Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog interviewed Edward Dowd about the latest data concerning the mRNA bioweapon, corruption in empire, and other great topics.
Saturday, July 29
Thursday, July 27
Mortality 2023
Upon completing the long cooldown on the recumbent bicycle at the gym, a quick glance found fellow senior citizen, Chuck, walking stiffly toward the weights area. At first, the assumption was that he may have strained a leg muscle. However, after a couple of minutes of observation, he appeared to be unable to walk or stand without holding on to something.
Upon approaching Chuck as he was clutching onto the banister along the short ramp, he was asked if he was okay and whether he needed medical assistance. He replied, “I don’t know.” Chuck was then told that the gym staff would be notified and the paramedics would be called. He was then advised to stay put.
Seeing a 68-year-old senior citizen sprint up the stairs to the main lobby is an uncommon sight. However, the daily workouts must be given rightful attribution. The gym staff was apprised of the situation. They quickly ran downstairs and to assist Chuck. So, the personal obligation then expired.
Chuck is in his mid-seventies. He’s thin except for a large “beer gut.” His workouts are not strenuous, to put it lightly. He is most likely “vaccinated” and at least twice “boostered” with the mRNA bioweapon. Heck, he’s still wearing a face mask. His symptoms seem to indicate a mild stroke, which is likely a “vaccine” injury.
The ambulance transported Chuck to the hospital. Hopefully, Chuck will survive the ordeal with little damage. No doubt, he will be told that the cause is “long COVID.” When will this bullshit ever end?
In the last Notes post, no attempt was made to analyze the passing of three of moms’ siblings and moms herself within a short span of 2.5 years during the “COVID” era. All were senior citizens with a spread of about 20 years in age. All of them were assuredly “vaccinated” and possibly “boostered.” Because they were senior citizens, no one is going to question the cause of death.
Brian Wilkins of The COVID Blog expects to see more “sudden deaths” and injuries due to the “vaccine.” Edward Dowd already has data suggesting a “Black Swan” event of spiking disability claims. There are more MIAs in the personal sphere, but no attempt is being made to investigate. If information comes around, so be it. Otherwise, who cares?
Addendum: Mortality (read: death) is becoming the overwhelming theme as the 2023 year grinds on. The Fascists are, of course, the masterminds of the grizzly carnage. May karma visit them all!
Miscellany: The replacement colon cancer screening (fecal occult) kit was received. The required sample will be dispatched soon.
Postscript: These dystopian times are best “canceled” with upbeat, happy music. Enjoy a fabulous One-Man Houseparty with the revamped Notes Music Break!
Tuesday, July 25
Reckoning 2023
The documents for the probate court hearing were received from cousin Dian’s attorney on Monday. Dian is petitioning to be the administrator of Aunty Lyn’s estate. There are only twelve “interested parties” (from moms’ side of the family) listed. For some reason Dian’s sister, Wendy, is conspicuously absent.
The list was somewhat informative. Both of the remaining uncles have passed on. Thus, three of moms’ siblings and moms herself have oddly passed on within the short span of 2.5 years. May they all rest in peace. Only one aunt (Dian’s mother) survives, or so was the general belief.
The list curiously included another sibling who currently resides in Japan. In other words, there is another aunt. Moms had previously discussed her family history on a few occasions. Moms had specifically stated that there was another sibling but both the latter and the mother had died during childbirth. Apparently, there was some kind of coverup about what actually transpired.
Learning about the passing of more relatives is very disconcerting. Of particular interest is the passing of Uncle T, cousin Greg’s father, in May three years ago. Not attending the funeral is a dishonor to Greg, the favorite of all cousins. Of course, all family information was always channeled through moms. Since no personal contact has been made with immediate family for 3.5 years, there was no way to know.
As far as Aunty Lyn’s estate is concerned, only speculation is possible for now. A trust fund shared amongst the twelve “interested parties” is highly unlikely. Dian will most likely sell all of the assets and distribute the proceeds as mentioned previously in Notes.
Addendum: A personal vow was made many moons ago to the effect that no appearance would be made at any funeral. That vow has not been broken.
Postscript: Mortality again manages to move to the forefront of the senior citizen reality, another signal that confirms the “twilight years.”
Friday, July 21
Fuck It Friday - 16
Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! The same ol’ shit is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!
Tropical Storm Calvin apparently “petered out” before its slated arrival on Wednesday. Very light precipitation in the evening was the outcome. Apparently, the dolts who comprise the residents on the island engaged in a frantic shopping spree for essential goods. So, stocks of products such as bottled water were depleted. Fuck it!
Google® apparently has a policy in place which automatically terminates user accounts that have been inactive for two years. Thus, the old “blog” and Notes will cease to exist two years after the proprietor of both is either incapacitated or deceased. So much for legacy. Fuck it!
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Chevrolet® Corvette Stingray |
The miserly ways continue to be an irritant. Even if the miserly ways were immediately abandoned, there’s just nothing to purchase that will adequately deplete the personal life savings. There was some foolish thinking about purchasing an automobile such as the new mid-engine Chevrolet® Corvette Stingray (i.e., poor man’s sports car) and keeping it for two years (until driver’s license expires). Of course, the latter nonsense invokes the stereotype of the old codger attempting to seek lost youth. So, fuck it!
