Thursday, March 30

Gym Demographics

Demographics at the downtown gym has changed significantly this year. New people are joining daily at an alarming rate. In January, the onslaught of new members were the "New Year's resolution" crowd, that is, people who join the gym and quit in less than two months. However, the influx of new members has continued unabated.

There are a large number of homeless members, of course. Most of the new mainland empire homeless immediately join the gym in town as directed by "somebody" from their place of origin. Few of the homeless engage in workouts. The gym is merely a hygiene station paid for entirely by disability entitlements.

There are a large number of senior citizens amongst the ranks of the membership, mostly Chinese and Korean. They are in varying states of decrepitude and are most likely taking advantage of "free" sponsored memberships paid for by healthcare providers. There are non-strenuous "Silver Sneakers" classes available. Otherwise, the senior citizens wonder around the gym in bewilderment. Very few have any idea about structured workouts.

Most appalling of all are the myriad new members of the "millennials." Nearly all of them are severely overweight or obese. Even the thirty-something through fifty-something groups are in bad physical shape. Needless to say, any kind of rigorous gym workout is not going to help them. They need to invoke a diabetes-type diet in order to lose weight. There is no sense in building muscle under a thick layer of fat.

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