

Déjà Vu Redux

The governor of Hawai’i announced that a blanket emergency order is in effect which now limits the number of people in gatherings indoors to 10 and 25 outdoors. Maximum capacity for all business venues is 50 percent. The gauntlet is ready to drop. And, the pathetic mandates are going to be rolling out fairly quickly from this point forward. Another “lockdown” is also a possibility. So, here we go again!

Waikiki is, of course, jammed with tourists. Arrivals are now at 30,000 visitors per day. Thus, on any given day, there are over 450,000 tourists. The crowds are already unmanageable. So, what will happen with the new restrictions or a “lockdown”? Total clusterfuck!

Well, the main event of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic will be the full FDA “approval” of the experimental mRNA “vaccine” about three weeks from now. Then, the mandatory “vaccination” pogrom and the “vaccine passports” will follow immediately. Of course, forced “vaccinations” are in the works.

That is why Apple® is pushing the bogus AI “kiddie porn” scanner on all iPhone owners. It is “for the greater good,” just like the upcoming mandatory “vaccination” pogrom. The AI scanner will be quickly repurposed when the “unvaccinated” become belligerent, again “for the greater good.” Then, the roundup of these “dissidents,” these “terrorists,” will commence in earnest. The AI scanner will aid in tracking and identifying the perpetrators as well as accumulate “evidence.”

Naturally, all “smartphones,” regardless of branding, will be instrumental in adopting the universal “vaccine passport,” the precursor to the upcoming universal “digital ID” with a “social credit” system.

Addendum: Although its privacy is compromised, iMessage will be deployed on a temporary basis. Messaging is rare anyway. Personal e-mail correspondence will require the establishment of S/MIME encryption from this point forward.

Monday, August 9

Surviving iPhone Tyranny

iPhone 12

In a senile move worthy of any senior citizen, the Proton Mail migration was mummified. All on-line accounts will continue to use iCloud Mail. A free s/mime encryption certificate from Actalis was obtained and installed in the Mail “app” on the iPhone 12 using instructions from MacObserver. The certificate is good for one year, and it allows for full S/MIME-encrypted e-mail. Keyword scans by the Fascists will not be possible with content encryption. Thus, the ability to safely communicate with allies is plausible when the Fascist “gauntlet” eventually drops. Everyone should consider doing the same, and everyone should acquaint themselves with the tedious procedure for communicating by encrypted e-mail. Tedious, but life-saving.

There are only two on-line accounts currently tied to Yahoo! Mail, and that will change shortly. Then, that e-mail account will be mummified. There is still an active GMail account, but it is not used for anything. It will most likely be mummified. Everyone is advised to do the same. By the way, ProtonMail is probably the best free and secure e-mail service.

The upcoming Apple® on-device AI scanner will also be deployed in the Messages “app.” It will scan iMessage and regular SMS text messages. The only safeguard is to use the Signal messaging “app.” Unfortunately, in iOS, it cannot replace Messages. Thus, conversations can only be with other Signal users. The “app” was installed briefly just for orientation purposes. As the Fascist tyranny unfolds, the “app” will be reinstalled and deployed.

All iPhone users are encouraged to follow the suggestions listed above. In addition, all system “apps” should be disconnected from iCloud synchronization (except Mail). Simply keep all personal data on-device or stored on a flash drive. Unused or superfluous system “apps” should be deactivated. Siri should be immediately disabled, as well as location services. Do not put any health information in the Health “app.” Do not use the Wallet “app.” Unsubscribe from all Apple® services. FaceTime should be disabled. And, disable photo storage on iCloud. The latter option is what allegedly triggers the on-device AI photo scanner.

Of course, in Orwellian language, Apple® has stated that the on-device AI scanner increases privacy. Yeah, right. All of the components … face and voice recognition, voice transcription, language translation, keystroke monitoring … are already incorporated on the device. Once all of the latter features are deployed by AI, there will be no mitigation.

