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Dr. Strangelove |
There now appears to be much merit in Catherine Austin Fitts’ model of the “ Great Reset.” Above the seemingly autonomous “pillars” (i.e., central bank, military industrial complex, medical-industrial complex, technology-industrial complex, and tiered government of empire), are the so-called “ruling élite.” Fitts calls them “Mr. Global.” Other dissidents refer to the mofos as “GloboHomo” or “GloboCap.”
The ruling élite is essentially made up of crusty oligarchs. They have used their wealth and associated power to further consolidate the latter and former during the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and all previous manufactured crises. What’s important to stress is that, as they continue to increase their wealth by using their power to influence monetary and political policies, they further increase both wealth and power. In engineering terms, that’s essentially a positive feedback loop. Now, the situation is at a point of being totally absurd.
The more wealth and power that an individual accumulates, the more psychotic the individual becomes. The mind of the oligarch is even further enraged when pondering mortality. This is a classic case of the denial of death as postulated by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. There is a pathological quest to prolong life ... forever. Most of these oligarchs have between 20 to 40 years to live (including years spent in geriatric decrepitude). Thus, they have become obsessed with science, technology and “transhumanism” (obviously an “immortality project,” as defined by Becker).
When the mind is totally preoccupied with death, a futile search for answers ensues. Scapegoats are first identified, that is, the rank-and-file peons and the “useless eaters.” The warped mind of the oligarch invents ways to vilify the “deplorables.” In the end, the psychopathic mind concludes that the masses are responsible for all of the world’s ills (e.g., global climate change, pollution, crime) because there are too many of them. The only solution is eugenics, in order to depopulate the planet.
Bear in mind that the aforementioned conclusion is not insane in itself. In the legacy “blog,” the idea of depopulation was discussed repeatedly as the only solution to return the planet to its natural carrying capacity.
The implementation of eugenics is obviously very difficult considering the huge numbers of “deplorables” that have to be eliminated. Thermonuclear war is the most expedient option, but the latter would render the planet uninhabitable for millennia. Even if the oligarchs could survive and live on through “transhumanism,” they would most likely go insane and perish in their underground bunkers.
That really only leaves one option ... accelerated attrition. The masses must first be corralled, then “re-educated” and controlled. Once the masses are gullible and pliable, they will voluntarily submit to numerous eugenics options presented before them.
As stated earlier, the psychotic oligarchs (i.e., the “0.01 percent”) only have between 20 to 40 years to live. Since they do not desire eternal life in the form of a decrepit senior citizen, their time frame reduces to between 10 and 30 years. Thus, the priority of the agenda that has been described is foremost right now.
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