Saturday, April 1

Homeless Inc.

Homelessness is big business and big money for a select few crafty "douchebags." Homelessness is an industry. It creates endless new jobs, usually administrators and case worker positions. That's why homelessness will never be eliminated.

Lots of money, mostly government funding, is infused into the homeless industry. There is also a lot of money and food donations from private sources and people who feel charitable. Yet, the core of all homeless services is completely corrupt and rotted.

Only the minimum number of homeless are navigated into affordable housing. That minimum is the requirement for government funding. The rest of the homeless are sent scurrying around and seeking invisibility after relentless "sweeps." The authorities are only concerned about long-term "camps."

Even though there are hundreds of new homeless appearing in Hawai'i every month (many of whom are immigrants), the solution to the problem is always Draconian. Keep 'em moving. Keep 'em on the run. Keep 'em in fear. Then, the homeless remain invisible during the daylight hours. Like vampires, they only come out at night ... to sleep on the sidewalk or in the bushes.

Many of the homeless understand what's happening. That's why they take full advantage of any "free" services offered. They learn to lie and cheat, just like the formerly-homeless buddy. That's the vicious circle of the homeless industry.

In summary, the homeless situation cannot be solved because the people who are employed by the latter may ... Molech forbid ... end up homeless.

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