Monday, January 27

7 Ahau 3 Pax

Collapse of Empire

The first cold front of the season arrived on Wednesday of last week and continued for three days. Ambient temperature at night was about 60o F. The first heavy rain appeared during the walk back to the “old folks home” in Waikiki on Sunday after a brief late afternoon outing to the International Marketplace (read: Target®). Winter is here!

An account was established for the new Chinese AI startup, DeepSeek (open source). The “app” was installed on the iPhone 16 Pro briefly, but uninstalled when no difference was noted between the latter and the Web site. There is one unidentified tracker associated with the site, if anyone is concerned about privacy. So, what about Apple® Intelligence? Yeah, what about it?

DeepSeek is apparently causing much grief with the technology sector of empire, so much so that a correction was forthcoming in the equities market. Coincidentally, DeepSeek servers were subject to a major DDoS attack. Oh, who could possible be responsible?

The vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) has been reduced by at least 150 choice selections (402 remaining). Another audit is in the works, although there is no valid reason why the LaCie® SSD should not just be reformatted. Then, the HGVL would be instantly deprecated. In addition, new downloads have been paused.

Observations reveal that there really aren’t that many 80-year-old members at the gym, if any. The safest assumption is that most seniors are between 65 and 75 years of age, the point being that only a handful of viable years are remaining before the inevitable rapid physical degeneration occurs. A chilling thought.

Incidentally, the MIAs at the gym still remain MIA. And, Pat and pops’ second wife have both gone MIA again. Only the worst can be assumed.

On a side note, personal social life has been completely mummified. There is absolutely no social interaction with anyone, by choice. Any interaction initiated by a friendly second party is immediately extinguished by apathy and the patented “stoneface.” Acquaintances are not exempted. Any verbal discourse is terse. In this era of extreme narcissism, all social interactions are unilateral and meaningless. Better off alone.

Addendum: Although a DeepSeek account was established, the service has not been used. The latter is still categorized as AI bullshit.

Wednesday, January 22

Notes Music Break

Betsy & Мария Янковская — Сигма Бой

Monday, January 20

MLK Day 2025

Very little of personal relevance is worthy of chronicling today. The routine was the same, and much effort was required to circumvent the usual holiday obstacles.

“Orange Bad Man” was inaugurated as emperor of empire. Surprisingly, he and his team “hit the ground running.” A slew of executive orders were signed, which were of some significance. Of note, he pardoned the “January 6th” protesters. And, the immigration and “woke” issues are at the forefront. Unfortunately, the time is still too early for an assessment.

“Joe Headroom,” former emperor, laid bare the extreme corruption in empire as he executed “preemptive pardons” for his family and criminals like High Priest Fauci (of the Church of Comirnaty) on his last day. Good riddance.

As far as empire is concerned, it is too far gone. Well, the entire “Western” society is a lost cause. Why? There is no society, just a collective of stupid, arrogant, inconsiderate shitheads. Even the simplest rules of society are ignored by the masses. Hence, no one “gives a shit” about anything (except themselves, supposedly). In addition, the majority of the rank-and-file peons are fat and ugly. Their faces are hideous and gargoyle-like. Their bodies are like blobs of shit. And, they are loud and obnoxious. They all need to be rounded up and “recycled.”

Personal finances have taken a turn for the worse … or better. The miserly ways are being phased out. There is little concern now about exceeding arbitrary expenditure limits. Actuarial life expectancy is about ten more years. Unfortunately, there are no more “big ticket” purchases to make. So, the increase in spending involves mostly food.

Fretting over the useless personal possessions (e.g., iPad Pro M4, Beats® Pill) is also fruitless. All that “stuff” can be given away to random strangers, and no loss of sleep will occur. The value of that “stuff” is “chump change.”

The main concern at this moment in time is when the body will commence rapid degradation. The gym workouts have staved off that process successfully. However, this cannot go on forever. The physique is essentially the same as it was over 20 years ago, just a little leaner. Quite surprising considering that all peers have already gone through rapid physical degradation. Of course, the mind is going through extreme duress at the thought of such a prospect.

Aside from the aforementioned nonsense, the follow-up medical examination at the Ohua Clinic has still not been scheduled. No dental examination was scheduled either, now past three years overdue. The digital blood pressure monitor has not been unboxed yet. The iPad Pro M4 is only used sporadically. The vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) on the LaCie® SSD is slated for deprecation in … who knows when?

