Tuesday, March 30

Peak Stupidity 2021

Most of the hotels in Waikiki are full. There are crowds everywhere. And, all of the “super-duper corona” precautions have been “cast to the wind” by carefree tourists. Large groups gather or walk together. “Social distancing” is ignored. About 80% of them are wearing face masks full-time. No one seems to care, not even local residents. What a change from just a couple of months ago!

Retail outlets and shopping malls are only open for reduced hours. Restaurants are open until 10pm. Bars must close by midnight. Incidentally, the days of “fast, friendly, and courteous service” are long gone.

Senior citizens are out in force everywhere now, that is, ever since the mass vaccination campaign commenced. The priority for administering the “vaccine” is tiered, with being senior citizens first in line. The false sense of security offered by the mRNA “vaccine” has emboldened the geriatric crowd, eh?

Of course, once the masses were paroled from “super-duper corona” incarceration, peak stupidity was likely to follow. Very predictable. People seem to forgotten how to act in public. So, typical behavior is at the troglodyte level.

The ruling élite are not blind to the uncouth behavior of the “deplorables.” What they observe only solidifies their belief in eugenics as a “cure.” Who wouldn’t concur?

Addendum: There is a rental vehicle shortage in Hawai’i, so much so that rental rates are as high as $1,000 per day. Yet, tourists are observed driving rental vehicles everywhere. A fool and his money are soon parted. Anyway, what happened to the thousands of rental vehicles that were stored at Aloha Stadium. They couldn’t have just disappeared off of the island.

Miscellany: The boil has barely healed, which indicates that the body’s response is really slowing down. Yet another geriatric malady.

Monday, March 29



With traditional “super-duper corona” vaccines available, why was considerable effort taken to develop and deploy mRNA “gene therapy” instead? After all, previous attempts to develop mRNA “vaccines” had failed.

The pharmaceutical sector obviously benefited greatly with government subsidies for research, development, manufacturing, and distribution of the current crop of experimental mRNA “vaccines.” A convenient emergency order allowed the pharmaceutical firms to bypass long-term human testing requirements and avoid liability. Yet, what is the point?

Clearly, “gene therapy” is being heavily promoted as the future solution to treat infectious, chronic, and end-stage diseases. In addition, with CRISPR technology, “gene therapy” will be able to edit cellular DNA. Like mRNA “gene therapy,” nanoparticles will be transferred to targeted cells. The payload will include the addition of a CRISPR editing “tool” along with an RNP (ribonucleoprotein) DNA template, all of which will be used to force a mutation at a specific genomic DNA site.

So, what does that have to do with mRNA “vaccines”? The fact that the “vaccines” were pushed onto the masses well before long-term trials are completed suggests that there is a hidden agenda. Recall in the Notes post, “Transnarcissism,” that the ruling élite (who are totally invested in “transhumanism”) do not have much time left on the planet. They have mandated that DNA “gene therapy” (to prolong life) be made available to them as soon as possible. Thus, advances in “gene therapy” must be expedited. Can there be any other explanation for using nearly the entire human world population as “guinea pigs” for an experimental medication?

Addendum: This all sounds like “conspiracy theories.” However, ever since the beginning of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic, truth became a nebulous concept. And, as detailed in Notes, an extensive Orwellian propaganda machine is now in place. The “conspiracy theories” are now the truth.

Sunday, March 28


Dr. Strangelove

There now appears to be much merit in Catherine Austin Fitts’ model of the “ Great Reset.” Above the seemingly autonomous “pillars” (i.e., central bank, military industrial complex, medical-industrial complex, technology-industrial complex, and tiered government of empire), are the so-called “ruling élite.” Fitts calls them “Mr. Global.” Other dissidents refer to the mofos as “GloboHomo” or “GloboCap.”

The ruling élite is essentially made up of crusty oligarchs. They have used their wealth and associated power to further consolidate the latter and former during the “super-duper corona” plan-demic and all previous manufactured crises. What’s important to stress is that, as they continue to increase their wealth by using their power to influence monetary and political policies, they further increase both wealth and power. In engineering terms, that’s essentially a positive feedback loop. Now, the situation is at a point of being totally absurd.

The more wealth and power that an individual accumulates, the more psychotic the individual becomes. The mind of the oligarch is even further enraged when pondering mortality. This is a classic case of the denial of death as postulated by the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. There is a pathological quest to prolong life ... forever. Most of these oligarchs have between 20 to 40 years to live (including years spent in geriatric decrepitude). Thus, they have become obsessed with science, technology and “transhumanism” (obviously an “immortality project,” as defined by Becker).

