Tuesday, October 20

Tiered Stupidity

The mayor of Honolulu has requested approval from the governor of Hawai’i to move to “Tier 2” of his grandiose “super-duper corona” reopening plan. Thus, gyms could reopen this week, although the latter can only operate at 25% capacity. For the gym in town, that would translate to about 30 members for each hourly appointment. What is really ludicrous is that 30 people in that fairly large gym goes well beyond “social distancing” protocol.

Frankly, there really isn’t much enthusiasm about returning to the gym. The first “lockdown” of three months caused significant muscle atrophy. Strength was down to 80% of “normal,” primarily due to no workouts for the first two months. During the brief two-month reopening, strength recovered to 90% of “normal.” That was a lot of effort. Now, even with maintaining minimal workouts with resistance bands throughout the second “lockdown,” strength has decreased again. Thankfully, muscle atrophy was minimal with little loss of definition.

At nearly 66 years of age, the demoralization caused by the Fascist “lockdowns” has taken its toll. A good portion of the projected five “good years” is gone. The desire to go through the pain and agony of incremental gains at the gym is waning. And, the Fascists can revoke “Tier 2” at any time, which means that gyms will shut down again for an indeterminate period of time.

Well, the Fascists definitely have achieved their goals. They have weakened and “fattened up” a good portion of the population. The sycophants have been reduced to sniveling hypochondriacs. In Hawai’i, though, nearly 99% of the locals are now committed to vote for the Democrat “empty suit” candidate in the upcoming presidential (s)election. Mission accomplished!

Addendum: As of Wednesday, gyms will have been closed for 22 weeks in total for the year.

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