Sunday, August 25

Nihilistic Updates 2024

During the “Medicare Annual Wellness Visit” at the Ohua Clinic (Waikiki Health Center) on Thursday, the physician only briefly mentioned that blood pressure was slightly higher. However, upon closer scrutiny, the data puts blood pressure in the “Stage 1 Hypertension” category. In other words, high blood pressure is yet another new malady. What changed over the course of three years?

Well, the “super-duper corona” plan-demic,” the associated “lockdowns,” the face mask mandate, and the mRNA bioweapon terror are the major culprits. Death anxiety and day-to-day dealings with moronic asswipes is secondary. Insomnia is also a contributor.

At present, there is a vicious cycle at play … chronic anxiety, stress, chronic insomnia, melancholia, increased blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Coffee is an external contributor. Thus, the reduction in coffee consumption is a work in progress. Heck, too much coffee nearly killed fellow senior citizen, Bob. Sheesh!

Last night, the fire alarm in the building was triggered at 2am. The alarm system is also installed in each mausoleum and is extremely loud. A few of the senior citizen residents evacuated the building. The fire department crew did not arrive until 20 minutes had elapsed. The visual inspection of the building took more time before the “all clear” was given. The useless resident manager never made an appearance. Everyone knew that it was a false alarm, most likely activated by someone cooking (read: burning) food with the door open or someone smoking cigarettes in the hallway.

Needless to say, only three hours of sleep was logged. The previous night was just as bad, but the cause was simply insomnia. The kind of brain-dead morons who reside in the “old folks home” in Waikiki are truly a “piece of work,” eh? The entire “Western” society is comprised of such fools, which is why the entire edifice is collapsing.

The time has come to seriously consider the “mindfulness” mitigation. What are the alternatives? Sedatives, beta-blockers, anti-coagulants, and other dubious medical interventions? The aforementioned medications would be taken for the remainder of life. And, each has various unwelcome side-effects (contraindications).

Earlier in the week at the gym, pops’ second wife (also a member) gifted about ten pounds of nuts and raisins. Wow! What a treat! That will probably be good for a year of rations.

On a side note, the Target® store in the International Marketplace is rumored to open in October. The employment opportunity placards have been posted outside. No doubt, the perusing the store will be part of every evening outing.

Miscellany: A nice protective case for the AirPods Pro 2 was purchased for $10 at Target®. And, earlier in the week, a Panasonic® battery-operated nose hair trimmer was purchased for $10 (with senior citizen discount) at Ross®.

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