Friday, August 30

All Options Are “On the Table”

A voicemail message was left by the sister-in-law in the early evening, but it was not discovered until late last night. The sister-in-law suggested that a visit be made because moms has been noticeably silent and hardly eating any food. The message caused much anxiety and insomnia. A return call was made this morning. The gist of the conversation removed the imperative overtones. Thus, the next visit will be scheduled for next Tuesday.

Kaioo Terrace in Waikiki

More doubts about the homeless motorhome option spurred e-mail contact with Debbie, the real estate agent from many moons ago. Three listings for the rundown walk-up Kaioo Terrace apartments in Waikiki were the subject of the query. If cost of purchase is reduced to $40,000 for the leasehold units, there is a good chance an offer will be forwarded. The maintenance fee and lease rent will be $1,162 per month, which is steep. And, the lease expiry is just 13 years away.

Another option is to run a personal classified listing requesting rental housing. A “long shot,” but it may produce better results than joining the queue for the actual rental listings. There are only two months left before homelessness becomes the only option. Granted, another stay at the Sand Island homeless shelter is possible. However, without an automobile, commuting will be limited to the site’s shuttle.

Needless to say, there has been extreme difficulty in spending any money at all. No matter how much the issues of mortality and the denial of death are considered, there is still a major mental obstacle in place. In 10 years, blindness may occur. In 15 years, the age of 80 years will be reached. Most old codgers “kick the bucket” about 82 years of age according to actuarial data. What other knowledge is needed?

Addendum: The formerly-homeless was in town this morning. A brief chat with him ensued at the fast food joint. He shared a listing for small older RV that is for sale. The $1,000 asking price really impressed him. He urged an immediate purchase with the offer to park it in his space at the “old folks home” in Waialua. Camping for free could commence immediately.

Wednesday, August 28


Today was supposed to be the big day ... the purchase of the Ford® Transit cargo van. At the last minute, an excuse was forwarded to postpone the transaction. After months of planning, what went wrong?

Months of torture at the “old folks home” in Waikiki because of an alleged scam perpetrated by the on-site management. The realization that apathy and corruption are rampant to the point that victims of any kind of misdeed are helpless. Then, witnessing the physical and mental decline of moms in just a few short months. That’s probably “what broke the camel’s back.”

Oh, there are other personal issues as well. However, the situation with moms was the “last straw.” Just two weeks ago, the usual Hawai’i Kai visit went smoothly. Moms needed assistance, but eating lunch and going shopping was nothing out of the ordinary. Now, that’s completely over. There can be no doubt that the head injuries from the last fall were not superficial. Granted, moms’ recovery time is a lot longer, usually a month. However, there’s no denying that moms decline is accelerating. There is now some concern that moms may not last the year.

Everything is “coming to a head” simultaneously. The adverse events have taken a toll on the psyche. The complete realization and ramifications of moms’ plight ate now coming into focus. Thus, the entire mental burden has become overbearing. Add in the struggle with personal mortality and the result is an impending mental breakdown.

Daily functioning and decisions have been impaired. Numbness and extreme confusion have already set in. Only “automatic pilot” has prevented a total catatonic stupor from occurring. That’s the pathetic state-of-affairs right now.

Tuesday, August 27

Et Tu, Brute?

The situation with moms has proven to be quite heartbreaking. What’s even worse is that moms is being treated in a degrading fashion, whether intentional or not. Senior citizens deserve to be treated with dignity during their most trying times. Instead, most people often resort to Draconian measures as though they are dealing with mischievous children. While of sound mind, moms made the decision to relinquish control of her life to the sister-in-law. That cannot be rescinded, not even by moms herself. Upon further reflection, there can be no doubt that moms is suffering from regret and depression. Moms’ will to live has also vanished. How long before moms succumbs?

