Monday, November 19

Paperwork & Shit

An early morning encounter with the resident manager at the “old folks home” in Makiki resulted in the finalization of the lease termination. The paperwork for vacating the unit was completed even though the actual moving date is December 1st at the earliest.

In the brief three-week period before the electric service was terminated, over $18 was accrued. For what? The cost for electric service in the islands is outrageous and will worsen. The Korean neighbors recently mentioned that using the air conditioner during the recent two- or three-day heatwave produced a whopping $157 electric bill for the month. Upon perusing the itemized statement, the discovery was made that Hawai’ian Electric Company always charges a minimum amount (approximately $20 before credits) even if barely any or no electricity is consumed. What kind of shit is that?

The driver’s license renewal process was cumbersome. First, the only available appointment was scheduled for today at 2:45pm in Kane’ohe. Second, the paperwork and resulting “paper trail” are intrusive and burdensome. Fortunately, the ancient Territory of Hawai’i birth certificate was accepted. The renewal fee was $40 plus a small penalty for using using a credit card. If the driver’s license is sent to the new residence address (i.e., “old folks home” in Makiki), it will not be forwarded to A new address (which will occur in a week or so). No documentation for the new address in Waikiki is currently available, which is the cause of the confusion. The whole sickening process will then have to repeated.

Addendum: A battery-operated air pump was purchased for $11 at Target® to rapidly deflate and inflate the airbed provided by the Sand Island homeless shelter. The airbed will continue to be the sole piece of furniture while tenured in conventional housing.