A haircut was attained today, three days earlier than usual, at the Institute of Hair Design. Two weeks is now too long between haircuts. The hair is still somewhat short, but annoying nonetheless. So, in defiance of the miserly ways, haircuts will now be scheduled on a whim. Fuck it!
The transition to fruits, usually two bananas, for the evening dessert has been completed. So, granola and other carbohydrate snacks have been gradually phased out. Adjusting to the new snacks was slightly difficult, but not impossible. Fuck it!
The colon cancer screening (fecal occult) sample that was submitted a few weeks ago was apparently not processed. A convoluted explanation (read: “things fall apart”) was given. A new test kit is supposedly being dispatched. Fuck it!
The option to switch from the basic plan to Visible+ for $35 per month (after $10 continuous discount) expires at the end of September. Barring the propensity to yield to the miserly ways, the switch may occur. However, most of the premium features are not available in Hawai’i. In addition, there have been clever mitigations employed to circumvent the current shortcomings of the basic plan. Well, fuck it!
ProtonVPN is now being deployed on a regular basis when using free wireless networks. The virtual private network (VPN) is perfect for bypassing the restrictive firewalls (read: censorship platforms). VPNs are also excellent in preventing data collection by cellular service providers. Fuck it!
The bus service in the afternoon on weekdays has been extremely unpredictable as of late. In fact, there really is no schedule. The only reliable method to know the actual arrival of a bus is the use of the on-line tracking site. Yeah, “things fall apart.” Fuck it!
There has been absolutely no interest in the political machinations in empire. The corruption is so “over the top” that any concern is just a complete waste of time. Personal focus has been on the proxy war in Ukraine. The megalomaniacal Fascists, apparently headquartered in the “West,” are implementing their “last ditch” efforts to fulfill their nefarious goals (refer to the essential Fascist library). Fuck it!
There were plans to engage in the evening outing to the International Marketplace, but the latter was nixed just before departure time. What is the point anyway? Fuck it!
Addendum: The iPhone 14 Pro battery health is now down to 97% … yeah, fuck it!
Thursday, July 20
Tuesday, July 18
Transmogrification 2023
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Blurring the Lines of Gender |
There are two “tranny” (read: transgender) members at the gym in town. Both are biological human males. One of them is essentially just a cross-dresser. “She” grew “her” hair longer, wears makeup, and dresses in women’s gym outfits. “Her” face is still very much masculine.
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Dil from “The Crying Game” |
The other one is “all in,” so much so that there was some confusion at first. “She” apparently has silicone implants, which look quite impressive with “her” skimpy and tight outfits. “She” may also be on hormone treatments as “her” voice sounds like a human female. “She” also doesn’t engage in overcompensation (i.e., the faggot lisp, the limp wrists, or the swishy walk). The giveaway, which requires prolonged observation, is subtle masculine facial features which cannot be totally hidden with makeup. To “her” credit, “she” works out pretty hard and regularly. In fact, “she” is in better shape and has a hotter body than nearly all of the women at the gym! Only the Diploma Mill hotties can give “her” a “run for the money.” What does that tell you?
Another astonishing gym fact is that most of the members are really out of shape, especially people over 30 years of age. The older they are, the worse they look. All of them are overweight, by the way, which is the crux of the problem. Of course, using the Notes standard, many of them are actually obese.
Outside of the gym, people look even worse. Overweight. Obese. Skeletal deformations. Asymmetric posture. They are beyond just being out of shape, young and old alike. And, to add insult to injury, they all dress as grubby as possible. How can people live like that?
Sadly, nothing new to report on a personal level. Same ol’ shit. There have been a couple of evening outings to the International Marketplace since the last Notes post. That’s about all there is. Well, a small can of Guinness® was purchased for $4 at the ABC Store after the last evening outing. So small that no “buzz” could be attained. Nonetheless, Guinness® is now the only officially sanctioned beer. Nothing else will be acceptable from this point forward.
The weather has been extremely hot and humid for the past two days, a prelude to Tropical Storm Calvin. The storm is expected to arrive on O’ahu tomorrow.
Addendum: There were two other legacy “tranny” members at the gym in town. Both were biological human males. Actually, they were fat slobs who wore tacky women’s clothes. Heck, they didn’t even use any makeup and apparently didn’t bother to shave their facial hairs on occasion.
Miscellany: Extreme sleep deprivation (due to constant environmental noise) has brought on bouts of dizziness and mild vertigo.
Postscript: There was no intention to denigrate any of the transgender individuals mentioned in this Notes post. In fact, the one that is “all in” is quite intriguing.
Monday, July 10
Notes News Break
Gorgeous Channel One News reporter, Anna Prokofieva, was on location in Ukraine with a downed Storm Shadow missile. Courtesy the Simplicius video archive.