A nice chat ensued with the formerly-homeless buddy this morning in town. He was assisting a Vietnamese buddy, an undocumented immigrant homeless guy who is here by sad circumstances, with paying his bills. The formerly-homeless buddy will be providing some good locations for the future homeless motorhome to park overnight. The formerly-homeless buddy has also offered his parking spot and space in his cottage at the “old folks home” in Wailua. He also said that the whole apartment can be used when he is gone on a trip to China for a few months.

A quick stop at the Hale Koa Hotel overflow parking lot on Saratoga Ave proved productive. A couple of employees were there to answer questions. Monthly parking is $170 per month and is not mandated to commence on the 1st of the month. The first month parking fee and $10 processing fee must be paid in person at the main office in the parking garage about a block away. Thereafter, the parking pass can be renewed at the automated kiosk.

The Enterprise® CarShare membership will be terminated within the next month. As moms is no longer allowed to venture outside of the house, there will be no need to rent a vehicle or maintain the account. All subsequent trips to Hawai’i Kai will incorporate the future homeless motorhome.

Monday, August 26

End of an Era

Last week, the usual Hawai’i Kai visit was canceled because moms had a medical appointment. This week, the visit ended up being sidelined because moms was recovering from yet another fall that occurred last Friday. The incident happened in the shower and required a one-day stay at the hospital for head injuries. Needless to say, the usual rounds were not made. Instead, a solemn discussion ensued with the sister-in-law.

A complete summary of the last fall, including the results from the hospital, was provided. The sister-in-law has now invoked a few Draconian measures to prevent future incidents. Moms’ friends can only visit but not take moms on any excursions. In the case of the usual Hawai’i Kai visit, moms can be transported anywhere but must always remain the vehicle. Moms has also been made to wear “adult diapers,” but not for incontinence. The bro locks the bathroom door at night so moms cannot enter. The rationale provided was unattended falls would be prevented. Moms must use the “adult diapers” in lieu of a toilet. Sounds like senior citizen abuse, eh?

Moms has also recently exhibited distinct personality changes as well as odd changes to diet. And, moms has been making a lot of odd guttural noises. In some respects, moms is becoming unrecognizable. As alarming as that may be, what can be done?

At this point in time, there is nothing for moms to do but eat and sleep. Depression is probably already showing. Symptoms of dementia are likely to increase more rapidly. And, the date of matriculation into an assisted care facility moves ever closer.

There will be no point to any future visits. There’s absolutely nothing to converse about with moms. Moms can barely hear or comprehend what is being said. There would be nothing to do but sit in the living room in fairly awkward silence. The day of reckoning is here.

Addendum: The purpose of returning to Hawai’i has always been about spending time with aging parents. Pops passed on about 19 years ago. Moms is slowly degenerating, which is very sad to witness firsthand. Once moms is gone, there is nothing left. That, of course, has always been the ultimate fate of a pariah.

Sunday, August 25

While Earth Burns

Human stupidity knows no bounds. The Amazonian wildfires in Brazil, most of which were deliberate deforestation, is now releasing unprecedented levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Even worse, the destruction of the rainforests decreases the surface absorption of the “greenhouse” gas. The implications for global climate change is blatantly obvious.

There has been little effort to mitigate the causes of global climate change, even as it threatens the existence of life of the entire planet. Instead, what can be observed are activities and policies that are accelerating adverse climate change.

A tell-tale sign, of course, is the gargantuan size of debt. Global debt is over $247 trillion. Obviously, none of that debt can ever be repaid. What’s worse is that present debt leveraged the future. In other words, the “instant gratification” mentality has overridden any concern about the future. That, in essence, is the hyper-denial of death.

With that said, a revision to previous forecasts in Notes must be made. The “tipping point” for global climate change is already here. As no real effort to combat the problem will actually be made anytime soon, the countdown to self-destruction has commenced.

Friday, August 23

Illin’ & Chillin’

Nothing like battling the common cold during a prolonged heatwave, eh? Oh, the misery! Fatigue has definitely set in, and personal judgment cannot be trusted at this point in time. Doubt and vacillation have disrupted any semblance of order.

