Friday, January 29


The Waikiki Community Center sponsored another giveaway of food this morning at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The bag contained a can of tuna, a package of instant oatmeal, instant ramen noodles, and a cup of fruit. Small, but much appreciated.

A small cloth tote with a nice blanket, two adult coloring books, a box of colored pencils, a book of word puzzles, a deck of cards, a notepad, and a small pencil sharpener was also accepted.

None of the gifts are taken for granted. In fact, there was a need for personal reflection, triggered by the discovery of the adult coloring books. There was a flashback to the period of time that a rebirth of innocence was sought. That was back in the days of the old “blog.”

There was a lot of personal reflection then as well. An inventory of the “self” brought on tremendous grief at the realization of succumbing to the malignant filth and ubiquitous debauchery, that is, the current state of humanity. How could anyone become wrapped up in such a cesspool?

Thus, the vow to return to innocence. What happened? Somehow that vow dissipated into nothing. Now, the events in empire are signaling that the vortex of water in the commode, with the turds swirling about, is ready to purge into the sewage. There’s no physical escape, but there can be a renaissance of the person, a mental reconfiguration to a pre-adulterated state. Is the call to innocence beckoning once again?

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