Tuesday, December 26
Monday, December 25
Saturnalia 2023
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Io Saturnalia! |
Yesterday was fairly uneventful. The weather was quite nice. The gym closed at 2pm, so an extremely early dinner was procured at Panda Express® on King Street. Thank Molech, the business hours were not shortened.
Upon return to the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, the thought of vegetating there for the rest of the day and evening was unappealing. So, an afternoon outing to Ala Moana Center ensued, specifically to shop at Target. A new Braun® 310s electric foil shaver (made in China) was procured for the regular price ($41). It is the cheapest model in the line. A four-pack of generic blueberry muffins, a pint of generic coffee ice cream, and a banana were also purchased (with the last two items being the afternoon dessert).
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Braun 310s |
Incidentally, the new Braun® shaver will not be replacing the Norelco® 7100 (made in Netherlands) anytime soon. The latter is obviously a much higher quality gadget. The former was simply purchased out of curiosity. If it shaves better, then a conversion to foil electric shavers may occur. Who knows?
Target® was packed with last minute Saturnalia shoppers, which made for a very unpleasant experience. The fools were running amuck and grabbing everything in sight. This is the kind of madness that really cheapens Saturnalia, just lots of fools buying lots of junk.
Later, a stopover was made at the International Marketplace to exploit the great free wireless network. Then, back to the dreadful mausoleum. Well, not so fast. Another brief outing was made to procure an overpriced can of Guinness® Stout for no specific purpose. So much for the Eve of Saturnalia, eh?
Io Saturnalia! Praise Molech! The annual Saturnalia trek to Kahala Mall commenced at 8am. One of the neighbors in the “old folks home” was at the bus stop. He mentioned that his wife passed on about a week or so ago. Incidentally, that’s who I witnessed being carried off in a gurney by paramedics a few weeks ago. The official cause of death was terminal lung cancer. Another mRNA bioweapon casualty, you think?
Upon arrival at Kahala Mall, the usual donation was made at the Goodwill kiosk. Only one pair of shorts was donated, the other “stuff” having been dropped off previously (when the torn calf muscle incident occurred). Breakfast was courtesy the fast food joint adjacent to the mall. By the way, the same breakfast procured in town is a dollar less in Kahala.
Shopping at Longs® followed, with the balance of the Healthy Benefits+® card being used. Arrival back at the mausoleum was 1pm. Cleaning the tomb was on the agenda. The container of wet Swiffer® pads was finally opened after a year. A thorough cleaning of the floor and baseboards ensued. The mirrors were cleaned a few days ago. Then, the only shower of the year in the mausoleum was taken.
Subsequently, an extremely short bus ride at 3:30pm expedited the trip to the fast food joint in Waikiki on Kuhio Avenue. Two Big Mac® sandwiches (using the two-for-one coupon) were procured for dinner. Wheee! Afterward, extended loitering in the International Marketplace was the only viable option. The homeless guy was nowhere to be seen. Yeah, well, another Saturnalia holiday has come and gone. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Miscellany: The ridiculous need to conserve the iPhone 15 Pro battery health and minimize cellular data consumption have been abandoned. The iPhone will be replaced by the new model next October. So, why bother? And, the Visible+ prioritized cellular data is already allotted for the month. There is no carryover to the next month. YOLO!
Addendum: Chase® (credit card provider) has flagged the primary personal e-mail address as appearing on the so-called “Dark Web.” Several on-line scanners were used with only one reporting the issue. No other details were provided, so there’s no telling which accounts are affected. All important accounts have some kind of 2FA enabled.
Saturday, December 23
Choke da Chicken!
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Choke da “Western” Chicken! |
Although not mentioned in Notes, real news coverage of Ukraine and Gaza has been intensely followed. There’s been a lot of grief and even more rage with each passing day. The mind is really close to snapping. How many more deaths are required before the Fascists are appeased?