After major procrastination, the sum of $25,000 was transferred to the local bank. A lot of “hand-wringing” preceded the transaction. What has become clearly obvious is that the denial of death is the basis of all financial decisions. Even though the fallacy of such thinking was exposed previously in Notes, the thought process remains unchanged.

There has been a “dragging of feet” insofar as the purchase of the future homeless motorhome is concerned. The representative at the Ford® dealership suggested that a cash deposit be made to reserve the “pre-owned” Transit cargo van. No such action was taken. It is as if there is a secret desire to see the cargo van sold to someone else. Why? Well, there are many doubts about the feasibility of the entire “vandweller” concept as it pertains to a local implementation.

On a side note, a conversation with Junior, another gym buddy, revealed that he is residing at Island West Apartments at the edge of Kalihi. His rent is $700 per month for a studio. That’s about the lowest rent on the island. There was some thought about pursuing rental housing there, but other details about the place were disturbing. The tenants are mostly ex-convicts and Micronesians. Yeah, the homeless motorhome is looking better all the time.

Wednesday, August 21


Ford® Transit

The continuing heatwave made the trip by bus to the Ford® dealership (in scenic Kalihi) very miserable. However, both the “pre-owned” and new Transit cargo vans were perused. The “pre-owned” Transit was also taken on a test drive. There is no doubt that the Transit, albeit huge, is the best candidate for a homeless motorhome.

Another chat with Randy (the contractor) ensued this afternoon. Chats have been frequent because he is renovating one of the small walk-up apartment buildings near the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Aside from the usual small talk, a query was made about the cost to install a roof vent on a cargo van and whether he would be able to do the job. Randy said that he would do the job for just the cost of covering two grinding wheels.

Randy also provided a few tips about where to park the homeless motorhome. The network of people from the Sand Island homeless shelter has proven to be far more valuable than the “garden variety” Satanic gargoyle who have never been homeless.

In the last chat with Randy a week or so ago, he mentioned that there has been a succession of three resident managers at the “old folks home” in Pearl City during his tenure there. There apparently was a scandal similar to what is occurring at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Surprisingly, one of the managers was terminated. Of course, there’s no surprise that Locations is the property management firm.

Incidentally, there have been only a handful of listings of “affordable” rental housing (of which one was a clear scam). However, the desired tenants appear to be university students or working professionals (read: wage slaves). Senior citizens need not apply. No slumlord wants to rent housing to a senior citizen because the latter might “keel over” at any time.

Addendum: The quest for a “pre-owned” homeless motorhome, as opposed to purchasing new, is gaining traction. A “pre-owned” vehicle will sport a variety of cosmetic damage. Thus, the obsessive need to care for the vehicle diminishes significantly.

Monday, August 19

Edging Towards Death


No Hawai’i Kai visit today because moms had a medical appointment. The “free” time allowed for a jaunt to the Ram® dealership in Kane’ohe, the only one that stocks the Promaster cargo van. The total commute time, to and from the dealership amounted to three hours because of revamped bus routes serving the Windward area. Fortunately, wait times were were minimal. The time spent at the dealership was less than half-an-hour and disappointing at best. The quoted price for the smallest Promaster cargo van was more than the quoted price for a larger Ford® Transit model. WTF?

The average amount of time spent commuting by bus daily is about two hours. Total wait time can and often exceeds 90 minutes. Add in an odd errand as the aforementioned trip to Kane’ohe and the amount of time waiting and riding the bus becomes significant. Today, that amounted to six hours. Every hour that passes is one hour hour closer to death.

Part of the journey by bus today included scenic Kalihi. Actually, it’s a slum, plain and simple. There’s no paradise in Kalihi. To be fair, most of the neighborhoods on the island are gradually devolving into Kalihi-like dumps.

Ghetto is Honolulu! Really? Yes, really. The homeless, the derelicts, the “blahlah” locals ... there’s just no escape. And, it gets worse by the day. Even the gym in town is not excluded. On any given day, there is some form of dereliction on display (e.g., derelict sleeping in locker room). Of course, that’s the “norm” everywhere in town ... the fast food joint, Fort Street Mall, Chinatown, and so forth. As the old saying goes, “Lucky you live Hawai’i.” What a crock of shit!

