Tuesday, December 26
Monday, December 25
Saturnalia 2023
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Io Saturnalia! |
Yesterday was fairly uneventful. The weather was quite nice. The gym closed at 2pm, so an extremely early dinner was procured at Panda Express® on King Street. Thank Molech, the business hours were not shortened.
Upon return to the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki, the thought of vegetating there for the rest of the day and evening was unappealing. So, an afternoon outing to Ala Moana Center ensued, specifically to shop at Target. A new Braun® 310s electric foil shaver (made in China) was procured for the regular price ($41). It is the cheapest model in the line. A four-pack of generic blueberry muffins, a pint of generic coffee ice cream, and a banana were also purchased (with the last two items being the afternoon dessert).
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Braun 310s |
Incidentally, the new Braun® shaver will not be replacing the Norelco® 7100 (made in Netherlands) anytime soon. The latter is obviously a much higher quality gadget. The former was simply purchased out of curiosity. If it shaves better, then a conversion to foil electric shavers may occur. Who knows?
Target® was packed with last minute Saturnalia shoppers, which made for a very unpleasant experience. The fools were running amuck and grabbing everything in sight. This is the kind of madness that really cheapens Saturnalia, just lots of fools buying lots of junk.
Later, a stopover was made at the International Marketplace to exploit the great free wireless network. Then, back to the dreadful mausoleum. Well, not so fast. Another brief outing was made to procure an overpriced can of Guinness® Stout for no specific purpose. So much for the Eve of Saturnalia, eh?
Io Saturnalia! Praise Molech! The annual Saturnalia trek to Kahala Mall commenced at 8am. One of the neighbors in the “old folks home” was at the bus stop. He mentioned that his wife passed on about a week or so ago. Incidentally, that’s who I witnessed being carried off in a gurney by paramedics a few weeks ago. The official cause of death was terminal lung cancer. Another mRNA bioweapon casualty, you think?
Upon arrival at Kahala Mall, the usual donation was made at the Goodwill kiosk. Only one pair of shorts was donated, the other “stuff” having been dropped off previously (when the torn calf muscle incident occurred). Breakfast was courtesy the fast food joint adjacent to the mall. By the way, the same breakfast procured in town is a dollar less in Kahala.
Shopping at Longs® followed, with the balance of the Healthy Benefits+® card being used. Arrival back at the mausoleum was 1pm. Cleaning the tomb was on the agenda. The container of wet Swiffer® pads was finally opened after a year. A thorough cleaning of the floor and baseboards ensued. The mirrors were cleaned a few days ago. Then, the only shower of the year in the mausoleum was taken.
Subsequently, an extremely short bus ride at 3:30pm expedited the trip to the fast food joint in Waikiki on Kuhio Avenue. Two Big Mac® sandwiches (using the two-for-one coupon) were procured for dinner. Wheee! Afterward, extended loitering in the International Marketplace was the only viable option. The homeless guy was nowhere to be seen. Yeah, well, another Saturnalia holiday has come and gone. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Miscellany: The ridiculous need to conserve the iPhone 15 Pro battery health and minimize cellular data consumption have been abandoned. The iPhone will be replaced by the new model next October. So, why bother? And, the Visible+ prioritized cellular data is already allotted for the month. There is no carryover to the next month. YOLO!
Addendum: Chase® (credit card provider) has flagged the primary personal e-mail address as appearing on the so-called “Dark Web.” Several on-line scanners were used with only one reporting the issue. No other details were provided, so there’s no telling which accounts are affected. All important accounts have some kind of 2FA enabled.
Saturday, December 23
Choke da Chicken!
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Choke da “Western” Chicken! |
Although not mentioned in Notes, real news coverage of Ukraine and Gaza has been intensely followed. There’s been a lot of grief and even more rage with each passing day. The mind is really close to snapping. How many more deaths are required before the Fascists are appeased?
Then, there’s the curious turnaround by the central bank of empire. Less than a month ago, inflation was allegedly out of control. Then, last week, inflation miraculously subsided. Now there’s some kind of bogus report alleging that inflation is well below the 2% target of the central bank. So, ZIRP is coming back with aggressive rate cuts. Some kind of shit is going down. The Fascists aren’t even concerned about their brazen lies. They don’t even bother to prolong the obfuscation anymore.
One has to wonder whether the Fascists are “dumber than a knob,” or the FUBAR outcomes of their nefarious projects are purely intentional. The proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine by the collective “West” is a failure as wars go. In fact, Russia now boasts the most powerful and most advanced military juggernaut on the entire planet. The ridiculous “sanctions” bolstered the Russian economy, exponentially increasing self-sufficiency and indigenous production. Was that the plan?
