Wednesday, April 11

End of the World

The solar system is set for destruction in about 5 billion years when the sun goes “red star.” The dying star will expand and consume all of the planets. Obviously, all life on Earth will be destroyed. Unfortunately, the chimpo sapiens (humans) want to expedite the process through mass extinctions and a possible thermonuclear conflagration.

The latter scenario will be triggered by a dying empire. Like a trapped animal, the empire is lashing out at everything. The collective psyche of empire, the moneychangers & powers-that-be are clearly schizophrenic. Why? And, why do all empire follow the same destructive path?

The simple answer is that, as empires grow too large, they require more and more resources to continue the empire agenda. The more complex answer was provided by Ernest Becker in his landmark books, “The Denial of Death,” and “Escape from Evil.” Becker stated that all humans are psychologically disturbed because consciousness and self-awareness brings the issue of death to the forefront of human thought. Only various denial mechanisms allow humans to function somewhat normally.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned mechanisms of denial are what Becker describes as “immortality projects.” The scope and ramifications of those projects ultimately determine their lethality. The moneychangers & powers-that-be of empire are concerned with preservation of wealth and power for time indefinite. That alone is the root cause of their collective psychosis. Nothing can stand in their way of what they perceive to be the path to immortality or perpetual legacy. The result is what Becker defines as “evil.”

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