When the mind is totally preoccupied with death, a futile search for answers ensues. Scapegoats are first identified, that is, the rank-and-file peons and the “useless eaters.” The warped mind of the oligarch invents ways to vilify the “deplorables.” In the end, the psychopathic mind concludes that the masses are responsible for all of the world’s ills (e.g., global climate change, pollution, crime) because there are too many of them. The only solution is eugenics, in order to depopulate the planet.

Bear in mind that the aforementioned conclusion is not insane in itself. In the legacy “blog,” the idea of depopulation was discussed repeatedly as the only solution to return the planet to its natural carrying capacity.

The implementation of eugenics is obviously very difficult considering the huge numbers of “deplorables” that have to be eliminated. Thermonuclear war is the most expedient option, but the latter would render the planet uninhabitable for millennia. Even if the oligarchs could survive and live on through “transhumanism,” they would most likely go insane and perish in their underground bunkers.

That really only leaves one option ... accelerated attrition. The masses must first be corralled, then “re-educated” and controlled. Once the masses are gullible and pliable, they will voluntarily submit to numerous eugenics options presented before them.

As stated earlier, the psychotic oligarchs (i.e., the “0.01 percent”) only have between 20 to 40 years to live. Since they do not desire eternal life in the form of a decrepit senior citizen, their time frame reduces to between 10 and 30 years. Thus, the priority of the agenda that has been described is foremost right now.

Friday, March 26

Farce 2021

Daily “super-duper corona” tallies have now exceeded over 100 “cases.” Yet, the new mayor of Honolulu continues to ease restrictions. Weddings can now accommodate 100 guests. Even the comment section of the local on-line news was limited to only a few “super-duper corona” fanatics. Only a few months ago, a spike in “cases” would have resulted in hundreds of idiots, all “scared shitless,” begging for a “lockdown.”

The local news has also reported that there have been days that daily visitor arrivals have exceeded 30,000 people. Thus, tourism is probably operating at 80% of capacity. As to be expected, many of the tourists are flouting the “super-duper corona” mandates. And, many of them are now venturing outside of Waikiki, which means that the buses are more crowded.

There is no other way to describe what is occurring as anything other than the “super-duper corona” farce being exposed for what it is. The mass vaccination campaign has only included people 65 years of age and up. Thus, there is no possible way that “vaccine herd immunity” could have been attained at this point in time. And, since the mRNA “vaccine” is actually “gene therapy,” it is only a treatment regimen (see previous Notes discussions).

What is probably even more disturbing is the sheer number of clinically insane people out on the streets of Waikiki (and downtown). There can be little doubt that patients at the Kane’ohe State Hospital have been discharged en masse, probably due to “super-duper corona.”

As to be expected, the State of Hawai’i is pushing for the implementation of a “vaccine passport.” The Orwellian concept is actually being promoted worldwide with little to no opposition from the rank-and-file peons. Totalitarian Fascism is coming!

Addendum: The new mayor of Honolulu evidently was a supporter of “Orange Bad Man.” That explains his very lenient “super-duper corona” policies. Of course, he claims to no longer support “Orange Bad Man,” but that may be to appease the large Democrat (sic) Party base here.

Update: Approximately 30% of Hawai’i residents have been “vaccinated” for “super-duper corona,” including senior citizens over age 65 years and medically vulnerable individuals.

Miscellany: Notes will no longer discuss the political landscape of empire. The aftermath of the rigged 2020 (s)election has played out exactly as predicted by the “conspiracy theories.”

Tuesday, March 23

Video — Dr. Simone Gold

Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors delivers a compelling presentation about the mRNA “vaccine.

Addendum: There has been considerable effort by the “mainstream” media and questionable “fact-check” organizations to discredit and delegitimize Dr. Gold. One glaring accusation is that she is an “anti-vaxxer,” which is entirely false. If one falsehood is published by the propagandists, then all of their other allegations are suspect.

Monday, March 22


A recent study released by the American Psychological Association (APA) focused on weight gain during the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. 42% of respondents surveyed reported putting on unwanted pounds: 29 lbs (13 kg) on average, with a median gain of 15 lbs (6.8 kg).The largest average weight gain was among the Millennials – the 25-42 age group – at 41 pounds (18.5 kg).

Obviously, some people gained more than the average or median values, and some gained less. Regardless, a significant gain in body fat pushed many people into obesity. Those individuals who were already obese, but gained more weight, are now morbidly obese.