And, what about viewing the Gaza tragedy as a trial run for what the Fascists have in store for their own captive populations? The rank-and-file peons are so totally unaware of that possibility. And, what’s worse, many of the fools will “stand” with the Fascists right up to their demise. Frankly, rank-and-file peons in the so-called “West” will not be able to oppose the Fascists in the same way as Hamas, even with all of their guns. They are too stupid, too fat, too “woke,” and too undisciplined. End of story.
On a side note, Mark Zuckerberg (Meta) is constructing a massive underground bunker on the island of Kaua’i in order to survive a thermonuclear war. The idiotic part of the story is that Barking Sands, also on the island, is home to the ICBMs of empire. Guess where pre-emptive or retaliatory strikes will occur? So, “Zuck” is essentially constructing a tomb for himself, his family, and friends. What a maroon!
The weather cleared up on Friday with slightly warmer ambient temperatures. So, a haircut at the Institute of Hair Design was in order. There’s no telling what the weather will be like next week after Saturnalia. A downpour would make the short walk there very uncomfortable.
This morning commenced with sunshine, but quickly degraded to cloudy conditions and non-stop drizzling until late afternoon. The sky cleared, which may signal another cold front coming. There have been no evening outings since the last one reported. What is the point?
On a foolish note, much “gnashing of teeth” ensued again in the feeble attempt to determine a foolish product, perhaps a “shiny object,” to purchase. Not one single POS could even be justified. No loss anyway. ZIRP is coming, and there won’t be any funds available for superfluous crap.
Finally, with the end of the current Visible+ billing cycle, a total of 13.7 GB of prioritizated cellular data has been consumed, about half of last month’s usage. The pruned approved Web site list obviously had an impact. Choke da chicken!
Miscellany: Now is a good time to review the Notes archive covering the timeframe of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic. Lots of great videos are embedded within. Never forget the tortuous regime inflicted on the masses by the Fascists.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open.
Tuesday, December 19
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The Heat is On! |
The shitty weather continues unabated. The mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki is constructed of concrete and cinder block. So, the ambient temperature in the tomb is much colder than outside. With no other option, the Mainstays® quartz heater had to be unboxed and deployed.
The downtown gym was closed on Sunday for electrical repairs being done in the entire building. So, a detour was made to Ala Moana Center. Morning coffee was courtesy Starbucks® for a ridiculous price of $4 and some change. The plan was to purchase a blueberry muffin for breakfast, but the $3.50 muffin was only slightly larger than those tiny mini-muffins. So, an overpriced Spam® Musubi was procured at the ABC Store. All in all, a bad breakfast experience.
The usual workout was facilitated at the Kapi’olani gym. Again, not a great experience. Exit time from the gym was at 2:30pm. A quick bus ride to King Street was made. Then, a very early dinner was procured at Panda Express®. Incidentally, dining at the latter establishment is now at six days per week. Arrival back in Waikiki was 4pm.
The weather was much better, with the ambient temperature being slightly warmer. So, an early outing to Ala Moana Center came to fruition. A minor shopping spree at Target® ensued with the goal to spend more than $30 on food and necessities. Then, a few over-the-counter health and dental products were acquired at Longs® using the Humana® Healthy Benefits+® card. A brief stopover was made at the International Marketplace before returning to the mausoleum in the “old folks home.”
At the gym today, one of the regular local members, Sam, mentioned that another gym member had passed on unexpectedly last week, probably another victim of the mRNA bioweapon. Jay was only in his early fifties. Of course, feigned bewilderment was required. As stated previously in Notes, over 80% of the local population is “vaccinated.” They are true believers, and no argument will dissuade them.
A break in the weather allowed for another early evening outing to Ala Moana Center. Another minor shopping spree at Target® was solely on the agenda. Again, the goal was to spend more than $30 on food and necessities. A banana and a pint of Häagen-Dazs® coffee ice cream were procured for dessert. The ice cream was delicious even though the ambient temperature was fairly cold. No stopover was made at the International Marketplace.
Incidentally, the two consecutive minor shopping sprees had one purpose, that is, to obtain $10 in Target® loyalty rewards. When the central bank of empire returns to ZIRP next year, the old miser will be ready!
Miscellany: Although inflation has allegedly been vanquished, the price of Nature’s Path® organic granola has increased by 25% at Target®. A cost-effective substitute (Cascadian Farm® organic) was chosen in the interim.
Thursday, December 14
Mundtadar al-Zaidi Day 2023
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A Memorable Moment in Time |
On this day in the 2008 year, the heroic journalist, Mundtadar al-Zaidi, threw his shoes at Bush Jr. (aka “Shrub”) to protest the illegal invasion of Iraq.
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“This is for you, dog!” |
“This is for you, dog, a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people. This is for the widows and orphans, for all those who died in Iraq,” al-Zaidi yelled as he launched both shoes. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Praise Molech!
