Saturday, March 20

Spike Redux

Previously in Notes, there was an erroneous assumption that the mRNA “vaccine” modifies cellular DNA. In actuality, the genome is left intact. Thus, the mRNA “vaccine” is described by its manufacturers as “gene therapy.”

mRNA in cells binds with one-half of a split DNA molecule and copy the amino acid sequence. Then, it creates a specified protein in the cytoplasm.

The mRNA “vaccine” incorporates a pre-programmed strand (amino acid sequence of the spike protein of “super-duper corona”) that is encapsulated by lipid nanoparticles. Once it binds with a cell, the mRNA strand is transfected into the cytoplasm of the cell. The artificially created spike protein is released and the immune system then creates antibodies for that protein only. What is most distressing is that the host body is creating both the pathogen and antibodies concurrently.

In this particular case, the “vaccine” does not create antibodies for “super-duper corona” virus itself. Rather, the immune system looks for the spike protein. Therefore, the “vaccine” only tends to reduce the symptoms of infected persons. It does not create immunity to “super-duper corona.” Nor does it impede virus shedding (i.e., transmission).

The current policy of mass immunization is also questionable. Why inject healthy individuals with a concoction that primarily reduces the symptoms of infection? There is some concern that mass immunization during the plan-demic could actually cause the opposite of the desired effect. Virus shedding and rapid mutations may occur.

That’s neither here or there. The real problem is that the rank-and-file peons of empire are sickly. They are physically and mentally weak. Over 50% of the population suffers from at least one chronic illness. There’s no telling how many are suffering from psychological duress and requiring psychotropic medication, or the number of people who are “self-medicating.” That’s the real pandemic.

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