Tuesday, August 27

Beats® Pill

Beats® Pill

A late afternoon outing to Target® in Ala Moana Center was planned earlier for the sole purpose of acquiring a few necessities. In addition to the latter, the new Beats® Pill was purchased for $149 (not on sale) for no particular reason. Well, with health issues mounting, why not? A “keel over” event could occur at any moment.

There are a couple of skeptical reasons for the purchase. One, the Beats® Pill could be used to listen to the Smiling Mind “mindfulness” sessions. Two, the device could be used as a source of nocturnal background sounds to mask all of the ambient noise. Of course, it could also be used for the infamous One-Man House Party.

Anyway, the sound of the Beats® Pill is similar to the old JBL® Flip 5 that was divested. Yeah, lots of bass with a muffled high end. Alas, maybe it will be put back its box and left sitting around like the iPad Pro M4 and the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds. Sheesh!

An optical appointment was made for later in September with an optometrist adjacent to the Ross® store in town. The choice was simply for convenience. The staff there apparently believes that Medicare clients are low class. So, that will most likely be the first and last appointment there.

Eating fruits for evening dessert has been suspended indefinitely, the reason being that the cause of a few other health symptoms needs to be isolated. There is some concern that pre-diabetes or diabetes may be implicated. Of course, only a blood test after the next medical examination next month will yield an answer.

On a side note, the situation at the “old folks home” in Waikiki is approaching “critical mass.” Many residents have already stated that they are moving out. So far, not a word from the new property management staff.

Addendum: The Beats® Pill has performed quite well, especially in playing House Music tracks. Even at low volume, the sound quality is more than adequate. With the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds, the sound appears to originate inside the cranium and creates listening fatigue. Not so with the Pill. The Pill also performs superbly with the Smiling Mind sessions.

Sunday, August 25

Nihilistic Updates 2024

During the “Medicare Annual Wellness Visit” at the Ohua Clinic (Waikiki Health Center) on Thursday, the physician only briefly mentioned that blood pressure was slightly higher. However, upon closer scrutiny, the data puts blood pressure in the “Stage 1 Hypertension” category. In other words, high blood pressure is yet another new malady. What changed over the course of three years?

Well, the “super-duper corona” plan-demic,” the associated “lockdowns,” the face mask mandate, and the mRNA bioweapon terror are the major culprits. Death anxiety and day-to-day dealings with moronic asswipes is secondary. Insomnia is also a contributor.

At present, there is a vicious cycle at play … chronic anxiety, stress, chronic insomnia, melancholia, increased blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Coffee is an external contributor. Thus, the reduction in coffee consumption is a work in progress. Heck, too much coffee nearly killed fellow senior citizen, Bob. Sheesh!

Last night, the fire alarm in the building was triggered at 2am. The alarm system is also installed in each mausoleum and is extremely loud. A few of the senior citizen residents evacuated the building. The fire department crew did not arrive until 20 minutes had elapsed. The visual inspection of the building took more time before the “all clear” was given. The useless resident manager never made an appearance. Everyone knew that it was a false alarm, most likely activated by someone cooking (read: burning) food with the door open or someone smoking cigarettes in the hallway.

Needless to say, only three hours of sleep was logged. The previous night was just as bad, but the cause was simply insomnia. The kind of brain-dead morons who reside in the “old folks home” in Waikiki are truly a “piece of work,” eh? The entire “Western” society is comprised of such fools, which is why the entire edifice is collapsing.

The time has come to seriously consider the “mindfulness” mitigation. What are the alternatives? Sedatives, beta-blockers, anti-coagulants, and other dubious medical interventions? The aforementioned medications would be taken for the remainder of life. And, each has various unwelcome side-effects (contraindications).

Earlier in the week at the gym, pops’ second wife (also a member) gifted about ten pounds of nuts and raisins. Wow! What a treat! That will probably be good for a year of rations.

On a side note, the Target® store in the International Marketplace is rumored to open in October. The employment opportunity placards have been posted outside. No doubt, the perusing the store will be part of every evening outing.

