Saturday, June 5


Backaches have shortened sleep time for several days. The new Intex® airbed is the likely suspect. An attempt to isolate the problem has only converged on the likelihood that the inflation pressure has not been optimized. In addition, sleep is accomplished only in the supine position (to prevent asymmetrical skeletal deformation). That may have to change. However, sleeping on either side would require a pillow to keep the oversized cranium in-line with the spine.

Thus, a special evening excursion was made on the bus to town. A nice throw pillow was procured at Walmart® for $7 and some change. The pillow will not be used unless there is compelling need, that is, if a change in sleeping position is necessary.

The brief excursion proved to be invigorating, the first time spent out after 8pm since the “super-duper corona” plan-demic started. Longs® and Ross® were also open. There were very few people in the stores, so this may be the best time to do any required shopping.

There were the usual assortment of homeless people and sleazy scumbags in the area and all along Fort Street. Loitering there may not be prudent. However, being safe in prolonged sequestration at the “old folks home” in Waikiki is tantamount to insanity. Risks must be taken.

Upon returning to the mausoleum in the “old folks home,” the last three episodes of “Battlestar Galactica” were viewed. Even though there were a lot of inconsistencies in the overall plot, the entire series was very enjoyable. However, what will occupy the idle evening hours now?

Miscellany: There appears to be one resilient plantar wart and another new one. Self-treatment has commenced again.

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