The new privacy features coming in iOS 15 are seemingly impressive, but not enough to negate the effects of the rogue AI surveillance utility. The iPhone, like all other “smartphones,” should be looked upon as an adversary. The device must be contained and reduced to the barest of functionality, the latter of which must only serve the user.

Addendum: Only one on-line account references Yahoo! Mail. There is also an interest in deploying ProtonVPN.

Sunday, August 8


What is to be made of the latest move by Apple® to allegedly combat pedophilia and child abuse? Every iPhone in the world will eventually be loaded with a utility that searches through the device’s photo library, text messenger, and e-mail client for contraband. The utility will use “machine learning” (read: AI) to compare “hashes” of photos on the device with a database of “hashes” of contraband.

How many pedophiles are there in the world? Millions? That’s the “red flag” here. The reason for the forced install of the utility is to fight evil criminals, albeit a very small minority. Then, “mission creep” becomes operative.

The AI utility has “administrator” privileges on iOS, which means it could access everything on the device including third-party “apps.” The AI tasking is done through a programming language, so the AI utility is not “hard wired” for one particular task. It can easily be reprogrammed to do anything. That’s the beauty of AI, isn’t it?

Thus, what starts out as a search for pedophilia can quickly evolve to a search for “woke” violations, “hate” speech, “racial” supremacy, terrorism, insurrection, and so forth. Every photo, every e-mail, every text message, and possibly every phone call can be monitored or scanned for the “hash” equivalent of allegedly criminal or “politically incorrect“ behavior.

The scenario should be familiar. What started out as “super-duper corona” is now in the “medical tyranny” phase of the plan-demic. All roads lead to total Facism.

The iPhone 12 is now basically a doorstop, which means that it needs to go. In the last year, the entire iPhone experience was miserable. First, the “super-duper corona” API was embedded in iOS. Well, at least the latter can be disabled. Then, the CEO of Apple® began publicly “spouting off” his “woke” bullshit. Then, the rapidly deteriorating battery bullshit. Now, there’s the Orwellian AI on-device scanner which cannot be disabled. When will this nonsense end?

Update: The “super-duper corona” daily “case” tallies have been over 600 for two days, purely rigged by all of the free PCR testing centers that popped up over the last week. The rank-and-file peons are definitely panicking. Full-time face mask usage is close to 100% of the local population. Clearly, there’s something sinister afoot.

Saturday, August 7

Ruses Exposed

Take a good look at the chart (Source: CDC and Insider) and note the most common symptoms of “super-duper corona.” Yes, in most cases, the symptoms are similar to that of the common cold or mild influenza. The latter is what the fear of death panic is about. And, that is the driver for “vaccination” obsession. Nearly the entire planet is under “medical tyranny” because of those symptoms. The actual death rate, even with the “variants,” is too low to even matter.

The State of Hawai’i government “vaccine” mandate for all employees was watered down to provide an “out” for the “unvaccinated.” Employees can substitute weekly (bogus) PCR test results in lieu of “vaccination.” Obviously, the weasel Fascists knew that the experimental mRNA “vaccine” cannot be legally mandated.

The revelation that Apple® will be combatting world-wide pedophilia by scanning every iPhone in existence is clearly stupefying. Are there that many pedophiles outstanding? The whole project looks very suspicious. What seems more likely is that a worthy cause is being exploited to introduce an Orwellian surveillance apparatus to detect “pre-crime,” thought crime, and actual criminal behavior, subsequently reporting the findings to the “authorities.” This is a Police State “wet dream.” Clearly, the time to move away from the iPhone platform has arrived.

Thursday, August 5


On the local front, the “fake news” media is heavily promoting “super-duper corona” PCR test sites. The objective is to rig the daily “case” count higher in order to justify the call for mandatory “vaccination” and “vaccine passports.” The success of the promotion is obvious by the 650+ “cases” tallied as of today. Incidentally, there are only a little over a hundred people in the hospital allegedly related to “super-duper corona.”

On cue, the governor of Hawai’i announced that all State and county employees must be fully vaccinated by August 16th (or require weekly PCR testing). The mandatory “vaccination” pogrom will intensify along with the vilification of the “unvaccinated.”