Addendum: There has been minor effort expended in search of rental housing that runs less than $800 per month. There were about three out of the hundreds of listings. Of course, there is little chance of securing any kind of rental housing because of age discrimination and income disqualification (see previous Notes on the topic). Then, there’s the issue of dealing with landlords, neighbors, and assorted other fools.

Update: The Ford® dealership in town has a “pre-owned” 2017 Transit cargo van for sale. Contact with the dealership was established early on to obtain a price quote for a new Transit cargo van (about $41,000 out-the-door). The “pre-owned” Transit is priced at $30,000 out-the-door). A visit has been scheduled for midweek to inspect both models.

Saturday, August 17

Heatwave & Shit

The latest heatwave has now stretched continuously for nearly two months. The stifling heat required the extensive use of the small air conditioner in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Yeah, global climate change “rears its ugly head”!

Waikiki is a shithole anyway. Some kind of “scorched earth” event needs to be staged to raze the entire cesspool. Incidentally, the Food Pantry has been demolished to make way for a high-rise “affordable” apartment complex. What a joke! The Food Pantry, dumpy and expensive, was the only supermarket in Waikiki. Now everyone must shop at the detestable ABC Stores. Oh, the horror!

King’s Alley has also been demolished to make way for another gaudy and cartoonish high-rise hotel. Oh, the cheesy tourist grotesquerie just never ends! It just gets more tacky and tawdry with each iteration. There’s just no way to describe the ruination of Hawai’i.

There are days that the motorhomeless future is looked upon as sheer genius. Other days, it’s just damned stupid. Sometimes the vacillation between the two thought extremes approaches a mind-boggling fever pitch. The oversized cranium is clearly overburdened.

There has been some frantic, albeit sporadic, on-line searches for housing as well. Of course, once the realization was made that all rental housing options are fucked up, there was the inevitable reconsideration of the saner motorhomeless option.

A useless trip by bus to the Autosource dealership in Kaka’ako was made on Friday to inspect a 2011 Chevrolet® Express extended passenger van. It was not in the condition as advertised on the on-line listings. No further interest will be invested, although that particular model is built like a battle tank.

At this point in time, there is now a possibility that the Ram® Promaster cargo van will be the favored candidate for a homeless motorhome. It is the only make that has a really short 118-inch wheelbase option. That makes it at least 12 inches shorter than the shortest Ford® Transit models. It may also be less expensive. The only drawback is that the Promaster has received less than stellar reviews.

Tuesday, August 13

Van Dwellers

Is this the time for an overview of the motorhomeless situation here on O’ahu? Sure enough! First of all, “vandwellers” is the official designation of the motorhomeless, at least for ones who are using full-size vans and minivans for motorhomes.

Chevrolet® Express

The most popular model appears to be the Chevrolet® Express cargo van. The “pre-owned” ones are cheap and plentiful. The older Ford® E-series cargo vans would also qualify, although none have been seen in deployment.

Mercedes® Sprinter

So far, only one “preowned” Mercedes® Sprinter (with camper conversion) has been spotted. Both the new and “pre-owned” models are extremely costly, which explains why it is not the homeless motorhome of choice. However, older used Sprinters still fall into the “vandweller” category.

Ram® Promaster

A new Ram® Promaster cargo van being deployed as a homeless motorhome was spotted in the wild a few days ago. The owner was a local guy in his sixties or seventies. There was a large flat rack installed at the rear of the vehicle. A petrol-powered generator appeared to be stationed on the rack. The Promaster runs about $40,000 with the high roof and longest wheelbase. This puts the vehicle in the vanity “vanlife” category.

