Tuesday, June 9


There will be no mea culpa concerning the previous post if any allegations surface about its “political correctness.” There will not be any “virtue signaling” either. All of that crap is bullshit anyway. “Victims” need to haul their ass elsewhere.

The need for the real exodus has now come to the forefront as “Western society,” particularly in empire, unravels at a blindingly fast pace. There are Big Money funders and agitators involved, much of which revolves around partisan politics. The fact that the “super-duper corona” hoax and the “racial” protests are sequentially occurring (with no plausible segue), while the planned demolition of a failing economy crept along surreptitiously, indicates that a sinister force is at play.

The masses are being divided by the most trivial lines of demarcation ... the myth of “race,” gender (or manufactured gender), politics, culture, sexual preference, religion, and whatever else the imaginations of the agitators can conjure. They are being empowered by the moneychangers and powers-that-be to violently carve up the rank-and-file. Hatred is being fomented in order to accelerate self-destruction. Ideally, the desire is for the masses to kill each other off, just leaving only the fittest remnants. This perverted form of “Darwinism” could only be hatched in the sickest of minds. Well, these are same psychopaths who engineered eugenics by “super-duper corona.”

The origins of discontent and its dissemination stem from all social media. By inference, there must be a clear and concerted effort by funded organized groups to seed and propagate destructive thoughts by text, images, and videos. The untrained minds of the mental midgets are easy swayed by carefully constructed false narratives from allegedly like-minded “victims.”

The current push, with the curious support of the “establishment,” is for a collective anarchy similar to what is seen in the “The Purge” series of flicks. If that is the case, then bring it on already!

Addendum: There is a lot of speculation concerning the “super-duper corona” hoax and the current “racial” protests that centers on partisan politics, specifically the Democrat (sic) Party. The allegations are such that both events were primarily engineered to bring down the current president. Is that what this charade was all about? And, why would Wall Street agree to “take the hit”? Were the “stimulus” packages and “free” money doled out by the central bank enough to placate Wall Street?

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