Sunday, July 9
New Normal 2023
Yesterday, during the walk to the outdoor seating area across Tamarind Park, a gorgeous young African-American (read: “Black”) hottie, was observed abruptly stopping at the entrance to the 7-Eleven® store. She was well dressed in a nice tight outfit, and obviously had a hot body.
A few minutes after sitting at one of the tables to enjoy morning coffee, the same hottie squeezed through the narrow strip next to the row of tables (including the one personally occupied) instead of the wide walkway for that purpose. She then sat down at one of the tables directly across the walkway. The wind blew her trash, a plastic bag and plastic bottle, onto the walkway. She made no attempt to pick up her trash. A passerby picked up the trash and put it into a nearby waste receptacle. “Thank you,” she said.
A couple of minutes later, she got up, walked over, and grabbed the cup of coffee sitting on the table. “My coffee,” she said, with a big grin. She was a gorgeous babe, but no free coffee for her. The cup of coffee was grabbed out of her lovely hands. She then sat down at another table. She flung her expensive shades onto the pavement. There was a series of loud banging sounds. Then, three security guards arrived. They asked her to leave the property. She launched into some kind of convoluted babbling before finally departing.
Long story short, baby was either whacked out on drugs or permanently insane from continual drug abuse. Or, perhaps she is “vaccinated” with the mRNA bioweapon, and the spike proteins have lodged in her cerebral cortex. There are clinically insane people everywhere, not just the homeless, the early-release psychiatric patients, and the half-way house derelicts. Strange behavior has become so ubiquitous, the “new normal.”
Prices for footlong sandwiches at the Subway® in town have increased again by 90 cents on average. The budget “classic” sandwiches now cost as much as a Panda Express® full dinner. The top-of-the-line Series footlong sandwiches cost close to $16 now. Absurd, obviously, but rampant inflation is the “new normal.”
The latest crime fad in Hawai’i is “assault by macheté.” There apparently are a large numbers of insane people wielding the latter weapon in public, the “new normal” for violent crimes.
Miscellany: A new large “floater” has appeared in the right eye, large enough to cause some vision obstruction. It is also very distracting because it flits around like a small bug.
Wednesday, July 5
Notes News Break
Women claims she sees someone on the back of American Airlines flight that isn’t “real”
— Detect Fights 💕 (@detectfights) July 4, 2023
Gorgeous young hottie attempted to exit airliner after observing “motherfucker” who isn’t “real,” according to NY Post. Another lovely day in empire.
Addendum: Embedded video has apparently been removed. Refer to NY Post link for archived video.
Tuesday, July 4
Slave Day 2023
Slave Day, yet another no-holiday holiday, was uneventful at best. No rest for the weary. Breakfast was courtesy the other fast food joint in town. The remainder of the day? Same ol’ shit. There’s no reason to celebrate the holiday since all of the rank-and-file peons in empire are helpless, hapless slaves to their Fascist overlords.
Well, the latest infection with “COVID” ended up being fairly mild insofar as respiratory symptoms are concerned. Nasal congestion was limited most likely because no attempt was made to forcibly eject mucus from the nasal passages. Friday morning, the dreaded post-nasal drip commenced accompanied by the loss of taste and small. Fortunately, the symptoms abated a few hours later for the most part. Thus, gym workouts were completely back to the usual routine by Saturday.
Sadly, a few “COVID” symptoms lingered, including extreme “brain fog,” sporadic loss of balance, loss of coordination, and muscle cramps. By the way, this was the third bout with “COVID” since the beginning of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Perhaps, the deadly mRNA bioweapon “vaccine” should have been considered, eh? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Total personal expenditures for last month (not including rent for the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki) amounted to $750 and some change. Conclusion? The miserly ways cannot be broken. Sheesh!
The homeless situation on King Street is spiraling out of control. There are now swaths of homeless colonies. The area within the Kalakau’a Avenue and King Street intersection (near the favorite Panda Express®) is one good example. Most of the homeless “campers” are squatting in and around the bus stops. The restrooms at Panda Express® and the fast food joint across Kalakau’a Avenue are often occupied for extended periods by the homeless. Or, they sit outside and solicit for a subsidized meal. Although there is some sympathy for the homeless (for obvious reasons), the latter have made dining out somewhat unpleasant.
The ridiculous elevated light rail, now known as “Skyline,” was finally put into limited service on Friday. That’s after 19+ years of construction. The most ridiculous part is that the entire 25-mile line is still not completed. There are only a few stops in service right now. How the masses of fools tolerated this kind of stupidity is beyond credulity.
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Vladimir Putin and Russian Muslims in Dagestan |
On a side note, the screenshot is from a video showcasing the visit of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin to Dagestan during Eid. His reception by the people was quite amazing. Putin is more popular than he’s ever been, even after the maskirovka coup. And, why not? He has protected the Russian sphere from being corrupted and dismantled by the “Western” Neo-liberal Fascists. How many of the “Western” puppet leaders can garner that kind of admiration? Yeah, none.
Miscellany: About 30% of the local population (including 99% of senior citizens) are still wearing face masks full-time or intermittently. They are the “cream of the crop” of the slave class.