The recertification process at the “old folks home” in Waikiki continues to be a problem. A self-affidavit was submitted a few days ago concerning Aunty Lyn’s annuity death benefit as requested by the management. However, the tawdry drama appears to not be over. At this point, eviction has become a real possibility.
The local weather cleared for a couple of days. Then, a cold front accompanied by rain and gusty winds followed. So, there have been no evening outings during that period. Sitting in the mausoleum all evening is very melancholic, to say the least. Can you say, “FOMO”?
The central bank of empire has kept the short-term interest rate steady, but there’s a new twist. Apparently, ZIRP is coming back with a vengeance. A series of rate cuts will commence during the middle of the 2024 year and continue until ZIRP is achieved. Well, there won’t be any spending sprees from this point forward, eh?
The alleged goal of tackling high inflation has been met, so the rate cuts are justified. That is, of course, pure bullshit. All costs have gone up and continue to rise unabated. Countering inflation was never the objective of the central bank of empire, as stated previously in Notes.
Miscellany: Congratulations to Dr. Jane Ruby! The defamation lawsuit launched against her by Robert Malone has been dismissed by the court as frivolous.
Addendum: An article about heroic Iraqi journalist, Mundtadar al-Zaidi, also appeared on the Sputnik site.
Postscript: A report by the New York branch of the central bank of empire provides the real reason for ZIRP. The figures do not include corporate or sovereign debt. Consumer debt is $17.29 trillion and rising. Cheap money is the only thing sustaining the economy of empire. Everyone in empire is reliant on debt!
Friday, December 8
Notes Endorsement
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Vladimir Putin |
Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has accepted the nomination for the upcoming 2024 election. He has lived up to his promise of promoting a new multi-polar world order.
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Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince bin Salman |
Vladimir Putin has been extremely active in diplomatic relations with leaders of many nation-states (except the devilish collective “West”). He is a true statesman.
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Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Raisi |
Notes is proud to offer its endorsement of Vladimir Putin to continue his legacy in the Russian Federation beyond the 2024 year.
Addendum: There are no political candidates in empire or the collective “West” worthy of endorsement or mention. All of them are sleazy bastards.
Wednesday, December 6
The latest chance encounter with Bernard was truly sobering. Just six months ago, Bernard was doing fine. Of course, he is fully “vaccinated” and “boostered.” However, there does not appear to be any evidence that the spike proteins would “fold” a liver onto itself. Nonetheless, in the “twilight years,” anything could happen anytime.
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Beloved Chair |
Upon returning to the “old folks home” in Waikiki from the evening outing to the International Marketplace yesterday, a decrepit chair was spotted near the trash dumpsters. The chair was quickly transported to the mausoleum. Upon inspection, the chair was noted to be “rickety.” The formerly clear, glossy finish was completely worn down. Yes, the chair is pathetic.
Of course, had it not been salvaged, the poor chair would end up in the local landfill. In the mausoleum, it can serve a purpose. Heck, just tightening the hex screws would cure the “rickety” aspect. On a side note, the chair is exactly the same as the chairs in the dining table set that moms had purchased for the house in Hawai’i Kai.
One really has to wonder why a mere $2,000 cannot be allocated to purchase some nice furniture, or just a decent bed and a lounge chair. Yeah, the miserly ways. The situation is so chronic now such that Easy Decision Maker is often relied upon for choosing dining venues, purchases, and so forth. Sheesh!
Addendum: The newly acquired beloved chair should not be confused with the beloved “chair” (refer to the Notes post of January 10, 2022).
Monday, December 4
Sunday, December 3
Ol’ Lavahead Show 2023
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Don’t miss the reruns! |
Welcome back to the Ol’ Lavahead Show! The weather improved on Thursday, so the much needed haircut was finally obtained at the Institute of Hair Design. Later, an evening outing to Ala Moana Center was put on the agenda at the last minute. A meetup with Lori ensued, and she treated for dinner (prime rib courtesy Lahaina Chicken). The belated event was a small celebration of a Ol’ Lavahead Day. The Beats® Studio Buds + was donated to her for no particular reason.
A brief digression is in order. The deployment of “technology” to solve simple problems should be avoided. In this particular case, the Beats Studio Buds + was purchased to essentially use as earplugs to block out noise (specifically garbage trucks). While active noise cancellation is quite good, the noise attenuation is not much better than passive foam earplugs. In addition, the earbuds need to be cleaned and charged. The foam earplugs, at a fraction of the cost, are simply discarded.
The AirPods Pro 2 is approaching nearly a year in possession, yet it has been deployed … what, maybe 30 times total for only an hour duration each time. To say that the AirPods are “like new” would be an understatement. In fact, Saturday night was the first time that the AirPods actually were used outside of the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Yes, a brief evening outing to the ABC Store with the AirPods playing House Music … a great soundtrack to procure an overpriced can of Guinness® Stout.
