Friday, November 2

Musings 2018

The fast food joint on Ke’eaumoku Street has become the evening stopover (after the daily Ala Moana Center outing) before returning to the “old folks home.” The evening crowd can best be described as “colorful.” Unfortunately, the even the cheapest food items are adding up. A dollar here, a dollar there. Soon, we’re talking Big Money. Yet, what other alternatives are there?

Time spent at the fast food joint is just an extension of usual Apple Store visit ... wasting time on the Net. Distractions are crucial to maintain the “vital lie.” And, in the fascist “ownership society,” there’s little left for the rank-and-file proms except a “virtual” reality.

Musings have increasingly become a pastime, but the focus has been mainly on mortality issues. There have also been thoughts dedicated to familial issues, mostly involving moms. The situation has not improved with the bro. Of course, there is no resolution. Unfortunately, the whole scenario must play out until the end. In the meantime, the fast food joint on Ke’eaumoku will suffice.