The speaker of the State House of Representatives is quoting that all elected representatives and their staff must be “vaccinated” by September 30th. Will the State Senate follow? Is the sky blue?

The mayor of Honolulu, probably the only sane elected official remaining at this time, has vowed not to rollback to more restrictive “tiers.” How long will his moderate resistance hold out?

The whole Fascist process is moving much faster than anticipated. “Vaccine passports” could be implemented within a couple of weeks. There may not be any escape from this Fascist hell.

On a side note, the eviction moratorium has been extended in Hawai’i to match that of empire. So, “kick the can” goes on until the end of September. The extensions will go on in perpetuity because there is no solution.

Addendum: Apple® has announced that it will be installing a utility on every iPhone in empire that scans the device for “child pornography.” On-device AI processing will determine whether photographs stored on the device is illegal or not. If it interprets that the latter materials are illegal, it will report the owner of the device to the authorities. Imagine what else it will be able to accomplish in the near future. Oh, it will also scan messages and e-mail.

Miscellany: Notes readership was at zero for a while. Then, a couple of people returned. Notes urges everyone to not return here again, and go directly to the Daily Stormer instead. There is nothing to see here, move on!

Wednesday, August 4

Lost Cause

There appears to be a lot of truthful information being released about “super-duper corona” and the experimental mRNA “vaccine.” Copies of Pfizer® governmental contracts indicate the extent of coercion to suppress early outpatient treatment (i.e., hydroxychloroquine). Leaked CDC documents show that there has been inside knowledge all along that the “vaccine” is ineffective against “super-duper corona,” although that was known since the initial rollout. Highly “vaccinated” nation-states are experiencing huge surges of “super-duper corona” infections amongst the “vaccinated.” The “vaccine” is causing a large number of deaths and adverse reactions, but the and former have been dismissed as “coincidence.”Now, FOIA requests from governmental health institutions from over 90 nation-states yielded that none have a truly “isolated” genome of “super-duper corona.” Of course, the bogus PCR test has been discredited, but it’s still being deployed.

As stated previously in Notes, time is running out for the planners of the hoax. Thus, the FDA in empire is in “Operation Warp Speed” mode to fast-track full “approval” of the “vaccine” candidates by the first week of September. And, that’s going to happen without any animal trials or conclusion of long-term human trials. Once the “vaccines” are “approved,” mandatory and, subsequently, forced “vaccinations” will be implemented by the regime. Of course, the “vaccine passports” will also be fast-tracked in coordination.

At this point in time, there is solid agreement with the Daily Stormer that the “unvaccinated” have lost the battle. The expectation is that the “unvaccinated” will be reduced to scapegoats. With that stated, there is little doubt that retail stores, supermarkets, gyms, restaurants, hospitals, clinics, and fast food joints will join in lockstep and adopt “vaccine passports.” Thus, working out, obtaining medical care, and eating will all be prohibited. And, there would be no surprise if the “old folks home” in Waikiki required the same in order to remain a tenant.

Addendum: The “case” totals of “super-duper corona” in Hawai’i are now between 300 and 500 per day. The local “fake news” media is working overtime with the fearmongering. The situation is ripening for a violent outcome.

Tuesday, August 3

Fascist Mandate

All of the major healthcare organizations and hospitals in Hawai’i have announced a mandatory “vaccination” policy for all employees. This is obviously the first step of many to come.

Private businesses are being given the opportunity to introduce “vaccine passports” on their own. However, the Fascist ruling élite will not remain patient for long. In New York City, the Fascist mayor has already invoked another mandate that forces all restaurants, theaters, and gyms to only allow patrons who are “vaccinated.” This tyrannical bullshit has already been implemented in France and Italy, the current trendsetters for totalitarianism.

Local residents are clamoring for “vaccine passports” in response to the daily “fake news” about the “spiraling cases” of “super-duper corona.” The daily tally is now upwards 300 alleged infections, which really just translates into false positives generated by the bogus PCR test. How stupid are these people?