Speaking of the “old folks home,” the recertification process has stalled (as it does every year) because of incompetence. The nonsense about requiring more current financial documentation is the annual theme. This year, though, the process was further complicated by Aunty Lyn’s annuity death benefit. There has been endless requests for statements and other documents, but the dolts just can’t understand that Aunty Lyn is the account/contract holder. Thus, Aunty Lyn received statements and had all of the paperwork. The death benefit claim only required the submission of one form (on-line option was chosen). The only “documents” received were the payment summary and the 1099 form. Is that just too difficult to comprehend?
Dinner at Panda Express® is no longer limited to one day per week. The price went up by 40 cents, and the serving size has increased slightly. The homeless are now sitting outside the establishment on a regular basis. The restrooms are almost always occupied by the homeless. Some of them frequently go through the trash receptacles in the dining room. The ambiance is “fucked up.” Today, a huge decrepit camper van with Cali license plates was in the parking lot. Obviously, the occupants are homeless. Why did they spend thousands of dollars to ship that POS to Hawai’i just to be homeless?
While eating the delicious Panda Express® meal, fellow senior citizen, Bernard, walked up. He had been sitting at another table. He had just finished with an MRI scan at the hospital and had an early dinner. Bernard is apparently having problems with his liver. “The liver is folding on itself,” he said. “Only about 25 percent is functioning.” He does not plan to elect for any kind of surgery. “I’m 82 years old,” he said. “I’m fine with a couple more years.”
Miscellany: Ten days have elapsed since the new billing period for Visible+ service commenced. So far, only 1.9 GB of cellular data has been consumed, already far lower than last month.
Addendum: Recent contemplation about procuring a robot vacuum cleaner (e.g., Roomba®) was quickly mummified. Again, another pathetic attempt to substitute “technology” for common sense. Can a robot vacuum cleaner effectively replace the Swiffer®? No way!
Wednesday, November 29
Ol’ Lavahead Day 2023
No fanfare. No celebration. No special dinner. Lots of sleep deprivation, though. And, the first rainy Winter day arrived, which further marred the non-existent occasion. Thus, this Notes post only serves as a placeholder. The 69th year of existence begins with a whimper, and the anticipation of death increases daily.
Summary: Heavy rain soaked the gym bag and its contents (clothes, etc.), anticipated haircut at Institute of Hair Design cancelled, gym workout accomplished without problem, on-line order of Subway® sandwich for dinner locked up (fortunately, order went through), Subway® sandwich was poorly made (half of the contents fell out), sat in “colon bag” shit (again!) on the bus returning to Waikiki, and no evening outing although rain stopped. Overall, a really shitty Ol’ Lavahead Day.
Thursday, November 23
No-Holiday Holiday 2023
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Booyah Basting, Molech-style |
A couple of evening outings to Ala Moana Center occurred this week. On Tuesday, a prime rib dinner was procured at Lahaina Chicken in the Makai Market food court, the only “special” dinner for the week. Shopping at Target® followed with the acquisition of more organic granola and a couple of bananas for dessert. A four-pack of blueberry muffins was also acquired. A new Apple® 20-watt power adapter was purchased for $15 (on sale). It’s the same as the power adapter currently in possession.
On Wednesday, Target® was the sole destination with the purchase of a banana and a pint of Häagen-Dazs® coffee ice cream for dessert. A new clear Otterbox® Symmetry case was acquired for the iPhone 15 Pro for $30 (on sale). The new case will be used to protect the device while the shitty Apple® silicone case is cleaned and air-dried. Yeah, the only way to clean the shitty silicone case is to soak it in warm soapy water. Then, it must be air-dried because of the microfiber lining. What a POS!
Well, the two-day shopping spree was necessitated by the need to avoid Ala Moana Center when the ridiculous “Black Friday” bullshit commences. Shoppers were already out in force already. However, the weekend will be worse. Then, there’s “Cyber Monday.” Oh, the horror!
Evening outings continue almost daily at the International Marketplace, even upon return from Ala Moana Center. There’s just no reason to spend time in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. Needless to say, all of the aforementioned activities are extremely benign. However, the feeble geriatric mind is able to deceive itself into believing that valuable time is not being wasted.
The current billing period for the Visible+ wireless plan ended today with only 15 GB of cellular data consumed in 31 days, a fraction of the prioritized allotment. Of course, the reason for the low consumption is the extensive use of free wireless networks and the reduced acceptable Web sites. Well, that and the fact that cellular data really reduces battery life (and battery health with the increase in charging).