Ford® Transit

Of course, the vehicle of choice is still the Ford® Transit cargo van. Because the Transit also costs around $40,000 (with medium height roof and shortest wheelbase), it must be classified in “vanlife.” True “vandwellers” spend about $10,000 on a “pre-owned” cargo van and build from there. “Vandwellers” are what they are, not by choice, but by necessity. “Vanlife” consists mostly of affluent people who made the choice to become motorhomeless.

On a side note, an alleged homeless motorhome was spotted in the Ala Moana Beach Park parking lot. Oddly, its picture was retrieved from the “vandweller” on-line forum. The owner insists that it is his beach vehicle. Sure looks like a homeless motorhome. You be the judge.

Sunday, August 11

Reflections 2019

Seventy years old in a little over five years. Medicare in three month. Life is not beginning. Rather, life is beginning to end. These are the last of the “good years.” So much time was wasted over a span of decades. A lot of rituals were followed in order to fulfill an essentially useless quest for “identity.” Money was saved and spent, all for nothing. The sheer vanity of human life!

Yet, the denial of death continues unabated. The actuarial data suggests that 82 years of age is attainable. Yet, what will be the “quality of life” at that age? There are people who “look good for his/her age” in their seventies. What exactly does that last qualifier mean?

Fifteen years is not a very long time, if the blitz of the last 15 years is any indication. The next 15 years, of course, is made worse by the prospect of increasing decrepitude. The denial of death or the self-perception of immortality tends to increase complacency. The mind is always focused on the present physical state. Age becomes an ephemeral and deceptive “state of mind.” Daily routines are established to further the scope of denial.

Heck, in ten years, there might not be much left of humanity or the planet. A thermonuclear world war could ensue. Or, global climate change could wreak total havoc. Personally, blindness may become a reality in addition to the debilitating effects of old age. In ten years, the prospect for a better living experience relative to the present is bleak.

The mind, however, has a way of playing tricks on itself. It disregards empirical facts and believes what it wants to believe. Thus, there is always a plan for the future. The future is always a consideration when curbing the experience of the present. Yet, what if there was no future?

Understanding the value of time, limited as it is, should force a reassessment of its allocations now. How much time is wasted on commuting? How much is wasted worshipping the tube like a shrine, or playing with the “smartphone”? Calculating daily wasted time, extrapolated over a year, can generate both awareness and aggravation.

Addendum: As predicted in Notes (refer to post titled, “Secular Apocalypse”), the “tipping point” for global climate change has been revised from 2040 to 2030 because of the unexpected surge in the melting of permafrost (with subsequent methane release). Next year, the “tipping point” will be revised to five years earlier. That will be when global climate change becomes irreversible. Well, no need to worry anymore about the “good years,” eh?

Saturday, August 10



The news about the apparent “suicide” of convicted pedophile and sex-trafficker, Jeff Epstein, comes as no surprise. He was “bumped off” by his handlers. The whole Epstein operation was a “front” for high stakes extortion and blackmail perpetrated on high-profile individuals. Epstein could not be at the top of the pyramid. That’s why he’s dead.

The monetization and commodification of both the entirety of human experiences and the “inner animal” gives rise to indescribable perversions and depravity. No other animal is capable of crossing the line into a diseased and sickening realm that is beyond the mere mandate of survival of the species. The entire core of society is rotted out.

Thursday, August 8


In mulling over the most recent observations, the conclusion is that moms is probably already experiencing dementia. The observations are supported by details provided by the sister-in-law. Early dementia was detected at the beginning of the year with the increasing prevalence of forgetfulness.

Changes in behavior and personality, increasing short-term memory loss, difficulty in communication and completing normal tasks, and confusion are now pronounced. The fact that the aforementioned changes became evident this year is an indication that moms’ cognitive degeneration is accelerating. Alzheimer’s Disease is now a highly probable regression.

Moms’ lifespan (estimated to be 103 years of age) will most likely not change. However, matriculation into an assisted care facility may occur much sooner than expected. Late stages of dementia are possible by the end of the year.

