Wednesday, January 1

Wing It Wednesday - 5

Wing It Wednesday (WIW)! Sporadic news and commentary of no particular interest to anyone ... WIW! The same ol’ shit is the primary focus of this edition.

Same ol’ shit? Yeah, new year, same ol’ shit. The routine for the day remained the same with the exception of morning coffee time at Ala Moana Center (essentially the Sunday morning routine). The mall was packed with idiotic shoppers, all lining up in queue before the any of the establishments opened. Can these fools get enough of shopping?

The Watch Series 9 logged an alert sometime this morning. Slight apprehension ensued. Was it a cardiac event notification? Alas, the message stated, “Happy New Year!” The device is a prized possession. And, thankfully, it has no AI bullshit. 

A couple of chance encounters with Ignacio occurred earlier in the week at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. He rarely leaves his mausoleum anymore. He gifted a new Macys® sports coat, one that he purchased a few months ago and has never worn, even though he was told that there is no personal need for such a coat. Heck, there isn’t even one pair of slacks in personal possession.

Divesting personal possessions appears to a fixation with senior citizens, most likely because they know they have little time left. With that said, the iPad Pro M4 may be traded for an Apple® gift card. The trade-in value is $555 or less. Yeah, that’s a big loss. The device is now deployed almost daily, but only for brief sessions. Nothing to justify its existence.

In the days of old, “stuff” was sold on eBay® and Craigslist. However, that process is beyond the patience of an old codger. Too much bullshit.

The Ross® store is closing for good next Friday. As of yesterday, the entire store was nearly empty. Very few merchandise remains. That’s it for downtown Honolulu. It’s officially dead.

The ProtonVPN “app” is now confirmed to be the best method of deployment. The VPN works quite well. And, it has remedied the strange DNS issue on free wireless networks (as described previously in Notes). The VPN will now be diligently used with any critical on-line accounts. Consider the latter as another step to insure data security subsequent to the dreadful NPD breach (which exposed personal data on the “Dark Web”).

The situation in the collective “West” continues to rapidly deteriorate. The best evidence is the sheer number of peon assholes who fester in the disintegrating social fabric. In the meantime, the governments (sic) of the “West” have been given a “blank check” by the aforementioned assholes to run roughshod and destroy global security. There is no “happy” new year. The “garden variety” Fascists are winning. Go ahead and celebrate, if you will. Celebrate your demise. Otherwise, the best advice is to just wing it!

Miscellany: There’s actually no reason to deploy a VPN at all, especially on a full-time basis. The shortlist of the approved Web sites is … well, short. Nothing controversial. And, the only on-line account that is accessed regularly is Proton Mail. The Daily Stormer is the only site that requires a VPN to access on free wireless networks.


  1. Best advice is to listen to Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul etc. who are trying to fight against the nefarious forces contra Our Republic

    1. Unfortunately few give ear to Ron and Bernie. They're primarily jokes with the so - called ' mainstream'.


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