Friday, May 5

Cinco de Mayo 2017

Fuck It Friday! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The creepy hegemonic threat of empire is the primary focus of this edition.

The articles cited in the (defunct) Twitter® feed, authored by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, are essential reading. Basically, Roberts is "spot on." The "missle shield" surrounding both the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation, along with the empire's puppet NATO troops amassed on the Western border of Russia, are indications of a planned military offensive. The feeble pretense of protection from Iran and North Korea is laughable.

The scenario was actually discussed many moons ago in the "blog." Megalomania has infected the diseased minds of the Neo-Con(men). The fools actually believe that limited global thermonuclear war is both winnable and survivable. The foolish notion has evolved from archaic think-tank research dating back to the 1950s. In any case, the revised scenario appears to be a first strike on Russia with thermonuclear weapons to be coordinated with a ground troop invasion from the Western front. The thinking is that the nuclear strike will rapidly and efficiently eliminate the Russian government and neutralize it's military capabilities. Ground troops will then invade and conquer. China will be spared unless it does not surrender after the Russian carnage.

The insane plan must be invoked within three years, although its success is highly improbable. By 2020, both Russia and China will have upgraded their military capabilities and the insane plan's success will be non-existent.

Why would such a scenario be nothing more than comedy relief? In a previous footnote, the financial state-of-affairs of the "West" was summarized. Debt is accumulating at an exponential rate. ZIRP, NIRP, and QE have removed the dodgy "paper" from bank balance sheets and been placed in custody of the global central banks. Thus, there is no chance of another bank failure.

Thus, there is absolutely no hard "correction" possible for stock market and housing bubbles as well as asset price inflation. So, the bubbles will theoretically continue to inflate to infinity. The real problem is that wealth is flowing exponentially upward to the "one percent." Social inequality is increasing exponentially as well. Eventually, the "system" will collapse into itself because of the sheer weight at the top. The result will not be a "correction," but a complete annihilation of the current form of "casino capitalism."

As discussed in the "blog," there is only one way out. That is, conquer both China and Russia, steal their resources, confiscate their gold reserves, and subordinate their populations. The war "booty" would restore value to the Western currencies and reset the "system." Then, the whole cataclysmic process can commence again, like a malignant tumor. Fuck it!

Incidentally, no revisions have been made to the current financial plan yet. The ultra-conservative portfolio is still the same. As usual, more deliberation is required. Fuck it!

A "last ditch" effort to secure affordable senior citizen rental housing will be made by initiating contact with the senior citizen housing assistance program offered through Catholic Charities. If no progress is made, then only one option remains. Incidentally, the best choice for a really nice affordable condominium on the Leeward Coast is Makaha Valley Towers. Second best is still the Makaha Surfside.

A conversation between two senior citizens living in affordable senior citizen housing was overhead at the fast food joint in town this morning. They were talking so loud that avoiding any eavesdropping was impossible. Anyway, the various pitfalls of living in senior citizen rental housing was interspersed with other topics. Upon hearing what was said, there really seems to be little appeal to living in such places. Fuck it!

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