Then, there’s the curious turnaround by the central bank of empire. Less than a month ago, inflation was allegedly out of control. Then, last week, inflation miraculously subsided. Now there’s some kind of bogus report alleging that inflation is well below the 2% target of the central bank. So, ZIRP is coming back with aggressive rate cuts. Some kind of shit is going down. The Fascists aren’t even concerned about their brazen lies. They don’t even bother to prolong the obfuscation anymore.
One has to wonder whether the Fascists are “dumber than a knob,” or the FUBAR outcomes of their nefarious projects are purely intentional. The proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine by the collective “West” is a failure as wars go. In fact, Russia now boasts the most powerful and most advanced military juggernaut on the entire planet. The ridiculous “sanctions” bolstered the Russian economy, exponentially increasing self-sufficiency and indigenous production. Was that the plan?
And, what about viewing the Gaza tragedy as a trial run for what the Fascists have in store for their own captive populations? The rank-and-file peons are so totally unaware of that possibility. And, what’s worse, many of the fools will “stand” with the Fascists right up to their demise. Frankly, rank-and-file peons in the so-called “West” will not be able to oppose the Fascists in the same way as Hamas, even with all of their guns. They are too stupid, too fat, too “woke,” and too undisciplined. End of story.
On a side note, Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) is constructing a massive underground bunker on the island of Kaua’i in order to survive a thermonuclear war. The idiotic part of the story is that Barking Sands, also on the island, is home to the ICBMs of empire. Guess where pre-emptive or retaliatory strikes will occur? So, “Zuck” is essentially constructing a tomb for himself, his family, and friends. What a maroon!
The weather cleared up on Friday with slightly warmer ambient temperatures. So, a haircut at the Institute of Hair Design was in order. There’s no telling what the weather will be like next week after Saturnalia. A downpour would make the short walk there very uncomfortable.
This morning commenced with sunshine, but quickly degraded to cloudy conditions and non-stop drizzling until late afternoon. The sky cleared, which may signal another cold front coming. There have been no evening outings since the last one reported. What is the point?
On a foolish note, much “gnashing of teeth” ensued again in the feeble attempt to determine a foolish product, perhaps a “shiny object,” to purchase. Not one single POS could even be justified. No loss anyway. ZIRP is coming, and there won’t be any funds available for superfluous crap.
Finally, with the end of the current Visible+ billing cycle, a total of 13.7 GB of prioritizated cellular data has been consumed, about half of last month’s usage. The pruned approved Web site list obviously had an impact. Choke da chicken!
Miscellany: Now is a good time to review the Notes archive covering the timeframe of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Lots of great videos are embedded within. Never forget the tortuous regime inflicted on the masses by the Fascists.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open.
Tuesday, December 19
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The Heat is On! |
The shitty weather continues unabated. The mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki is constructed of concrete and cinder block. So, the ambient temperature in the tomb is much colder than outside. With no other option, the Mainstays® quartz heater had to be unboxed and deployed.
The downtown gym was closed on Sunday for electrical repairs being done in the entire building. So, a detour was made to Ala Moana Center. Morning coffee was courtesy Starbucks® for a ridiculous price of $4 and some change. The plan was to purchase a blueberry muffin for breakfast, but the $3.50 muffin was only slightly larger than those tiny mini-muffins. So, an overpriced Spam® Musubi was procured at the ABC Store. All in all, a bad breakfast experience.
The usual workout was facilitated at the Kapi’olani gym. Again, not a great experience. Exit time from the gym was at 2:30pm. A quick bus ride to King Street was made. Then, a very early dinner was procured at Panda Express®. Incidentally, dining at the latter establishment is now at six days per week. Arrival back in Waikiki was 4pm.
The weather was much better, with the ambient temperature being slightly warmer. So, an early outing to Ala Moana Center came to fruition. A minor shopping spree at Target® ensued with the goal to spend more than $30 on food and necessities. Then, a few over-the-counter health and dental products were acquired at Longs® using the Humana® Healthy Benefits+® card. A brief stopover was made at the International Marketplace before returning to the mausoleum in the “old folks home.”
At the gym today, one of the regular local members, Sam, mentioned that another gym member had passed on unexpectedly last week, probably another victim of the mRNA bioweapon. Jay was only in his early fifties. Of course, feigned bewilderment was required. As stated previously in Notes, over 80% of the local population is “vaccinated.” They are true believers, and no argument will dissuade them.