A cold front arrived about a week ago. So, the ambient temperature has been cooler during the day and somewhat cold in the late evening and early morning. Lots of annoying drizzling, too. Yesterday, the cold front apparently moved on. Temperatures are much more favorable.
The faithful blanket was removed from the storage luggage. It has not been deployed in two years. The intention is to leave the Mainstays® quartz heater in its box this year. Fussing around with heater is just not high on the agenda these days.
Coffee time this morning was not cancelled since the fast food joint in town was open. The gym workout had to be moved up an hour because the facility closed at 2pm. The place was packed, more so than last year. Everyone will be consuming massive amounts of food afterward, no doubt. Well, good luck with that.
Arrival back at the “old folks home” was at 2:30pm. Way too early, even for an old codger. The mausoleum could only be tolerated for a couple of hours. So, an early outing to the International Marketplace was in order. All of the shops were open. Lots of idiotic tourists were occupying most of the seating, all of them focused on their “smartphones.” What an exciting vacation experience, eh?
Much to everyone’s chagrin, the Waikiki Market closed early, probably at 6pm. Thus, dinner was procured at the ABC Store. Chicken Satay Somen Salad and Miso Ginger Salmon Rolls ended up being the No-Holiday Holiday fare. Overpriced ($16 total), but actually delicious. And, for dessert … a Target® blueberry muffin. Yum! What a great day for an old codger! Praise Molech!
Addendum: The iPhone silicone case was soaked in warm soapy water, lightly scrubbed, rinsed, and dried. As unbelievable as this may seem, rubbing the cleaned surface produced endless amounts of white strings and specks (body oil artifacts). The fake rubber can absorb an enormous quantity of body oil, which is why the case gradually begins to emit a rancid odor. After two thorough washings, the case looked like new and now has the fresh fake rubber smell. The silicone case was retired, with the Otterbox® case now fully deployed.
Wednesday, November 15
Inflationary Embezzlement
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New Amenities! |
The on-site management team of the “old folks home” in Waikiki issued notices to tenants about an increase in rent. Last year, the rent increased by $25 per month. This year, the rent has gone up a whopping $74 per month.
Oddly, the hallways and the elevator were both cleaned three days ago after three-plus years of neglect. Yeah. And, look! New amenities! Well, there’s only one new amenity … the hand sanitizer dispenser next to the elevator in the tiny lobby. That really justifies the $74 monthly rent increase for all tenants, eh? The actual cited reason for the increase is to “help ease the project’s cash flow” and “offset the project’s rising operating costs.” Say what? Well, with so much internal corruption (refer to the Notes post titled, “Locations Hawai’i”), no surprise. The “cash flow” most likely refers to multi-level embezzlement.
Upon receiving the disgusting notice, the first thought was the need to cut back on personal expenses. Then, reality set in. Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Why bother? Personal expenses are still somewhat regulated by the miserly ways. Although this is not Fuck It Friday, fuck it anyway!
Tuesday, November 14
As the Israeli-Hamas conflict continues unabated, the question of why has been substantiated. Clearly, the thesis stated in the Notes post titled, “Distractions,” has proven true. This is part of the major turning point in history. The precursor for the thesis was the inteview on Judging Freedom with Colonel Doug Macgregor (cited in the Notes post, “Vigilance 2023”). Unfortunately, in later interviews, Macgregor expressed extreme Zionist viewpoints. Thus, the interview hyperlink was removed, and this will be the last mention of the latter individual.
There really is no way of knowing exactly what is transpiring in Gaza. The only news is “fake news” from the so-called “mainstream” media relying on Zionist sources exclusively. There are no sitreps available, unlike the Ukraine situation.
The rank-and-file peons don’t seem to realize how embedded Fascism has become in the collective “West.” All facets of life and life-style are controlled by the Fascists. Anything promoted by the Fascists should be avoided and opposed. Such a policy requires deep introspection and humility. Opposition to Fascism requires total dedication. Anything less is a serious compromise which will make complete separation impossible.
The real problem, of course, is that the rank-and-file demographic is comprised largely of dimwits, morons, and assholes. They apparently are too stupid and too ignorant to realize their own plight. Heck, look at how many of these idiots are still wearing face masks full-time. In other words, these shitheads are inadvertently working for the Fascists. A true member of the opposition must immediately and permanently disassociate from such fools.
On a side note, the tentative plan to replace the Norelco® 7000 Series (rotary) electric shaver with a Braun® 3000 Series (foil) electric shaver has been nixed. In perusing user reviews, the former is a better product. Upon closer scrutiny of the foil head of the latter, the only possible conclusion is that the design is some kind of contraption. Of course, the latter may be purchased out of curiosity and personally tested anyway. If it turns out to be a POS, then it can be donated to charity.
