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Choke da “Western” Chicken! |
Although not mentioned in Notes, real news coverage of Ukraine and Gaza has been intensely followed. There’s been a lot of grief and even more rage with each passing day. The mind is really close to snapping. How many more deaths are required before the Fascists are appeased?
Then, there’s the curious turnaround by the central bank of empire. Less than a month ago, inflation was allegedly out of control. Then, last week, inflation miraculously subsided. Now there’s some kind of bogus report alleging that inflation is well below the 2% target of the central bank. So, ZIRP is coming back with aggressive rate cuts. Some kind of shit is going down. The Fascists aren’t even concerned about their brazen lies. They don’t even bother to prolong the obfuscation anymore.
One has to wonder whether the Fascists are “dumber than a knob,” or the FUBAR outcomes of their nefarious projects are purely intentional. The proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine by the collective “West” is a failure as wars go. In fact, Russia now boasts the most powerful and most advanced military juggernaut on the entire planet. The ridiculous “sanctions” bolstered the Russian economy, exponentially increasing self-sufficiency and indigenous production. Was that the plan?
And, what about viewing the Gaza tragedy as a trial run for what the Fascists have in store for their own captive populations? The rank-and-file peons are so totally unaware of that possibility. And, what’s worse, many of the fools will “stand” with the Fascists right up to their demise. Frankly, rank-and-file peons in the so-called “West” will not be able to oppose the Fascists in the same way as Hamas, even with all of their guns. They are too stupid, too fat, too “woke,” and too undisciplined. End of story.
On a side note, Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) is constructing a massive underground bunker on the island of Kaua’i in order to survive a thermonuclear war. The idiotic part of the story is that Barking Sands, also on the island, is home to the ICBMs of empire. Guess where pre-emptive or retaliatory strikes will occur? So, “Zuck” is essentially constructing a tomb for himself, his family, and friends. What a maroon!
The weather cleared up on Friday with slightly warmer ambient temperatures. So, a haircut at the Institute of Hair Design was in order. There’s no telling what the weather will be like next week after Saturnalia. A downpour would make the short walk there very uncomfortable.
This morning commenced with sunshine, but quickly degraded to cloudy conditions and non-stop drizzling until late afternoon. The sky cleared, which may signal another cold front coming. There have been no evening outings since the last one reported. What is the point?
On a foolish note, much “gnashing of teeth” ensued again in the feeble attempt to determine a foolish product, perhaps a “shiny object,” to purchase. Not one single POS could even be justified. No loss anyway. ZIRP is coming, and there won’t be any funds available for superfluous crap.
Finally, with the end of the current Visible+ billing cycle, a total of 13.7 GB of prioritizated cellular data has been consumed, about half of last month’s usage. The pruned approved Web site list obviously had an impact. Choke da chicken!
Miscellany: Now is a good time to review the Notes archive covering the timeframe of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Lots of great videos are embedded within. Never forget the tortuous regime inflicted on the masses by the Fascists.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open.
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