Miscellany: A nice protective case for the AirPods Pro 2 was purchased for $10 at Target®. And, earlier in the week, a Panasonic® battery-operated nose hair trimmer was purchased for $10 (with senior citizen discount) at Ross®.

Thursday, August 22

Clinic 2024

The return to a medical facility after a three-year hiatus was realized today at the Ohua Clinic in Waikiki. The appointment was classified as the “Medicare Annual Wellness Visit.” So, the physician went through the Medicare protocol. A few vitals were logged, all seemingly normal. The Watch Series 9 EKG results were submitted and discussed, including any historical data. The Watch Series 9 has “earned its keep.” An actual full EKG was also performed at the end of the appointment. The results were normal as expected. The heart only “acts up” when not officially monitored.

Medical examinations have now been transferred to the Ohua Clinic. A new physician has been assigned. The next appointment will be in a month. There was no pressure to submit to the mRNA bioweapon, although several other inoculations were recommended. A temporary basic health directive was formulated and is now on display in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in case of a medical emergency. The completion of a more comprehensive health directive was urged. So, the time has come to complete the on-line personal health directive and convert it to a hard copy.

Well, there are many other tasks that need to be accomplished. An amended 2022 Hawai’i tax return must be submitted. Dental and optical examinations must be scheduled. And, the time is coming to deal with the IRA investment accounts. Oh, for the love of Molech!

On a side note, dinner in the Makai Market food court with Lori occurred on Monday. The usual exchange of personal anecdotes was in order. The last meeting was over eight months ago.

And, a freeze was placed at the three credit bureaus after the discovery of at least five accurate personal records that resulted from the National Public Data breach. The bullshit never ends.

Addendum: The Watch Series 9 has now attained “beloved” status. It will certainly not be replaced by any of the new models coming later this year.

Miscellany: For some unknown reason, ProtonVPN became non-functional. The profile was deleted. In any case, the use of the “app” will not be entertained.

Saturday, August 17

Notes Music Break

Matt Ice — Meads Bay Mix

Friday, August 16

Admissions Day 2024

Another no-holiday holiday has come to pass with all the usual inconveniences. This is Fuck It Friday (FIF) - Special Statehood Edition. Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone. Fuck it!

There have been no major cardiac events, only the usual skipped (or delayed) heartbeats. No pattern can be ascertained. The assumption now is that chronic insomnia, stress, anxiety, and dehydration are the causes. Diet (which is already bland) is most likely not implicated. Fuck it!

The minor changes in diet as described in the previous Notes post has resulted in a two-pound weight loss so far, one more pound to go! Two servings of oatmeal now suffice as breakfast at the fast food joint in town. Yeah, oatmeal is senior citizen fare for sure. Fuck it!

Mitigations for stress, melancholia, and anxiety are undetermined at this time. The Smiling Mind “app” was installed and perused. Unfortunately, the “app” is made up almost entirely of audio sessions. There’s also a mood tracker and some kind of associated journal, both of which are already included in iOS on the iPhone (as well as the Watch Series 9). The “app” was removed upon discovery that the Smiling Mind site has a fully functioning equivalent. Clearly, the aforementioned psychological issues must be addressed, or the probability of more cardiac events will remain high. Fuck it!

An appointment was made for next week at the Waikiki Health Center Ohua Clinic in Waikiki (as opposed to the Makahiki Clinic). The appointment is classified as the “Medicare Annual Wellness Visit.” The Watch Series 9 EKG printouts will be brought along for discussion with the attending physician. However, there is no desire to return to the cardiologist, even if recommended. Fuck it!

Given the state of personal affairs, the need to meticulously track expenditures and exploit all discounts is moot. A “keel over” event could occur at any moment. The one-and-only credit card will be used without abandon. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Fuck it!

Face mask usage by local residents is still around 20 percent. Nauseating, actually. With the new monkeypox hoax ramping up, face mask usage is likely to increase. Fuck it!

Addendum: A chance encounter with Lori while walking back from the International Marketplace this evening allowed for the timely divestiture of the old AirPods Pro 2 and few consumables.

Miscellany: At the gym a few days ago, fellow senior citizen, Bob, mentioned that the heart monitor did not reveal any heart problems. His cardiologist believes that caffeine overdose may have been the source of Bob’s “brush with death.” Bob has apparently consumed several large cups of coffee prior to the incident.