The rank-and-file peons of empire no longer have any willpower or self-control. They have become “victims” and have completely submitted to the whims of the ruling élite. They have become like cattle awaiting the slaughter.

Miscellany: Notes has finally been excluded from search engines. Mummification is being considered.

Sunday, March 21

Waikiki Resurrection

Waikiki Beach

Visitor arrivals in Hawai’i have topped 20,000 people daily, which means that tourism is now at 66% of peak (prior to the “super-duper corona” plan-demic). There are crowds everywhere because “Tier 3” restrictions are still in effect. Visitors have also been lackadaisical about face masks and “social distancing.”

A huge rally sponsored by the Aloha Freedom Coalition in protest of “super-duper corona” mandates, primarily the full-time face mask requirement, was held at Fudgepacker Park. Police were called in to disperse the crowd because participants were in violation of the mandates being protested. Residents are becoming more impatient with the “reopening” ever since the “mass immunization” farce commenced. There’s obviously a false sense of “super-duper corona” immunity.

Interesting to note, though, is the fact that the “super-duper corona” daily “case” tally has nearly tripled. Technically, a return to “Tier 2” restrictions should have been invoked. However, both the new mayor of Honolulu and the governor of Hawai’i have been conspicuously absent. Again, the questionable mass immunization campaign appears be the reason for the false sense of confidence.

Saturday, March 20

Spike Redux

Previously in Notes, there was an erroneous assumption that the mRNA “vaccine” modifies cellular DNA. In actuality, the genome is left intact. Thus, the mRNA “vaccine” is described by its manufacturers as “gene therapy.”

mRNA in cells binds with one-half of a split DNA molecule and copy the amino acid sequence. Then, it creates a specified protein in the cytoplasm.

The mRNA “vaccine” incorporates a pre-programmed strand (amino acid sequence of the spike protein of “super-duper corona”) that is encapsulated by lipid nanoparticles. Once it binds with a cell, the mRNA strand is transfected into the cytoplasm of the cell. The artificially created spike protein is released and the immune system then creates antibodies for that protein only. What is most distressing is that the host body is creating both the pathogen and antibodies concurrently.

In this particular case, the “vaccine” does not create antibodies for “super-duper corona” virus itself. Rather, the immune system looks for the spike protein. Therefore, the “vaccine” only tends to reduce the symptoms of infected persons. It does not create immunity to “super-duper corona.” Nor does it impede virus shedding (i.e., transmission).

The current policy of mass immunization is also questionable. Why inject healthy individuals with a concoction that primarily reduces the symptoms of infection? There is some concern that mass immunization during the plan-demic could actually cause the opposite of the desired effect. Virus shedding and rapid mutations may occur.

That’s neither here or there. The real problem is that the rank-and-file peons of empire are sickly. They are physically and mentally weak. Over 50% of the population suffers from at least one chronic illness. There’s no telling how many are suffering from psychological duress and requiring psychotropic medication, or the number of people who are “self-medicating.” That’s the real pandemic.

Friday, March 19


The surge in violence in empire targeted at Asians, most of them not Chinese, indicates that the vast majority of rank-and-file peons have transitioned to the lowest form of mental midgetry.

The anti-Asian hatred was initiated by unverified allegations that “super-duper corona” was entirely the fault, whether intentional or not, of China. Obviously, “Orange Bad Man” is directly responsible by repeatedly referring to it as the “Chinese virus.”

Of course, none of the mental midgets can even define what is meant by “Chinese.” Chinese government? Chinese people? The Chinese infectious diseases lab? Not being able to make any qualified distinction, the typical mental midget has broadened the definition of “Chinese” to mean “Asian.” Hence, the violence perpetrated on all Asians.

The mind of the typical rank-and-file peon in empire has been reduced to the equivalent of a common lizard through prolonged passive exposure of brain-dead content delivered on multimedia and computing devices. The mind only reacts to vapid visual content, which has a highly hypnotic and mesmerizing effect. There is no need to think or analyze, just stare and drool.

In addition, the physical brain of the typical rank-and file peon has essentially been “pickled” by a toxic cocktail of cheap booze, psychotropic medication, and illicit drugs. Junk food has also contributed to the literal starvation of the brain. Years of such self-abuse brings about self-induced mental retardation.

When the brain and mind have both been denigrated to reptilian constraints, the processing power of the latter is further reduced to primal needs with only rudimentary thinking ability. Obviously, real critical thinking would be out of the question.