A break in the weather allowed for another early evening outing to Ala Moana Center. Another minor shopping spree at Target® was solely on the agenda. Again, the goal was to spend more than $30 on food and necessities. A banana and a pint of Häagen-Dazs® coffee ice cream were procured for dessert. The ice cream was delicious even though the ambient temperature was fairly cold. No stopover was made at the International Marketplace.
Incidentally, the two consecutive minor shopping sprees had one purpose, that is, to obtain $10 in Target® loyalty rewards. When the central bank of empire returns to ZIRP next year, the old miser will be ready!
Miscellany: Although inflation has allegedly been vanquished, the price of Nature’s Path® organic granola has increased by 25% at Target®. A cost-effective substitute (Cascadian Farm® organic) was chosen in the interim.
Thursday, December 14
Mundtadar al-Zaidi Day 2023
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A Memorable Moment in Time |
On this day in the 2008 year, the heroic journalist, Mundtadar al-Zaidi, threw his shoes at Bush Jr. (aka “Shrub”) to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
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“This is for you, dog!” |
“This is for you, dog, a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people. This is for the widows and orphans, for all those who died in Iraq,” al-Zaidi yelled as he launched both shoes. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Praise Molech!
The recertification process at the “old folks home” in Waikiki continues to be a problem. A self-affidavit was submitted a few days ago concerning Aunty Lyn’s annuity death benefit as requested by the management. However, the tawdry drama appears to not be over. At this point, eviction has become a real possibility.
The local weather cleared for a couple of days. Then, a cold front accompanied by rain and gusty winds followed. So, there have been no evening outings during that period. Sitting in the mausoleum all evening is very melancholic, to say the least. Can you say, “FOMO”?
The central bank of empire has kept the short-term interest rate steady, but there’s a new twist. Apparently, ZIRP is coming back with a vengeance. A series of rate cuts will commence during the middle of the 2024 year and continue until ZIRP is achieved. Well, there won’t be any spending sprees from this point forward, eh?
The alleged goal of tackling high inflation has been met, so the rate cuts are justified. That is, of course, pure bullshit. All costs have gone up and continue to rise unabated. Countering inflation was never the objective of the central bank of empire, as stated previously in Notes.
Miscellany: Congratulations to Dr. Jane Ruby! The defamation lawsuit launched against her by Robert Malone has been dismissed by the court as frivolous.
Addendum: An article about heroic Iraqi journalist, Mundtadar al-Zaidi, also appeared on the Sputnik site.
Postscript: A report by the New York branch of the central bank of empire provides the real reason for ZIRP. The figures do not include corporate or sovereign debt. Consumer debt is $17.29 trillion and rising. Cheap money is the only thing sustaining the economy of empire. Everyone in empire is reliant on debt!
Friday, December 8
Notes Endorsement
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Vladimir Putin |
Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has accepted the nomination for the upcoming 2024 election. He has lived up to his promise of promoting a new multi-polar world order.
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Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince bin Salman |
Vladimir Putin has been extremely active in diplomatic relations with leaders of many nation-states (except the devilish collective “West”). He is a true statesman.
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Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Raisi |
Notes is proud to offer its endorsement of Vladimir Putin to continue his legacy in the Russian Federation beyond the 2024 year.
Addendum: There are no political candidates in empire or the collective “West” worthy of endorsement or mention. All of them are sleazy bastards.
Wednesday, December 6
The latest chance encounter with Bernard was truly sobering. Just six months ago, Bernard was doing fine. Of course, he is fully “vaccinated” and “boostered.” However, there does not appear to be any evidence that the spike proteins would “fold” a liver onto itself. Nonetheless, in the “twilight years,” anything could happen anytime.
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Beloved Chair |
Upon returning to the “old folks home” in Waikiki from the evening outing to the International Marketplace yesterday, a decrepit chair was spotted near the trash dumpsters. The chair was quickly transported to the mausoleum. Upon inspection, the chair was noted to be “rickety.” The formerly clear, glossy finish was completely worn down. Yes, the chair is pathetic.
