Wednesday, May 4

Open the Box

Notes has reached an all-time low of mundanity, thank goodness. There’s not much to report … well, most likely because of the “disinformation governance board.” By the way, the latest nonsense about the Supreme Court document “leak” really looks like another contrived distraction.

The “super-duper corona” division of the opposition has been working diligently to publicize all of the latest findings and data. Yet, the rank-and-file peons don’t “give a shit.” All is history, until the plan-demic returns in full force. According to Dr. Jane Ruby, attorney Todd Callender has stated that the WHO global plan-demic treaty is a “done deal.” Can you say, “Fascism”?

Lots of pontification from various mainstream pundits about a thermonuclear world war is fueling more fearmongering. Yet, the “West” keeps sending weapons and military aid to Ukraine. The purpose, of course, is to forcefully keep the Russian presence in Ukraine as another distraction while the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) continues in earnest.

Again, to reiterate, a “limited thermonuclear war” is a dangerous myth. And, “low yield” atomic weapons are far from harmless. An atomic bomb, as it was called in the good ol’ days, differs from conventional bombs because it is detonated above ground level. Thus, the intense heat and shock wave generated causes widespread destruction. And, of course, that increases the dissemination of radioactive debris. The “explosion” is three-dimensional … it disperses parallel to the surface in all directions, and also vertically. The ramifications are obvious.

The local “fake news” media in Hawai’i has been providing weekly “super-duper corona” case counts and alleged deaths. So far, there have been well over 4,000 “cases” every week since the return of count coverage a few weeks ago. Free testing has already ended, so are people actually paying to be tested now? Are these fools even awake? Do they not open the box before eating the pizza inside?

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