However, even the simple reptilian brain is able to comprehend the fear of death such as that inspired by the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. So, obviously:

Virus+Chinese+Fear of Death = Kill Asians

Thanatophobia, or the fear of death, is also the impetus for the rank-and-file peons to rush down to the nearest mass immunization center and be injected with the mRNA “vaccine.” Well, that’s all part of the plan, the “Great Reset.”

Thursday, March 18

No Issues

The follow-up appointment to complete the dental examination revealed no gum or tooth issues. Thank goodness! Extra special personal care was implemented subsequent to the initial “super-duper corona” restrictions as detailed previously in Notes. Self-sufficiency is paying off in a good way.

The disgusting boil has stopped leaking, so it must finally be healing. The source of the problem may be the fact that a large area of the back cannot be reached for proper scrubbing during showers, even with the bath sponge.

A plastic Japanese scrub cloth has been procured to aid in better bathing. The latter should have been a priority because sitting in the seats of public transportation risks infestation by a variety of parasites and germs regardless of any “super-duper corona” fumigation. Anyone riding public transit in Hawai’i is keenly aware of the “diverse” ridership (i.e., the homeless).

Addendum: The bath sponge has clearly been instrumental in the reduction of the hideous keratosis pilaris spots on both deltoids. Another month or two may be necessary before complete remission.

Wednesday, March 17

Coronaversary Belated

Actually, yesterday (March 16th) marked the one-year start of the “corona” (later known as “super-super corona”) nightmare in Hawai’i. The gym (amongst many other businesses) closed down, and people were told that the shutdown would only be for two weeks. That was also the last day that a professional haircut was procured. The rest is sordid history as detailed in Notes.

Now, one year later, the sycophants are all wearing their “fashion” face masks full-time because “we’re all in this together.” And, they are all too eager to be injected with the mRNA “vaccine.” Just by stepping back for a moment, the ease with which to see the entire farce is uncanny.

Tuesday, March 16

Boiling Point

The disgusting boil was nearly flat this morning. It has been slowly draining through the gaping hole in the center of it (after it “popped” on Saturday). Four layers of paper towels are placed between the boil and the air mattress every evening to absorb the bloody ooze. Nonetheless, the appointment at the Makahiki Clinic was kept.

The assigned physician concluded that the pus had drained. Oral antibiotics were suggested, but that option was declined. A prescription was forthcoming for a topical antibiotic ointment.

The attending physician also suggested that an appointment be made at one of the “super-duper corona” immunization centers in order to partake of the “vaccine.” That, too, was declined.

Later, upon an attempt to retrieve the prescribed ointment from the designated pharmacy, there was the puzzling discovery that no prescription was transmitted. In the last three appointments, the assigned physician has given the wrong information or has not followed through on procedures. Perhaps, the fact that the physician is a senior citizen herself, could be a troublesome indicator.

Nonetheless, there is now some doubt about remaining a patient of the Makahiki Clinic. For now, being fairly healthy (as well as personally researching test results and treatments) has insured that no surprise health issues are lurking. In fact, the latter should be a universal axiom. Personal care and prevention are essential, along with healthy practices (i.e., good diet, exercise. Relying upon an extremely broken healthcare system is foolish.

Addendum: In the times of “super-duper corona,” self-sufficiency and independence cannot be overstated. Trust has been eroded at all levels.

Monday, March 15

Visible Speed Test

The wireless service with Visible has been adequate so far. However, most users should avoid this particular service provider. Here’s why ...

The speed test results at 3:45pm HST displays the data speeds and latency for daytime hours. Yeah, that’s dial-up modem speeds! At night, data speeds are adequate enough to stream 720p video, but not continuously. There’s a lot of buffering or disconnections. So far, though, viewing “Star Trek: TNG” on PlutoTV has been fine.

Phone calls and text messages appear to be functional. Of course, few personal phone calls are made and zero text messages are sent or received. Visible routes everything through a handful of nodes on the mainland empire. Users here are being routed through the node in the State of Kansas.

So, is the service worth $25 per month? You be the judge.

Addendum: Network speed tests do not consider local cell tower congestion and deprioritization. Waikiki, in general and by observation, has very few cell towers with respect to the core population density.

Sunday, March 14

Old Man Boil

The last two days have been blessed with nicer weather. A view from the hallway in the “old folks home” in Waikiki at dusk serves a witness. Exquisite, isn’t it?

