Monday, January 20

MLK Day 2025

Very little of personal relevance is worthy of chronicling today. The routine was the same, and much effort was required to circumvent the usual holiday obstacles.

“Orange Bad Man” was inaugurated as emperor of empire. Surprisingly, he and his team “hit the ground running.” A slew of executive orders were signed, which were of some significance. Of note, he pardoned the “January 6th” protesters. And, the immigration and “woke” issues are at the forefront. Unfortunately, the time is still too early for an assessment.

“Joe Headroom,” former emperor, laid bare the extreme corruption in empire as he executed “preemptive pardons” for his family and criminals like High Priest Fauci (of the Church of Comirnaty) on his last day. Good riddance.

As far as empire is concerned, it is too far gone. Well, the entire “Western” society is a lost cause. Why? There is no society, just a collective of stupid, arrogant, inconsiderate shitheads. Even the simplest rules of society are ignored by the masses. Hence, no one “gives a shit” about anything (except themselves, supposedly). In addition, the majority of the rank-and-file peons are fat and ugly. Their faces are hideous and gargoyle-like. Their bodies are like blobs of shit. And, they are loud and obnoxious. They all need to be rounded up and “recycled.”

Personal finances have taken a turn for the worse … or better. The miserly ways are being phased out. There is little concern now about exceeding arbitrary expenditure limits. Actuarial life expectancy is about ten more years. Unfortunately, there are no more “big ticket” purchases to make. So, the increase in spending involves mostly food.

Fretting over the useless personal possessions (e.g., iPad Pro M4, Beats® Pill) is also fruitless. All that “stuff” can be given away to random strangers, and no loss of sleep will occur. The value of that “stuff” is “chump change.”

The main concern at this moment in time is when the body will commence rapid degradation. The gym workouts have staved off that process successfully. However, this cannot go on forever. The physique is essentially the same as it was over 20 years ago, just a little leaner. Quite surprising considering that all peers have already gone through rapid physical degradation. Of course, the mind is going through extreme duress at the thought of such a prospect.

Aside from the aforementioned nonsense, the follow-up medical examination at the Ohua Clinic has still not been scheduled. No dental examination was scheduled either, now past three years overdue. The digital blood pressure monitor has not been unboxed yet. The iPad Pro M4 is only used sporadically. The vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD is slated for deprecation in … who knows when?

Miscellany: The TikTok shutdown caused ProtonVPN to become unusable on Saturday morning. The masses of idiots were panicking over the loss of a social media platform. Little wonder why society no longer exists.

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