Addendum: The “blog” of former CIA officer, Larry Johnson, has been added to the approved Net reading list.
Miscellany: Robert Kennedy Jr. has professed to be a Zionist supporter, along with “Orange Bad Man” and Joe Headroom. There are no viable candidates for the office of Emperor of Empire, all of them being tools of the Fascist cabal.
Saturday, November 11
Fun! Fun! Fun!
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International Marketplace |
The evening outings to the International Marketplace are a daily occurrence, at least for now. The time spent there has been increasing, the latest outing spanning 2.5 hours. The only activity, of course, is sitting in the rocking chair and exploiting the free wireless network with the iPhone 15 Pro. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Nearly all Net access is accomplished through the free wireless networks at the fast food joint in town, the gym, and the International Marketplace. Current cellular data usage is around 530 MB per day and dropping, even though the Visible+ plan is unlimited everything. Net access through the various free wireless networks is also down, the reason being the pruned acceptable Web site list. In other words, the Net is a propaganda wasteland.
The homeless guy (refer to the Notes post titled, “Boxcutters,” for his profile) has also been loitering daily at the International Marketplace, and he has also increased his loitering time. What a coincidence! Sometimes he and everyone’s favorite old codger are the only two people in the rocking chair area. As “they” say, “two peas in a pod.” Two losers on the outside looking in.
Well, loitering at the International Marketplace is certainly far more exciting than vegetating in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. And, the benign activity reduces FOMO. Of course, returning to the tomb at 9pm is still likened to a near-death experience. Fun! Fun! Fun!
Tuesday, November 7
Monday, November 6
Another “emergency” evening outing to the ABC Store was made to purchase a can of Guinness® Stout. The store was packed with idiotic tourists, all of them spending a fortune on high-markup crap. The “Hawai’iana” shit is the biggest rip-off, with most of that junk made in China. Imagine giving that crap as gifts, only to have the recipient(s) note the “Made in China” tag. What an embarrassment!
Well, there really wasn’t an emergency. The whole purpose of the outing was to escape the confines of the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. And a 12-ounce can of Stout is not going to produce any sort of “buzz.” The entire production was only for show.
So, the gist of the problem … old age. Yes, the time has come to admit that the body, the physique, is definitely breaking down. Of course, from a distance of ten feet or so, the degradation is not noticeable. However, the physical degeneration is occurring. The dreaded atrophy has commenced. In other words, time has run out. Game over!
And, the time has also come for all the bullshit, all the rhetoric, to cease. The miserly ways must be mummified. FOMO? Forget about it! Those days are long gone. There’s nothing out there for an old codger.
In addition, fretting about all kinds of nonsensical and minor bullshit, as showcased often in Notes, is a tiresome exercise. If the “piece of shit” causes problems, throw it out. If the hand betrays you, cut it off. If the eye betrays you, pull it out. If the mind betrays you, well …
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Land of Cana’an |
Notes will continue to oppose the Fascists (including Zionists) to the end. When the Fascists say, “Go this way,” then go that-a-way!
Sunday, November 5
Course Correction
A late afternoon outing to Ala Moana Center was facilitated on Thursday. As usual, a delicious prime rib dinner was procured at Lahaina Chicken. Shopping at Target® followed with a pint of Häagen-Dazs® coffee ice cream and a banana purchased for dessert. More organic granola and another big-ass jar of unsalted mixed nuts rounded out the selection.
There have been no evening outings to the International Marketplace since the Day of Samhain. The only evening outings occurred on Friday and Saturday to the ABC Store for the acquisition of Guinness® Stout for dessert. Yes, there was some deviation prior with shitty “taste like piss” substitutes, but no more.
The Notes posts of late have become extremely redundant … again. Who really cares about the daily itinerary or evening outings? Chronicling the former and latter will be mummified. Just assume that there will be at least one evening outing to Ala Moana Center per week. Evening outings to the International Marketplace will be “hit or miss.” And, if the mind is close to snapping, an emergency evening outing to the ABC Store will be in order.
Another modification has been made to personal Net browsing habits. A gamut of technology sites were perused daily for no apparent reason. Who really cares about that bullshit? Thus, from this point forward, only one site that covers Apple® topics will be perused mainly for advanced information on iOS and other firmware updates. Yeah, so there’s even less Net-based activities.
With that stated, the daily afternoon return to the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki is likened to a near-death experience. There’s absolutely nothing to do in the dump during the evenings except vegetate. Sickening, isn’t it?
The miserly ways continue with some improvement. Currently, there is very little fretting about overpriced meals and reduced serving size. The justification is that coupons and other discounts are applied for all such purchases, so the effect of being “ripped off” is lessened. Impulse or “emergency” purchases (e.g., ice cream, Guinness® Stout) occur more frequently with no remorse. Then, too, the surprise $919 check from the property manager has increased the cash surplus.
