Tuesday, June 23

Lost Cause

The second round of the chest-shoulders-back weight regimen at the gym has seen some improvement. Stamina has increased, but overall strength has stagnated. From an initial analysis, the tapering that was scheduled in five years has been forced into play now. There is some bitterness, but there will ultimately be no other choice than resignation. Cardio workouts have been reduced to a useless 15 minutes to accommodate the weight regimen. Overall, it’s looking like a lost cause.

The governor of Hawai’i has announced that the new tourism plan will be unveiled in a few days. The plan apparently mirrors the faulty one implemented by the State of Alaska. Tourists will supposedly now be tested for “super-duper corona” here using “instant” test kits. If they refuse or fail the testing, they are subject to the mandatory 14-day quarantine. The punchline is that the “instant” test kits aren’t so instant. Long delays for results were reported in Alaska. Oops! Savvy tourists should simply refuse the test. No one enforces the farcical quarantine here.

The “lockdown” in Hawai’i is slated to end on June 30th, but there has been no news about the latter. Frankly, there’s no reason to believe that anything will change. After all, there is no plan. There never has been a plan.

There has been increasing evidence that “super-duper corona” is a biological weapon. The chronology as well as the genome of the various strains of COVID-19 are pointing in that direction. Although the suspicion was always there, no attempt was made to articulate any speculations in Notes. That has now changed.


The “racial” protests and riots in empire are gradually being revealed to be sponsored and approved by the “Deep State” and organizations directly (and indirectly) leading back to the Democrat (sic) Party. That also holds true for controlled demolition of the economy using the “super-duper corona” hoax as a vehicle. The whole purpose, along with entire “woke” agenda, has been to usurp the presidency of Donald Trump. This goal has been non-stop since his election, including “Russia-gate,” “Ukraine-gate,” and the debauchery of fake impeachment.

Many lives within the rank-and-file peons were ruined, but that did not deter the Fascists. In fact, most of them profited handsomely anyway. And, the “deplorables”? They are hating and killing each other even more. All part of the plan.

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