Saturday, June 29


Monitoring the sad state of affairs in world events has become a melancholic experience even with limited exposure to approved Web sites. With the latest “terrorist” attacks on Russian soil (Crimea) perpetrated by the “West,” the “garden variety” Fascists are increasing the probability of a “hot” global war. Meanwhile, the clueless rank-and-file peons are subjected to comatose events such as the recent farcical empire presidential debates or bombarded with endless propaganda about AI bullshit. So, the only recourse is to rapidly populate the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD.

What is most interesting is the proliferation of hurdy-gurdy (read: pornography) streaming Web sites. A few years ago, the entire “adult” content industry nearly collapsed. Only a few of the larger “studios” prevailed. Now, after a surge in “woke” (i.e., LBGTQ+ and “toxic feminism”) and the “super-duper corona” plan-demic, the “adult” content industry is booming. Just perusing the free hurdy-gurdy streaming sites is mind boggling.

The only logical conclusion is that a large sub-population of mostly biological males are paying big money for numerous hurdy-gurdy subscriptions. Why? Does the answer correlate to the ever-increasing “incel” demographic? Probably.

The curse of toxic feminism was discussed way back in the days of the legacy journal and the old “blog.” Apparently, the situation has worsened exponentially over the last few decades. The Daily Stormer often focuses on the subject matter, and the observations of the latter are extremely accurate. Guys would rather not deal with the bullshit, so they instead invest in huge HGVLs.

Well, the moratorium on mainstream “fake news” and entertainment media continues unabated. Only the approved content, albeit limited, is perused. So, why are hurdy-gurdy videos exempt? The most obvious answer is that there is no hidden agenda, no embedded propaganda, and no subliminal messages in the latter. Just (mostly) young hotties doing “da wild thing.” Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Late afternoon or evening outings to the International Marketplace still occur daily. On Thursday, a late afternoon outing to Ala Moana Center was on the agenda. Another plantar wart removal kit was purchased at Longs®. And, a big pack of generic cough drops and a pint of Häagen-Dasz® ice cream (for dessert) was purchased at Target®. Wheee!

The time spent at Ala Moana Center, whether late afternoon outings or Sunday morning coffee time, has yielded an interesting observation … the rank-and-file peons just love to go shopping. They have no problems purchasing large quantities of useless or redundant junk (toxic consumerism). Shopping just makes them so elated. Shopping on a personal level is a disdained activity. That’s the main reason why personal expenditures cannot be increased.

The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold … continues. There was only one night of extreme nasal congestion, nothing that the Vicks® menthol nasal inhaler could not cure. Otherwise, the post-nasal drip is the big problem, what with the coughing and all. Most likely, a packet of generic Sudafed® (pseudoephedrine HCL, not phenylephrine HCL) will be purchased, although there is still much personal resistance to using medicinal interventions.

Friday, June 21

Fuck It Friday - 22

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! FUBAR is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

The power outage continued through Wednesday. The “woke” Juneteenth holiday complicated matters. Banks and many businesses were closed. Both locations of the “woke” Starbucks® in town were closed. So, coffee was procured for a whopping $7 (16-ounce cup) at Honolulu Coffee. Otherwise the same detours were in effect. Fuck it!

Power was restored for parts of downtown on Thursday. The gym was open for business, but the primary fast food joint and Subway® were still without electricity. Power was allegedly restored to all areas at 4pm. The public transit Web site and the GPS arrival site came back on-line about the same time. However, the tie-in to real-time GPS data was not yet active. Fuck it!

So far, no new developments for Friday. The bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold… continues. The fast food joint was open for business again, so a decent breakfast and a cheap cup of coffee was realized. Alas, a shitty week calls for compensation. How about a prime rib dinner courtesy Lahaina Chicken in Ala Moana Center? And, Häagen-Dazs® ice cream from Target® for dessert? Yeah! And, how about another plantar wart removal kit from Longs®? Oh, the joy! Well, another Fuck It Friday has come and gone. Fuck it!

