Tuesday, October 30


The acquisition of the new iPhone XR was somewhat impulsive. The expenditure was not necessary and only added to the current financial burden. Consider that vehicle registration increased by approximately $60 for the next fiscal year. Petrol is inching toward $4 per gallon. Renewal of the driver's license next month will be $40 for an eight-year term. Automobile insurance will cost $144 for six months. Was a new "smartphone" really necessary?

Dental work is slated for the beginning of the 2019 year. As the latter is a total "out-of-pocket" expenditure, the projected cost for routine cleaning, examination, and subsequent abstraction(s) will be at least $500 or more. A possible cavity will increase the outlay by $100 or more.

New eyeglasses are desperately needed. However, that expenditure will be postponed until the middle of the 2019 year when an eye examination is slated. Cost for eyeglasses are totally "out-of-pocket" again.

Addendum: A case for the new all-glass iPhone XR was desperately required. A flexible clear case was specified. Only $40+ third-party cases were available, until the search descended upon Walmart®. The appropriate case was procured for $5 and some change.