The latest chance encounter with Bernard was truly sobering. Just six months ago, Bernard was doing fine. Of course, he is fully “vaccinated” and “boostered.” However, there does not appear to be any evidence that the spike proteins would “fold” a liver onto itself. Nonetheless, in the “twilight years,” anything could happen anytime.
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Beloved Chair |
Upon returning to the “old folks home” in Waikiki from the evening outing to the International Marketplace yesterday, a decrepit chair was spotted near the trash dumpsters. The chair was quickly transported to the mausoleum. Upon inspection, the chair was noted to be “rickety.” The formerly clear, glossy finish was completely worn down. Yes, the chair is pathetic.
Of course, had it not been salvaged, the poor chair would end up in the local landfill. In the mausoleum, it can serve a purpose. Heck, just tightening the hex screws would cure the “rickety” aspect. On a side note, the chair is exactly the same as the chairs in the dining table set that moms had purchased for the house in Hawai’i Kai.
One really has to wonder why a mere $2,000 cannot be allocated to purchase some nice furniture, or just a decent bed and a lounge chair. Yeah, the miserly ways. The situation is so chronic now such that Easy Decision Maker is often relied upon for choosing dining venues, purchases, and so forth. Sheesh!
Addendum: The newly acquired beloved chair should not be confused with the beloved “chair” (refer to the Notes post of January 10, 2022).
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