A toast!

Well, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin made state visits to both the DPRK and Vietnam. The significance of these events cannot be understated, although the “fake news” mainstream media in the “West” spewed out the usual propaganda. Fuck it!

Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan have inaugurated the Rasht-Caspian Railway Project in the northern Iranian province of Gilan, which is part of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and reportedly connects the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea via rail. This is big news. The transport corridor will be a viable land-based alternative to the current sea-based routes, and explains the strategic importance of Iran. Little wonder why the “garden variety” Fascists are promoting thermonuclear war. Fuck it!

Addendum: Russian President Vladimir Putin gifted an Aurus Senat automobile to DPRK Leader Kim Jong-un (refer to embedded video).

Tuesday, June 18

FUBAR 2024

Ambulances come and go at the “old folks home” Waikiki. One of the “little old ladies” from the other building was taken to the hospital on Sunday evening.

Last Thursday, a massive power outage occurred in town. Underground power lines (dating back over 50 years ago) apparently gave out causing a surge at the Iwilei substation. The outage happened during breakfast at the fast food joint. Of course, everyone had to exit the premises. The outage lasted over a day. Needless to say, the gym workout had to be completed at the Kapi’olani location. The favorite Subway® location was also closed. Yeah, “things fall apart.”

On Saturday, the usual laundry chores were made even more unpleasant when the shitty washer stole $2 in quarters. Upon completing the laundry chores, an evening outing was made to the International Marketplace. The outing was ruined by an encounter with two young tourist punks in the restroom. The two smarmy faggots (as they were loudly called) were somewhat belligerent. No further details are necessary.

The entirety of computer systems serving the local public transportation went down on Saturday. The main Web site and the GPS arrival site are still down as is the Holo Pass fare system. The computer systems were allegedly disabled by a Malaysian hacking group in a “ransomware” scam. Needless to say, not having the GPS arrivals available on-line is a major inconvenience. “Things fall apart,” eh?

Another six months and another bout with “COVID” … errr, the common cold. This time, the symptoms commenced last night with the dreadful post-nasal drip. The sleepless night has also triggered the heart palpitations. The heart rate has gone over 160bpm nearly all day long. Dizziness also accompanied the symptoms, which may suggest something more serious.

To add insult to injury, another power outage occurred in town sometime early this morning. Some parts of town were unaffected. Again, aging underground power lines gave out. So breakfast was courtesy the other fast food joint. Coffee had to be procured at Starbucks® at a premium. The gym workout had to be relocated to the Kapi’olani location again. Can you say, “Things fall apart”?

The heat palpitations and dizziness continued throughout the workout. An early return was made to Waikiki at 2:30pm. A brief afternoon outing ensued to the International Marketplace. However, the episodes of heart palpitations and dizziness were increasing. So, an early return to the “old folks home” was necessary. Along the way, a nice spinach salad was purchased at the Waikiki Market for dinner, and fruits were procured at the ABC Store.

The Watch Series 9 logged the high heart rates but failed to issue any notifications. Strange, but true. What use is the device then? Anyway, the next person from the “old folks home” on the ambulance could be the ol’ lavahead. Sheesh!

Addendum: Heart rate and other vitals stabilized at approximately 6pm. Dizziness subsided. Post-nasal drip also subsided, but nasal congestion has increased.

Miscellany: The new LaCie® SSD will not be used to store any important documents. Instead, it will be the repository for the new vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). The SSD is always repackaged in its box after use. So, in case of a “keel over” event, anyone expecting to discover personal finance documents and accounts information will be in for a surprise. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Tuesday, June 11

King Kamehameha Day 2024

King Kamehameha I

Another no-holiday holiday has come and gone. No detours and no change in the routine, thank Molech. In other words, same ol’ shit. What would King Kamehameha say?

A couple of brief late afternoon outings to Ala Moana Center ensued during the past week. The purpose? Procurement of plantar wart removal kits from Longs®. Fun! Fun! Fun!