With the mind about to snap, a brief excursion to the ABC Store was required this evening. Another can of Guinness® Stout was procured. Vegetating in the mausoleum leads to ruminating … about death. Oh, the horror!
Postscript: In the “eleventh hour, Notes is proud to announce that it stands with the Palestinian people and the land of Cana’an.
Tuesday, October 31
Day of Samhain 2023
A check for $919 was received from the property management office representing the “old folks home” in Waikiki. There was no explanation provided. Perhaps there is a tie-in with the alleged scam on the premises as detailed in Notes during the 2019 year. The check was deposited in the local bank account.
Three ambulances were dispatched to the “old folks home, one on Friday evening, two on Saturday evening. The geriatric tenants (from the other building) were all carted off to the hospital. No word on their dispositions at this time.
A brief evening outing was made to the International Marketplace yesterday after a long hiatus. The whole purpose of the trip was to procure two bananas for dessert from the Waikiki Market on the way back to the mausoleum. The outing was pleasant because few tourists were roaming the area.
Another brief evening outing ensued on this Day of Samhain. The International Marketplace was much more crowded because of the keiki (read: children) costume contest. The only purpose for the outing was the use of the free wireless network. Two bananas and an overpriced shitty blueberry muffin were purchased at the Waikiki Market for dessert. The rest of the evening was spent vegetating in the mausoleum. There’s nothing out there for an old codger.
On a side note, commentary by Paul Craig Roberts, Brian Wilkins (The COVID Blog), and Simplicius fully coincides with the Notes perspective concerning the Israeli-Hamas war, the Zionists, and Fascist puppeteers.
Miscellany: Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah is scheduled to speak this Friday to address the next stage of the Middle East conflict. Will Hezbollah engage the Zionists?
Addendum: Download and read the book, “The Invention of the Land of Israel” by Schlomo Sand, using the hyperlink in the Notes post titled, “Cana’an.”
Friday, October 27
Fuck It Friday - 17
Fuck It Friday (FIF)! Sporadic news and commentary of no interest to anyone ... FIF! All kinds of shit is the primary focus of this edition. Yes, this is Fuck It Friday!
Well, no surprise that the big-ass can of Kirin® brewski did nothing to alleviate physical pain and mental anguish. The cheap booze only caused chronic insomnia because “draining the lizard” was required every hour. Apparently, the learning curve has been extremely long. What next? Fentanyl, you think? Fuck it!
Sleep deprivation made for a somewhat groggy Thursday. Nevertheless, the usual routine was fulfilled. And, a late afternoon outing to Ala Moana Center was in order. Another delicious prime rib dinner was procured at Lahaina Chicken. Then, more organic granola and another big-ass jar (30 ounces) of unsalted mixed nuts were purchased at Target®. Bananas were sold out, so a pint of generic ice cream was purchased for dessert. Was the outing pleasant? Yes, fuck it!
Last night, minor sleep deprivation resulted from glucose overload. A pint of ice cream is a bit much, eh? Again, the learning curve has been extremely long. Well, what about Friday night FOMO? The thought of an evening outing to the International Marketplace was not palatable. Vegetating in the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki was the only viable option. Fuck it!
“Crises fatigue” has finally set in. The dystopian nightmare is compounding the general malaise. Dysthymia is the “new normal.” To state that the crazy Fascist faggots are becoming a nuisance would be a drastic understatement. Anyway, the only sane mitigation is to temporarily limit exposure to news sources, even those on the approved Web site list. Commenting on the latter in Notes is also on hiatus. Fuck it!
The reduction in browsing approved sites on the Net was reflected in the reduced usage of free wireless networks. In addition, only 250 MB of prioritized cellular data has been used daily. That’s an all-time low. And, there will not be any substitutions with shitty entertainment venues (i.e., distractions). Better to sit on the floor in the dark mausoleum than to be subjected to the mind-numbing effects of Fascist programming. Fuck it!
On a side note, a lot of shit is “going down” in the “old folks home.” There’s a psychotic “tranny” (read: transgender), at least one drug dealer, and numerous homeless (sleeping in stairwell) in the building. No telling what’s going on in the other building. David, one of the tenants, mentioned that he was physically assaulted yesterday by the “tranny.” Yeah, fuck it!
Addendum: The Israeli-Hamas conflict has certainly made many formerly-respected individuals declare their true loyalties and beliefs. Neutrality is preferred. However, if you stand with the Zionists, you are a Zionist. Acceptable content on the Net continues to dwindle down to nothing.
Wednesday, October 25
POS 2023
World events continue to be personally monitored through the approved Web sites (hyperlinks interspersed in Notes). Thus, commentary in Notes will return to an extremely limited basis. The Fascists, though, never tire of creating one debacle after the other. How other rank-and-file peons fare under such conditions is unknown. On a personal level, debilitating consternation would be an adequate description.