Note: Rank-and-file peons in empire should immediately use the Pentester site to discover if any personal data was part of the National Public Data breach. If so, initiate a credit report freeze with all three credit bureaus immediately.

Friday, August 9

Fuck It Friday - 24

Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! Cardiac mitigations are the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!

There have been no cardiac events since the last one reported. Unfortunately, sporadic irregular heartbeats were experienced continuously from that point forward. Today was the first day that the body felt somewhat replenished. A few mitigations are now in effect:

  • Coffee consumption is mandated to end at 12:45pm daily with any remaining coffee discarded (usually one-third of the initial serving)
  • Oatmeal has become the breakfast fare on certain days
  • Sugar, sodium derivatives, and simple carbohydrates have been reduced
  • Weight reduction goal has been set for a three-pound loss
  • Water consumption has been increased

Other factors such as anxiety, melancholia, stress, and sleep deprivation are out of the personal locus of control. However, mitigations are still being “brainstormed.” Fuck it!

The Watch Series 9 continues to monitor and log heart rate metrics. However, the device does not seem to identify abnormal patterns on its own. HRV data is now being scrutinized. Any data point over 40ms is suspect and most likely indicates a cardiac event, mild or otherwise. Fuck it!

The over-the-counter products ordered from Centerwell Pharmacy using the Medicare Advantage stipend arrived and was left outside the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki by the FedEx® delivery person. The tracking site included a photograph of the delivered package. Upon arrival back at the mausoleum, no package was in sight. Apparently, one of the tenants, most likely on the same floor, stole it. The fucktard who perpetrated the crime obviously has a “death wish.” Fuck it!

A late afternoon outing was made on Thursday to Ala Moana Center to purchase a few sundries at Target® and Longs®. Sadly, no ice cream was procured. Otherwise, outings to the International Marketplace still occur regularly. No outing this evening, though. Fuck it!

The new AirPods Pro 2 (USB-C) earbuds were finally deployed this evening. Yeah, the AirPods were purchased several months ago. The old AirPods Pro 2 (Lightning) was fully unpaired and awaiting donation. To whom? The old AirPods still hold a charge as long as the new ones. Fuck it!

The vast hurdy-gurdy video library (HGVL) now has 237 titles. Additions have slowed immensely because DMCA deletions and very few quality uploads from users. Most of the titles in the HGVL are no longer available. Fuck it!

The $614 refund from the State of Hawai’i (per the filed amended tax return) arrived earlier in the week. No spending spree is being contemplated, even though a “keel over” event could occur at any time. Fuck it!

Sunday, August 4

10 K’an 7 Yaxk’in

Another cardiac event occurred at 12:42am early Friday morning, albeit milder. The cardiac event can be described as spurts of palpitations (led by a strong delayed heartbeat) followed by a period of normal heartbeats, repeated continuously for a much shorter 35 minutes. An EKG was recorded. HRV only spiked at 66ms.

The cardiac events occur after sleep is initiated around 11:30pm. Within an hour or so, the need to “drain the lizard” arises. Upon traversing the mausoleum to the bathroom, the cardiac event is somehow triggered. The trigger mechanism is unknown. However, the fact that the last three cardiac events followed that exact sequence at approximately the same time is beyond coincidence.

Several steps have been invoked to attempt the mitigation of the possible triggers of the cardiac events (previously listed in Notes). Obviously, some of the triggers are beyond personal control. Details will be delineated upon later.

The situation in the Levant has now reached “critical mass.” The Zionists are “over the top” with assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah leadership. Worst of all, the Fascist puppets once again blatantly disregarded the sovereignty of Iran and Lebanon. There is no question now that the Zionists (and the “garden variety” Fascists) desire a rapid escalation. How far will this nonsense go?

Miscellany: The iPad Pro M4 was powered up last week just to install the iPadOS 17.6 update. The device was also set up to use the personal hotspot on the iPhone 15 Pro. The Watch Series 9 was also updated. Well, the next update for the devices will bring about the first of Apple® Intelligence (sic), the ridiculous new AI feature that few people desire.