Miscellany: The TikTok shutdown caused ProtonVPN to become unusable on Saturday morning. The masses of idiots were panicking over the loss of a social media platform. Little wonder why society no longer exists.

Wednesday, January 15

Ghost Town Redux

Well, the novelty of the iPhone 16 Pro wore off about one hour after its acquisition. With the exception of Camera Control and the dimmer yellow-tinted screen, the device is exactly the same as the iPhone 15 Pro. The new wallpaper is mesmerizing, though. Of course, all of the features, including the AI bullshit, have been disabled.

The gym membership was in limbo for nearly two weeks. For some reason, the Silver Sneakers® senior citizen subsidy was not being accepted. So, finally, a new account was established by the gym staff. A new on-line account had to be set up, too. Lots of “welcome, new member” e-mail was received subsequently.

The Subway® “app” and Web site became dysfunctional about two weeks ago. On-line orders were “hit or miss” with odd cancellations occurring most of the time. The composition of the orders was also screwed up. Successful order frequency was about once per week. So, the one-and-only credit card was removed as the payment method, and the “app” was mummified. No big loss. The sandwiches were becoming even more pathetic anyway, what with the baguette-sized bread and all. The plan is to use the remaining cash rewards and phase-out dining there. Sandwiches will be ordered in-person at the storefront during the interim.

The downtown Ross® store is now history. The signage was removed the day after closure. Oddly, there are still a lot of people loitering in town. On a positive note, there is a rumor that Target® is going to open a store in town. The only place large enough is the old Ross® location. Incidentally, the former Walmart® store is going to be converted into a huge pickleball complex. Sounds like a winner, eh?

The only good news is that the weather is still quite mild for Winter. The days and evenings are cooler, but not cold. Shorts and tank tops are still being worn when out and about.

Sunday, January 12

iPhone 16 Pro

The iPhone 16 Pro is here! Well, there’s not much to be excited about. Rather than sit in the Makai Market food court for two hours this morning, the impulsive decision was made to procure the new iPhone 16 Pro and exploit the $520 trade-in for the older device.

The set-up process was much longer than expected. Visible has added a new “line lock” feature that requires 20 minutes to deactivate. No eSIM transfer can be made during that time. As usual, Visible never informs its customers about new features. Aside from that annoyance, the process was smooth.

The iPhone 16 Pro was not a compelling upgrade. The device looks the same as the iPhone 15 Pro, although it has better cameras and improved hardware. Unfortunately, the OLED screen is disappointing. The new screen is much dimmer and has a strong yellow tint. Disabling True Tone seems to reduce the yellow tint.

Why was the iPhone 15 Pro divested? Although the battery had accumulated 210 charge cycles, the usually inaccurate “battery health” was still at 97% capacity. The OLED screen was way better. The only plausible answer is that money needs to be spent. The preliminary tax calculations reveal that a total refund of $1,921 (overpaid estimated taxes) is expected. Good excuse, eh?

In any case, the iPhone 16 Pro will be in possession until January 2026 at the least. Heck, the iPhone 17 Pro upgrade may be skipped entirely. As for the iPad Pro M4, it will not be divested. Using the tax spreadsheet on the device is a definite qualitative improvement over the iPhone.

Friday, January 10

Notes Music Break

Hypnotic Progressions — Lago Buenos Aires Mix

Wednesday, January 8

The Levant 2025

An interesting comment appeared under the article titled, “The Syria Carve-Up Creates a de facto Israel-Turkey Border Ensuring a Broader ME War," by Mike Whitney. The article appeared on the Unz Review site on January 6th. The commenter used the pseudonym, Armageddon, and stated:

Israel has walked into a trap designed by Iran and the Axis of Resistance. A trap that would have been obvious to any sane and rational entity. The genocidal entity is high on their own supply and cannot understand that they are marching toward their own doom the deeper they entrench themselves in Syria.

I don’t know if this gambit was ever part of Soleimani’s grand strategy, but it might as well have been, especially after Russia refused to take Idlib and compromised with Turkey. It was certainly clear to him and other Resistance leaders that Assad was not going to ever become a full member of the Axis, nor was he ever going to allow Iran to attack Israel from Syrian territory.