The disgusting boil popped on Saturday during the shower session in the mausoleum. Unfortunately, it did not fully drain. The inability to reach the hideous boil (just below the right shoulder blade) prevented the application of pressure to draw out the pus. Obviously, it subsequently reinfected itself. So, back to “Square Zero.”

Ala Moana Center has been extremely crowded, even on the weekdays. Where were all of those fools during the “lockdown”? Hard as it may be to believe, they were all sequestered in their homes (read: mausoleums) for months on end. The fear of death is powerful incentive.

No doubt, they spent a good portion of that time worshiping the widescreen OLED tube, or playing with “smartphones” and other computing devices. They were continuously connected to the “mainstream” propaganda and entertainment venues. Little wonder why, upon obtaining a little bit of “freedom,” they went “hog wild” on rabid consumerism and junk food. All the while their “minds turned to mush” (i.e., became “woke”). Perhaps that is why people are filing en masse to the various “super-duper corona” vaccination centers in the islands. Oh, the horror!

Thursday, March 11

Ides of Corona

The new mayor of Honolulu announced that bars may reopen today, just in time for the Ides of March. He has also relaxed the 25-person restriction for funerals. Now, a crowd of up to 50% capacity of the mortuary facility will be allowed. Otherwise, “Tier 3” restrictions remain in effect.

Rain drenched the islands for the last three days. Honolulu experienced heavy rain all-day Monday and Wednesday evening. Having to venture out to procure dinner last night was a nightmare.

Miscellany: A query was sent to the Makahiki Clinic concerning the troublesome boil. An appointment will most likely be made next week to have the boil “lanced” and drained.

Tuesday, March 9

Excerpt — Great Reset

Alexander Dugin

An excerpt from a treatise by Russian political philosopher, Alexander Dugin:

After defeating the external enemy, liberals have discovered two more forms of collective identity. First of all, gender. After all, gender is also something collective: either masculine or feminine. Gender required abolition, as did all other forms of collective identity. Mass migration is atomizing populations in the West using an ideology of human rights that operates with the individual without regard to cultural, religious, social or national aspects. The liberals had one last step left to take – to abolish humans. After all, the human is also a collective identity, which means that it must be overcome, abolished, destroyed, and humans replaced – albeit partially – by cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence networks, and products of genetic engineering.

It’s a long article, but worth reading for the in-depth analysis, on the Katehon site.

Sunday, March 7


A nice sunny day was the incentive to procure a cup of coffee at the fast food joint in town. Over nine months has elapsed since the last time a visit was made there. Arrival at the gym was offset by over a half-hour as coffee time was observed. Unfortunately, there are no places to sit because of the “super-duper corona” farce.

The mailbox at the Chinatown Post Office was visited prior to coffee time. So far, no copayment billing for the medical lab tests. Hopefully, the costs were completely covered by Medicare as part of the annual physical examination.

Dining out at Ala Moana Center has been limited to two or three days per week, coincident with Panda Express® visits. On the other days, meals are brought back to the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki. In the last week or so, the self-awareness of being alone became much more prevalent while at Ala Moana Center. Very few people dine out alone, usually only senior citizens. None of them look very content.

Having only a few acquaintances, no friends, and a disassociated family has been been bearable for many moons. However, the desolate nature of “lockdowns” and the use of the ridiculous face mask as a muzzle have both created a hostile landscape, especially for loners. Even at the gym, very few people talk to each other. The whole atmosphere is zombie-like. People now only associate in mini-tribes.

Prior to the “super-duper corona” plan-demic, spare time was always spent loitering in crowded places like Ala Moana Center and the International Marketplace. Just being around people, even without engaging any of them, was a deterrent to aloneness. So much solitary time is spent in the mausoleum now, and that’s clearly not healthy. The Fascists are engaged in genocide, but the fear of death continue to keep the masses in check and, ironically, insure their demise.

Addendum: Anecdotal reports indicate that many friendships, familial bonds, and marriages have dissolved over differences in opinion over “Orange Bad Man,” the rigged 2020 (s)election, “woke” bullshit, “super-duper corona” with its associated Fascist mandates, and the mRNA “vaccine.”

Saturday, March 6


The detestable “propaganda bullhorn,” owned by the equally detestable “Bozos,” published a truly condescending piece aimed at the rank-and-file peons of empire. The title says it all. The puny one-time $1,400 “stimulus” is going to lift people out of poverty? What an insult!

On a side note, single-family homes in Hawai’i now average $920,000 ... for a dumpy tract home on a puny lot. That’s asset price inflation (often discussed in Notes) at work.