Needless to say, the realization of moms’ sad state-of-affairs has caused a few bouts of melancholia, confusion, agitation, and anxiety. Of course, the issue can be summarized under the general umbrella of the denial or fear of death. Mortality is first truly understood upon observing the stages up to and including the passing of parents.

Wednesday, August 7


The games continue at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The 28-day notice to vacate the mausoleum was rejected by Sy, the fucking slimeball. That’s okay. Staying until the end of October is fine. The concern over the wasted rent money has long since passed now that ZIRP is coming.

Of course, the fool has now interrupted the process of procuring the cargo van. A used 2006 Mercedes® Sprinter cargo van camper conversion was first considered. However, an older homeless motorhome may be more trouble than its worth. So, the purchase of a 2019 Nissan® NV is now being finalized. Well, maybe. Unfortunately, Sy is attempting to sabotage the exodus. He really seems to have a “death wish.”

The purchase of the cargo van may go through at the end of the month anyway. As long as reasonable paid parking can be found, it can be stored for two months. That would allow time to have the roof vent(s) installed as well as performing other minor modifications.

Acquaintances who have been privy to the aforementioned information have not been sympathetic. The homeless motorhome option has been looked upon with skepticism. What can be said? Most people are sycophants, “tools” of empire, slaves. They “toe the line” for the moneychangers and powers-that-be.

Addendum: The Wal-Mart Locator does not list the Ala Moana store as a “No Overnight RV Parking” location.

Update: The Ford® Transit cargo van has returned as the homeless motorhome of choice. The projected cost is $41,000 out the door. That’s $6,000 more than the quote for the Nissan® NV 1500 high roof cargo van. Why the Transit then? Well, the Transit is just about everywhere on the road. Thus, it would not stand out as a stealth urban camper. The Nissan® cargo van is very conspicuous because of its odd boxy design. And, both the Nissan® and Ram® cargo vans are highly visible because there are so few of them on the road. The Transit probably has the highest resale value, too.

Tuesday, August 6

What is the Homeless Motorhome?

Do not mistake the homeless motorhome as an attempt to join the “vanlife” fad. Purchasing a $40,000 passenger or cargo van and spending another $15,000 to convert it to a rolling mausoleum has nothing to do with survival or freedom.

The homeless motorhome is the only avenue remaining to safely go “off the grid” without fleeing to a remote locale. It is one of few options remaining to attain some semblance of freedom. With society and social order in collapse, the “civilization” paradigm is a confirmed failure.

At this point in time, the Ford® Transit cargo van with short wheelbase, medium roof height, and regular length is of interest. Once any cargo van is acquired, there will be no other modifications to the vehicle except the installation of a roof vent or two. The cargo area will not be modified in any way. Only a foam folding mattress and sleeping bag will adorn the “living space.” A small plastic portable urinal will be acquired to insure no exit from the vehicle once it’s parked for the night.

There are several paid parking options to be further investigated:
  • Kaimuki - Waialae Ave & St. Louis Dr
  • Kaimuki - Public Storage parking (Waialae Ave)
  • University - University Ave & Coyne St
  • Ala Moana - Kalakaua Ave & Kapi’olani Blvd
  • Ala Moana - Kalakaua Ave & Fern St
  • Waikiki - Fort DeRussy overflow lot (Saratoga Ave)
  • Waikiki - Kuhio Ave & Kaiulani St
The listed parking venues accommodate small passenger buses and cargo vans, so there should be monthly rates available. Alternative, albeit illegal, street parking areas will also be investigated.

Addendum: Vanholio is an interesting “blog” with lots of information about life in a homeless motorhome. Somewhat humorous, too.

Monday, August 5

Game Over ... Again!

Moms’ physical and mental degeneration is increasing rapidly. Observations over the past few weeks support the conclusion. Moms is also acquiring odd behaviors that many acquaintances had mentioned in their own observations with their own aged parents.

The sister-in-law happened to be home when the usual jaunt around Hawai’i Kai was completed. After some passionate display of frustration by the sister-in-law, a more solemn discussion evolved. The situation with moms is far worse than imagined. Aside from physical decrepitude, moms is exhibiting symptoms of dementia. Moms’ personality has also changed.

