Friday, September 21

Fuck It Friday - 12

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The iPhone is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

iPhone XS

The new iPhone XS arrived at the Apple® Stores. As expected, mobs of people rushed to retrieve pre-ordered devices to wait in the queue. People apparently have lot of dinero to waste. Fuck it!

The iPhone 7 was updated with iOS 12 on Monday. No difference in speed or performance was detected. Well, at least the battery is still registering with 100% "health." Fuck it!

Has anyone even set up the new Screen Time settings? Not likely. In any case, who would spend $1,000+ on a "smartphone" and intentionally limit its usage? No one. Yeah, fuck it!

The annual intrusive inspection of the cell at the "old folks home" was performed this morning. That's the final step before a new lease is created. Of course, the financial certification is still "up in the air." In the meantime, an application for a cell at the "old folks home" in Waikiki was submitted with the assistance of the resident manager. Is that a better option? Who knows? The certification process may cause disqualification anyway. Fuck it!