Thursday, March 4

Cat in the Hat

The “woke” bullshit is not exactly a new concept. In actuality, the foundations of “woke” were around many decades ago. In the old “blog,” there is a detailed discussion about the state of higher education from personal experiences in the fetid microcosm of the Diploma Mill, primarily the rancid effects of the toxic “Femi-Nazi” movement. The latter movement was the beginning of the pseudo-liberal and pseudo-progressive mindset.

Of course, the ramifications were fairly obvious when the tenure of pseudo-professorship was voluntarily terminated (i.e., departure before “cancellation”). The issues that have now spread like a malignant tumor across all “Western” universities were already being harvested over 14 years ago. When it occurs at a nondescript “podunk” university in Hawai’i, then it must have been in “full bloom” elsewhere.

Educational institutions ceased to be conduits of learning and knowledge when the infestation of corporate influence and sponsorship came into prevalence. Those institutions then transformed into vocational training centers. However, as their corporate sponsors began shipping jobs overseas to China (read: globalization), the educational institutions made another change, one for the worst. That is, they became incubators for “woke.” The rest is history.

On a side note, pornography has become one of the major vehicles of “woke.” Yes, that’s difficult to swallow (no pun intended), but the latter is true. A more detailed discussion may be forthcoming. For now, perform a search for the bizarre new genre of “hypno-porn.” And, peruse the “bimbo,” “sissy,” “feminization” hypno/trance sites like Bambi Sleep and Samantha Sez. Just another example to support the thesis in the Notes post titled, “Wake.”

Tuesday, March 2


Love’s® Bread

The largest commercial bakery in Hawai’i is shutting down permanently at the end of the month because of losses generated by the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Love’s® Bakery has been in business for over 160 years, and its products are beloved by local residents.

“Super-duper corona” daily infection tallies have been extremely low, although the curious phenomenon is also apparently worldwide. The “vaccine,” you think? No, the real reason is that PCR testing guidance has been covertly modified. Amplification cycles have now been limited to 37 or less. Obviously, the latter provides direct evidence of false positives and the myth of the “asymptomatic carrier.”

The truth about “lockdowns,” face masks (read:muzzles), the “vaccine,” faulty PCR testing, and other “super-duper corona” issues were discussed in detail in Notes over the entire course of the plan-demic. Now, there are variety of sources available on-line to verify all of the “conspiracy theories,” if a diligent search is performed. Hopefully, the tiring discussion in Notes can soon be mummified.

Addendum: In yet another ridiculous move, the organization that oversees the estate of Dr. Seuss has pulled the publications rights of six of the author’s books. The reason? The books allegedly contain offensive “racist” material. The cesspool of empire is ready to explode from its own putrid gases!

Monday, March 1

Conundrum 2021

The personal on-going relocation project was sidelined by the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. One of the options was the mainland empire. A small motorhome (read: cargo van camper conversion) would be purchased and a long-term tour of the nation would have ensued. The latter plan has been scrapped.

Recent news has indicated that there have been increasing “racial hate crimes” perpetrated on people of Asian ethnicity (i.e., “yellow”) by “blacks.” The origin of that apparent form of “hate” is the constant propaganda about “super-duper corona” originating in China.

Of course, the history of animosity between “gooks” and “blacks” goes back even further. Many moons ago, back in Convalescent City, there was a moment in time when a room rental was secured in a house with all “black” tenants. There were no problems, and great friendships developed.

During that tenure, though, the infamous Rodney King riots occurred in LA. The destruction spread into “yellow” ‘hoods and some, particularly the Koreans, violently resisted the “black” mobs. That did not generate any animosity in the household, but visiting “black” friends were wary. The rest of the household always defended the friendship and defused any potential problems. “He’s okay,” they would tell the outsiders. “He’s one of us.”

Coming from Hawai’i, a “melting pot” in itself, there has never been any inclination toward “racial” prejudice. However, during the 27-year tenure in the mainland empire, there were multiple exposures to “racial” prejudice and discrimination from “whites,” irritating but tolerable.

Of course, as the theory of human origins in Africa acquired more proof (primarily through migration patterns revealed through mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal data), the whole concept of “race” had to be personally discarded. And, as of now, all “races” will be wrapped with quotation marks in Notes.

Yet, here in the 21st century, the archaic and ignorant idea of “race” has been elevated above truth. With so little time left on the planet, there must be an exit plan from the crumbling empire. Where to go?

Addendum: At this point in time, the motorhomeless plan for remaining in the islands is not considered feasible.