Of course, had it not been salvaged, the poor chair would end up in the local landfill. In the mausoleum, it can serve a purpose. Heck, just tightening the hex screws would cure the “rickety” aspect. On a side note, the chair is exactly the same as the chairs in the dining table set that moms had purchased for the house in Hawai’i Kai.
One really has to wonder why a mere $2,000 cannot be allocated to purchase some nice furniture, or just a decent bed and a lounge chair. Yeah, the miserly ways. The situation is so chronic now such that Easy Decision Maker is often relied upon for choosing dining venues, purchases, and so forth. Sheesh!
Addendum: The newly acquired beloved chair should not be confused with the beloved “chair” (refer to the Notes post of January 10, 2022).
Monday, December 4
Sunday, December 3
Ol’ Lavahead Show 2023
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Don’t miss the reruns! |
Welcome back to the Ol’ Lavahead Show! The weather improved on Thursday, so the much needed haircut was finally obtained at the Institute of Hair Design. Later, an evening outing to Ala Moana Center was put on the agenda at the last minute. A meetup with Lori ensued, and she treated for dinner (prime rib courtesy Lahaina Chicken). The belated event was a small celebration of a Ol’ Lavahead Day. The Beats® Studio Buds + was donated to her for no particular reason.
A brief digression is in order. The deployment of “technology” to solve simple problems should be avoided. In this particular case, the Beats Studio Buds + was purchased to essentially use as earplugs to block out noise (specifically garbage trucks). While active noise cancellation is quite good, the noise attenuation is not much better than passive foam earplugs. In addition, the earbuds need to be cleaned and charged. The foam earplugs, at a fraction of the cost, are simply discarded.
The AirPods Pro 2 is approaching nearly a year in possession, yet it has been deployed … what, maybe 30 times total for only an hour duration each time. To say that the AirPods are “like new” would be an understatement. In fact, Saturday night was the first time that the AirPods actually were used outside of the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Yes, a brief evening outing to the ABC Store with the AirPods playing House Music … a great soundtrack to procure an overpriced can of Guinness® Stout.
Speaking of the “old folks home,” the recertification process has stalled (as it does every year) because of incompetence. The nonsense about requiring more current financial documentation is the annual theme. This year, though, the process was further complicated by Aunty Lyn’s annuity death benefit. There has been endless requests for statements and other documents, but the dolts just can’t understand that Aunty Lyn is the account/contract holder. Thus, Aunty Lyn received statements and had all of the paperwork. The death benefit claim only required the submission of one form (on-line option was chosen). The only “documents” received were the payment summary and the 1099 form. Is that just too difficult to comprehend?
Dinner at Panda Express® is no longer limited to one day per week. The price went up by 40 cents, and the serving size has increased slightly. The homeless are now sitting outside the establishment on a regular basis. The restrooms are almost always occupied by the homeless. Some of them frequently go through the trash receptacles in the dining room. The ambiance is “fucked up.” Today, a huge decrepit camper van with Cali license plates was in the parking lot. Obviously, the occupants are homeless. Why did they spend thousands of dollars to ship that POS to Hawai’i just to be homeless?
While eating the delicious Panda Express® meal, fellow senior citizen, Bernard, walked up. He had been sitting at another table. He had just finished with an MRI scan at the hospital and had an early dinner. Bernard is apparently having problems with his liver. “The liver is folding on itself,” he said. “Only about 25 percent is functioning.” He does not plan to elect for any kind of surgery. “I’m 82 years old,” he said. “I’m fine with a couple more years.”
Miscellany: Ten days have elapsed since the new billing period for Visible+ service commenced. So far, only 1.9 GB of cellular data has been consumed, already far lower than last month.
Addendum: Recent contemplation about procuring a robot vacuum cleaner (e.g., Roomba®) was quickly mummified. Again, another pathetic attempt to substitute “technology” for common sense. Can a robot vacuum cleaner effectively replace the Swiffer®? No way!