A couple of weeks ago, an encounter with Ann at Longs® in Hawai’i Kai, where she is employed, revealed that she had quit her second (part-time) wage slave job at Petco® in Koko Marina Center. Ann is now working a full-time position as an evening caregiver for an elderly client. Ann is still employed at Longs during the day. “I only get three hours of sleep for five days of the week,” she said.
On Monday, another encounter with Ann at Longs® during the usual Hawai’i Kai visit yielded the observation that Ann seemed a bit tense. She launched on a tirade about senior citizens even though she, herself, is 62 years old. In her defense, Longs® is pretty much a senior citizen recreation center. Anyway, sleep deprivation appears to be “rearing its ugly head.”
Ann had foresaken early retirement in favor of continued wage slavery in order to insure a higher monthly Social Security disbursement. Yet, her existence continues to be day-to-day or paycheck-to-paycheck. One or two wage slave jobs ... not enough to survive in Hawai’i.
Attempting to maintain even a modest “standard of living” is a “fool’s errand.” Wage slavery and debt slavery are the only avenues open for the rank-and-file peons of empire. What can be said of one’s enslaved life in perpetuity? There’s life, and then there’s death. That’s it.
The move to the Waikiki “old folks home” is no real solution. There’s always the chance that some kind of event will invoke eviction. There’s no stability without Big Money. Any “old folks” home” is a dismal place. For the most part, the “old folks home” is transitional housing before entering an assisted care facility. For some, though, it is the “end of the road.”
In this particular case, the “old folks home” is just an excuse to preempt real homelessness, specifically motorhomelessness. A pariah cannot survive in an institutionalized mausoleum-like environment because the latter is akin to incarceration. Freedom is all that matters. Freedom without Big Money is impossible in the skewed “ownership society.” Incarceration is as good as being dead.