Most Western observers are unable to see or understand this, but Syria was a lost cause the moment Hafez Assad passed away and Bashar was selected to replace him. He never wanted the job, nor did he have any proper political education or military background. He was easily manipulated by Western forces and never heeded Iranian advice, such as when he agreed to withdraw Syrian forces from Lebanon, giving Israel and the anti-Hezbollah forces in Lebanon a gift early on.

Iran always knew Assad was a weak link, but gave him many chances and opportunities to turn against the West and join the Resistance. He refused many times to allow the IRGC to train and equip Alawite and Christian militias that would be totally loyal to the Resistance, as was done in Iraq with the PMU. He never listened when Soleimani and other Iranian leaders told him that he needed to learn from the mistakes of past leaders like Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was distant from his own subjects and allowed his government to become fully autocratic and beholden to Zionist machinations.

The irony in all this is that Iran was always his greatest ally and yet he sought to keep Iran at a distance, preferring to listen to Russia and the Persian Gulf regimes. Even at the very end, with the barbarians literally at the gates, Iran still offered to help save the Syrian Arab Republic from total destruction, but in a rare moment of lucidity he told them that there was no point, as his own military had abandoned him. He realized all too late that his perfidy against Iran with Saudi Arabia and the GCC had been a catastrophic mistake, that in his betrayal of Iran, he himself had been betrayed and sold out by the Arabs.

Iran always has contingencies and where possible, it prefers to allow its enemies to destroy themselves rather than involve itself directly in direct conflict. People are easily fooled by what turn out of be pyrrhic victories, which is the only kind of victory the United States and Israel are capable of achieving. These two terrorist entities are so blinded by their genocidal bloodlust and hegemonic delusions of grandeur that they walked right into a quagmire exactly as Iran had expected them to.

And amazingly, rather than realize their mistake, they are digging themselves in even further. They are really that stupid. Iran needs them to think they are winning, which is precisely why Hezbollah agreed to the ceasefire, to give Israel the opportunity to step into the quagmire, and why Iran has delayed responding to Israel. We are only just beginning to witness the grand strategy of the Axis of Resistance unfolding, but the godless Zionists are completely blind to what is obvious to any keen observer.

Israel is destroying itself and it is inevitable that American imperialism and terrorism in West Asia will come to an end. They have always been their own worst enemies.

Notes analysis is in full agreement with the summary. A keen observer would also note the deafening silence about the Syrian debacle form the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, and certainly not because of a humiliating defeat. And, not a “peep” from Hezbollah either.

In addition, Bashar al-Assad had intended to remain in Syria to the bitter end. However, Russian officials had requested to evacuate al-Assad and his family for their safety. Sadly, the only people who will end up suffering are the citizens of former Syria.

Saturday, January 4

7 Kab’an 0 Muwan

A bit of time has been invested in changing the e-mail sign-in for a few of the personal on-line accounts. First, a personal Duck e-mail address (DuckDuckGo e-mail protection) was established. Then, the new e-mail address replaced the iCloud equivalent (the one that was implicated in the NPD breach and forwards e-mail to the Proton Mail account). Of course, the primary purpose was to deprecate the iCloud e-mail address for sign-ins. Unfortunately, the sign-ins for some of the more important on-line accounts have not been changed yet (but are currently protected with one-time authenticator codes).

A preliminary accounting of 2024 dividends from the taxable investment account along with the retirement stipend were used to determine the tax liability for the year in question. Long story short, there will be major tax refunds coming because of the foolishly overpaid estimated taxes.

The dividends from all investment accounts and the retirement stipend covered all expenses for the year. The aggregate amount in the latter accounts increased slightly. In other words, the entire year was financed for “free.” That will all change when ZIRP is fully implemented by the central bank of empire sometime this year.

So far, ProtonVPV has proven to be reliable when using the associated “app.” The only drawback is that VPN servers cannot be selected by users of the free account. Thus, undesired connections to Japan, Netherlands, Romania, and Poland are routine. Obviously, some Web sites will then display in the language of the server location. The only mitigation is to revert to the Wireguard “app” wherein specific VPN server configurations can be installed.