Upon returning to the “old folks home” Waikiki, an envelope was discovered taped to the front door of the mausoleum. One page of the lease was inside with instructions to initial it and return. Sy was up to his old tricks again, no doubt with some crafty modification to the original lease. Why was this presented eight months after the signing?

The fucking game has to end. It’s gone on far too long. So, the required 28-day notice of intent to vacate the rental unit was submitted by e-mail. A handwritten version was submitted later in the evening. The situation with moms has “woken” the realization that life is just too short for that bullshit. Game over!

Addendum: So far, there has been no response from anyone at the main office of Locations. There has been no follow-up from Sy concerning his alleged communication with the accounting department. Heck, there has been no word from the housing specialist either. Yeah, they’re all “on the take.” Fucking assholes!

Sunday, August 4


On August 2nd, an e-mail was received from Sy, the Property Administrative Assistant, at the “old folks home” in Waikiki:
I am trying to help to figure this out. I am not blaming this on you or anyone else. It looks the agreement was for November and December 2018 rent was supposed to be waived. It looks like November was waived but December wasn't. I will get in touch with the accounting department to resolve the issue.
Clearly, the scammers never had an exit strategy in the case of a skeptical victim. The notion that there was an accounting error dating to December of last year is ludicrous. The only letter and statements about the delinquent January rent was legitimate (refer to “Ides of March” in Notes for details about the beginnings of the farce). Anyway, four months of bullshit and now a “wing it” solution. A reply was sent requesting a copy of the e-mail from the accounting department in order to attain “peace of mind.”

Another curious observation was that the e-mail from Sy was also CCed to Luana, resident manager at the “old folks home” in Makiki (previous mausoleum tenure). The housing specialist had chatted with the latter, but there was no reason for further involvement. That begs the question, how many people are really involved in the scam?

The ambivalence of the management of the main office of Locations is most likely deliberate. The communications barricade (read: “firewall”) is intended to maintain “plausible deniability” in the event of an incident spirals out of control.

An encounter with the friendly tenant from the other building in the “old folks home” this morning proved informative. The current situation was discussed with him, He said that the corruption has been going on for years. Apparently, it’s “in the DNA” of the entire Locations operations. Years ago, the firm was known as Prudential® Hawai’i. An embezzlement scandal forced the name change.

As far as the “old folks home” in Waikiki is concerned, the situation with Randi and Sy is “old hat.” It’s been going on for years. Randi is the epitome of slime. The friendly tenant cited the latest incident in which other tenants had notified Randi that one of their friends had not been seen for days. Knocking on the door or phone calls proved futile. Randi did not check on the tenant for several more days. The tenant was discovered lying on the floor.

The friendly tenant also mentioned several cases of accounting fraud perpetrated by Randi. Obviously, nothing has been done to curb the nefarious activity. So, the only recourse is to move out as soon as possible.

Thursday, August 1


The central back of empire commenced the return of zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) on July 31st. With so little “headroom,” the short-term interest rate should approach zero percent before the end of the year. Quantitative easing (QE) has also commenced two months earlier than expected. Curiously, the easing policies were invoked without the backdrop of a financial crisis. Both European and Japanese central banks have followed suit in “goosestep” fashion.

When (not if) the global economic recession hits, all of the “Western” central banks will have no recourse but to move interest rates into negative territory. In the beginning, only commercial banks will be affected. However, in the long run, negative interest rates will be passed down to individual depositors. Any money sitting in a bank will then require the depositors to pay interest. That’s right, money will slowly disappear.

The predicted scenario will ultimately determine personal decisions and associated actions. Obviously, the motorhomeless option becomes quite viable as the $35,000 expenditure will provide a “home” that is not subject to foreclosure, at the least. In addition, the need to acquire an inventory of physical gold is a priority. There are no societal precedents for the negative interest rate scenario, so precautionary measures should be taken.