There is no doubt about what’s “coming down the pike.” Thus, there is no sense in denying a few sensible indulgences. Once, the “vaccine passports” become universal, there will be no place to go and no indulgences.

Addendum: There has been no word from the Governor of Hawai’i concerning the extension of the eviction moratorium in empire.

Miscellany: A pair of Mau’i and Sons® canvas shoes were procured at Ross® for $16 with senior citizen discount.

Mau’i and Sons® Shoes

Well, they’re not Vans®, but who cares?

Monday, August 2

Black Screens Matter

The iPhone 12 home screen has a new look. Like it? Yeah, it matches the functionality of the device. Even the dock is now useless. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Coffee procured at the fast food joint in town in the morning has been a daily occurrence. That’s the only real enjoyment in life for a pathetic loser. And, with another “lockdown” looming, there’s no need to deny minor frivolities.

Showers at the gym have been great. There has never been a real clean feeling when showering in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Might as well enjoy the perk before the “lockdown,” eh?

The State of Hawai’i has evidently modified the eviction process in order to stave off mass evictions. The process now requires mediation before any eviction can proceed. Local news media has lavished fawning praise on government “officials.” Oh brother. What these fools don’t seem to realize is that only money … dinero, mullah … can stop the evictions.

Incidentally, the homeless population has definitely increased. There are signs that many are migrants from the mainland empire and internationally. How exactly did they end up here? Any arrivals at the airport without a valid destination address are allegedly forced to return to their point of origin, or that’s what has been disseminated as fact. The locals are also well represented in the homeless community. Obviously, many people did not wait around to be evicted next week.

Local businesses are now hinting at adopting “vaccine passports.” So, that’s a given, just like the looming “lockdown.” When the subjects keep coming up in passing in the “news,” the eventuality of the latter is sealed. The shills are just “priming the pump.”

Addendum: The Honolulu police (read: Hawai’i Five-O) now has a new mascot, “Spot,” a robotic “dog.” The “dog” was purchased for $150,000 using “super-duper corona” relief funds.


Currently, “Spot” is being used to to check the body temperature of the homeless population as some kind of ridiculous “super-duper corona” detection scheme. Yeah, right. The real purpose of the “dog” will be to hunt down the “unvaccinated.” Five-O deployed drones to terrorize tourists who were violating quarantine and suntanning at the beach during the infamous “lockdown.” Book ‘em, Dan-o!

Miscellany: Gum disease (i.e., “mask mouth”) has apparently come about because of the Fascist face mask mandate. Even though the ridiculous face mask has only been worn minimally, it has now caused irreparable damage.

Sunday, August 1


Daily Stormer

A lot of time is being spent perusing and reading the archives on the Daily Stormer site. Incidentally, the site has been continuously targeted for persecution by the Fascist ruling élite. Why?

The site itself is themed like a typical “blog.” It makes no attempt to impersonate a “news” site. The article are analyses and opinions about actual news reports appearing in “mainstream,” alternative, and independent media. There’s no “politically correct” bullshit, thank Molech. There is a lot of humor, too. In other words, it’s a great site. Too bad that Notes cannot emulate such quality. Oh, yeah, Notes is not a “blog.”

There is a strong resonance with many of the topics covered by the Daily Stormer, such as the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and the “vaccine.” What was quite an amusing discovery was the agreement with the position presented about “persons with wombs” or “biological human females.” The Daily Stormer uses different descriptors. Anyway, the latter topic was covered extensively in the legacy “blog” as well.

Miscellany: The “Unjected” (described as “Tinder for anti-vaxxers”) “app” was “deplatformed” by Apple® because it “inappropriately refers to the COVID-19 pandemic in its concept or theme." In other words, it deviated from the one and only “narrative.” Personal patience with Apple® is running out.

Update: The empire eviction moratorium has ended. In Hawai’i, the eviction moratorium ends in one week. Lots of excitement “coming down the pike.”