The novelty of the vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) has worn off. An audit of the latter (on the LaCie® SSD) was conducted and many of the selections were deleted. Searching for new choice videos has become tiresome since they serve absolutely no purpose. And, the availability of choice videos has dropped down to near zero.

The daily late afternoon outings to the International Marketplace have been brief. There’s no reason to loiter in the mall unless there is a need to use the free wireless network (e.g., downloading choice hurdy-gurdy videos). So, the daily shopping at Target® is the only agenda. In addition, the “mob mentality” of this latest generation of assholic tourists is intolerable.

The Watch Series 9 continues to monitor heart rate data only. There have been no SVT cardiac events since last reported a while back. HRV is the only criterion that is scrutinized, although the data seems to make no sense (i.e., no correlation to anything except any huge spike occurs after midnight). The device also erroneously reports the base sleeping heart rate as resting heart rate (with sleep monitoring disabled). Resting heart rate is about 10pm higher.

The local weather has been exceptional, quite moderate for Winter. Ambient temperatures are cooler, but not cold. No heavy rain or even mild precipitation. Trade winds have been mild as well. Days are sunny or partly cloudy. Much gratitude can be expressed for the good weather. It offsets all of the other bullshit.

Addendum: Notifications from Google® and Proton Mail were received recently about personal data appearing on the “Dark Web” from the Virgin Impulse data breach. How is that possible? Identity theft, you think?

Miscellany: Subsequent to the first OTA firmware update, the Beats® Pill seems to sound better. The midrange is not as muffled (especially with bass-heavy House Music). The internal equalization must have been tweaked, although the latter supposition cannot be verified.

Wednesday, January 1

Wing It Wednesday - 5

Wing It Wednesday (WIW)! Sporadic news and commentary of no particular interest to anyone ... WIW! The same ol’ shit is the primary focus of this edition.

Same ol’ shit? Yeah, new year, same ol’ shit. The routine for the day remained the same with the exception of morning coffee time at Ala Moana Center (essentially the Sunday morning routine). The mall was packed with idiotic shoppers, all lining up in queue before the any of the establishments opened. Can these fools get enough of shopping?

The Watch Series 9 logged an alert sometime this morning. Slight apprehension ensued. Was it a cardiac event notification? Alas, the message stated, “Happy New Year!” The device is a prized possession. And, thankfully, it has no AI bullshit. 

A couple of chance encounters with Ignacio occurred earlier in the week at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. He rarely leaves his mausoleum anymore. He gifted a new Macys® sports coat, one that he purchased a few months ago and has never worn, even though he was told that there is no personal need for such a coat. Heck, there isn’t even one pair of slacks in personal possession.

Divesting personal possessions appears to a fixation with senior citizens, most likely because they know they have little time left. With that said, the iPad Pro M4 may be traded for an Apple® gift card. The trade-in value is $555 or less. Yeah, that’s a big loss. The device is now deployed almost daily, but only for brief sessions. Nothing to justify its existence.

In the days of old, “stuff” was sold on eBay® and Craigslist. However, that process is beyond the patience of an old codger. Too much bullshit.

The Ross® store is closing for good next Friday. As of yesterday, the entire store was nearly empty. Very few merchandise remains. That’s it for downtown Honolulu. It’s officially dead.

The ProtonVPN “app” is now confirmed to be the best method of deployment. The VPN works quite well. And, it has remedied the strange DNS issue on free wireless networks (as described previously in Notes). The VPN will now be diligently used with any critical on-line accounts. Consider the latter as another step to insure data security subsequent to the dreadful NPD breach (which exposed personal data on the “Dark Web”).

The situation in the collective “West” continues to rapidly deteriorate. The best evidence is the sheer number of peon assholes who fester in the disintegrating social fabric. In the meantime, the governments (sic) of the “West” have been given a “blank check” by the aforementioned assholes to run roughshod and destroy global security. There is no “happy” new year. The “garden variety” Fascists are winning. Go ahead and celebrate, if you will. Celebrate your demise. Otherwise, the best advice is to just wing it!

Miscellany: There’s actually no reason to deploy a VPN at all, especially on a full-time basis. The shortlist of the approved Web sites is … well, short. Nothing controversial. And, the only on-line account that is accessed regularly is Proton Mail. The Daily Stormer is the only site that requires a VPN to access on free wireless networks.