The WWDC event, sponsored by Apple®, happened yesterday. There was no interest in subsequently perusing all of the hype articles in the technology “blogs.” Rumors about the complete AI focus have been circulating for weeks anyway. The only hope is that the AI bullshit in the upcoming iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 upgrades can be mummified. Incidentally, only the iPhone 15 Pro models will be compatible with Apple® Intelligence (read: AI).

Well, iPadOS 18 is going to be nothing spectacular unless AI is of any interest. The comment sections of various technology “blogs” and the Reddit forums have been quite amusing. There has been extreme backlash from people who recently purchased the $1,000 iPad Pro M4 tablet computer.

Of course, there was only minor personal anticipation of major changes in iPadOS. The iPad Pro M4 is still powered off and stored in its box. So far, the device seems to be fully capable of performing desired tasks with no additional enhancements. No third-party “apps” (aside from Safari content blockers) are being considered.

LaCie® Secure SSD

Well, without any other exciting options, a brief late afternoon trip was made to the Apple® Store in Ala Moana Center. A LaCie® 1TB SSD was purchased for $109 and some change. The Apple® salesperson was adamant that the device would not be able to perform simple file transfers from the iPhone 15 Pro (or the iPad Pro M4) except for live video recording from the camera “app.” “You need a Mac to do that,” the fool said. His advice was the exact opposite of what is published in the Apple® support documents. Didn’t he realize that he was also contradicting a former computer nerd?

Upon return to the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki, the LaCie® SSD was connected to the iPhone 15 Pro via the USB-C (Thunderbolt) port. File transfer was initiated through the Files “app” (as per the support documents). The file transfer is extremely fast, about 1GB per second. Say, maybe the time is ripe to resurrect the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL). Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!

Monday, June 3

Conundrum 2024

The dividend income for the sole non-retirement investment account surged to $1,786 last month, a record. The retirement accounts also produced dividends, but none are taxable until next year when required minimum distributions must be taken (age 70.5 years).

The central bank of empire may not move toward ZIRP until the end of the year, if at all. The personal situation, of course, is that net worth is increasing. So far, expenditures are not keeping pace. Last month, total expenditures (not including rent) were $2,200 or so, mainly because of the purchase of the iPad Pro M4 doorstop … errr, device.

No other large expenditures are slated, so monthly expenses will again hover around $800 or so. There has been an increase in food consumption and associated expenses, but the latter is unsustainable. Transitioning to a fat slob is obviously not a desirable objective.

The idea of purchasing a new automobile has been mummified. The additional expenses including registration, insurance, maintenance, and fuel outweigh any practicality. Furthermore, the drivers in Hawai’i are not proficient, many roads are in a sorry state, and the salt in the air is very corrosive. The only practical logistical solution is another car share subscription.

The acquisition of a MacBook Pro M3 notebook computer is another ridiculous idea. It would only sit idle like the iPad Pro M4 tablet computer. In addition, there are no plans to subscribe to cable Net services. Nor are there plans for cable tube service or the procurement of a large screen OLED tube.

On a side note, an encounter with neighbor, Ignacio, during the walk from the bus stop to the “old folks home” in Waikiki occurred yesterday afternoon. He was heading to the International Marketplace. Arrangements were made to meet there later.

Ignacio treated for a gelato cones for dessert. Time was then spent relaxing in the mall and “talking story.” There was some discussion about his past history. He’s originally from Cuba. And, of course the gamut of topics came up including politics, the disintegration of empire society, and senior citizen concerns. The conversation was mostly one-sided in order to avoid any kind of clash of opinions.

A few minutes were spent looking down into the closed off center courtyard from the second floor balconies. Live entertainment was underway as part of the ripoff $100 per head weekly luau event. To say that the spectacle was cheesy would be an understatement. Well, the tourists loved it. That’s all that matters, eh? Fuck it!

Addendum: The new AirPods Pro 2 (USB-C) earbuds have finally been set up and charged. For what? Who knows?