Monday, March 1


The personal on-going relocation project was sidelined by the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. One of the options was the mainland empire. A small motorhome (read: cargo van camper conversion) would be purchased and a long-term tour of the nation would have ensued. The latter plan has been scrapped.

Recent news has indicated that there have been increasing “racial hate crimes” perpetrated on people of Asian ethnicity (i.e., “yellow”) by “blacks.” The origin of that apparent form of “hate” is the constant propaganda about “super-duper corona” originating in China.

Of course, the history of animosity between “gooks” and “blacks” goes back even further. Many moons ago, back in Convalescent City, there was a moment in time when a room rental was secured in a house with all “black” tenants. There were no problems, and great friendships developed.

During that tenure, though, the infamous Rodney King riots occurred in LA. The destruction spread into “yellow” ‘hoods and some, particularly the Koreans, violently resisted the “black” mobs. That did not generate any animosity in the household, but visiting “black” friends were wary. The rest of the household always defended the friendship and defused any potential problems. “He’s okay,” they would tell the outsiders. “He’s one of us.”

Coming from Hawai’i, a “melting pot” in itself, there has never been any inclination toward “racial” prejudice. However, during the 27-year tenure in the mainland empire, there were multiple exposures to “racial” prejudice and discrimination from “whites,” irritating but tolerable.

Of course, as the theory of human origins in Africa acquired more proof (primarily through migration patterns revealed through mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal data), the whole concept of “race” had to be personally discarded. And, as of now, all “races” will be wrapped with quotation marks in Notes.

Yet, here in the 21st century, the archaic and ignorant idea of “race” has been elevated above truth. With so little time left on the planet, there must be an exit plan from the crumbling empire. Where to go?

Addendum: At this point in time, the motorhomeless plan for remaining in the islands is not considered feasible.

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