In the last Notes post, the iPhone 15 Pro silicone case was overlooked. Yes, it is another “piece of shit” (POS). Of course, that should have been known since the iPhone 14 Pro had the exact same case. Durability and protection are fine. Unfortunately, the case is a dust and lint magnet. Placing it on any surface will yield an incredible layer of filth. Heck, simply holding it for few minutes will yield the same layer of filth, pulling it right out of the air. And, the filth can only be thoroughly cleaned off by washing it. Do not even consider purchasing this type of case.
The useless junk discussed in the last Notes post and the iPhone silicone case are expensive POS. Some are “shiny objects,” which were supposed to be better than the basic equivalent. Well, that’s now been proven false. The crap needs to go, but how to dispose of them? They are all “like new” and fully functional, so throwing them in the trash is idiotic. The “shiny objects” could be given away, but to whom?
The lesson to be learned is that “shiny objects” (usually “tech toys”) are all POS. Even if there are ample funds to subsidize the purchase of pricey “shiny objects,” why bother? The subsequent grief and rage is not worth the time and effort. Just purchase the basic (read: budget) equivalent. If it turns out to be a POS, donate it to charity.
On a side note, the plans for any kind of outing this evening were scrapped once again. What exactly is there to do in the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki? There isn’t even a chair to sit upon. Personal mental state obviously remains quite fragile. Nihilism is at all-time high. Is the end near?
Miscellany: The iPhone 15 Pro is gradually becoming the favored “shiny object.” The entire monastic and geriatric operation is facilitated through the device. What more can be said?
Addendum: With the mind close to snapping, an “emergency” run to ABC Store was made at 10pm. A big-ass can of Kirin® Ichiban brewski was procured. How much more stupid can this story get?
Tuesday, October 24
Unexciting Stories 2023
Another unexciting evening was spent in the mausoleum in the “old folks home” in Waikiki. There have been no evening outings since last Thursday with the dreadful visit to the Apple® Store in Ala Moana Center.
The left calf muscle injury is nearly healed. Walking returned to normal yesterday with only a slight hint of pain. Unfortunately, the right knee was inadvertently slammed into a door jamb in the mausoleum last night. The idiotic “senior moment” resulted in yet another injury. The wounds from the face-first fall are also still healing.
The weekly inspection of the AirPods Pro 2 earbuds revealed that the batteries for both the earbuds and the case were completely depleted. That’s after a full charge last week. The culprit appears to be the 6A303 firmware update that was released along with the iOS 17 upgrade. The firmware is required for all of the new features. Little wonder why the 6A305 update was released less than a week later. The AirPods received the update while charging, the fastest update ever. In any case, the batteries have already been damaged. The Beats® Studio Buds + has no problems whatsoever. Yeah, which earbuds would be recommended by Notes?
The iPhone 15 Pro has yet to generate any kind of excitement. Perhaps the dreadful purchase experience at Apple® Store has increased the bias. The recollection of the “air” of arrogance there still invokes extreme resentment. The device, itself, has suffered none of the reported problems. Of course, all of the new features have been disabled.
The various shortcuts were also imported to the iPhone 15 Pro, including the most important one that prevents opening the camera “app” from the lockscreen. The two times that the iPhone 14 Pro camera “app” was unwittingly opened from the lockscreen, then left unattended in the gym bag for an extended period of time, resulted in extreme heat generation, battery depletion, and a reduction in battery health. All iPhone owners, beware!
The Norelco® electric shaver continues to “grate on the nerves.” The discontent with the device has been delineated upon previously in Notes. No need for redundancy. However, the time is coming for its replacement. How can an electric shaver cause so much grief?
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Community Tent - Sand Island Homeless Shelter |
In retrospect, the days of the Sand Island homeless shelter are looked upon as the “good times.” Yeah, hard to believe, eh? The evenings in the community tent were great. Seriously, though, that experience was certainly more enjoyable than the past few years in the mausoleum. Unexciting stories for unexciting times. Sheesh!
Postscript: All “shiny objects” are “pieces of shit.” Why waste time and money on that crap?
Sunday, October 22
Reflections 2023
The “twilight years” essentially is the “meme of death.” Using actuarial data, only eleven more years are theoretically remaining. Reflections about death was supposed to be the theme of this Notes post. However, the discussion about death has been on-going throughout the tenure of Notes. And, really, these discussions pale in comparison to the works of the Great Prophet, Ernest Becker. The links to download PDF files of the latter works are provided in the Notes post appropriately titled, “Death.”
The “human condition” revolves around death. Just a quick glimpse at current events verifies that claim. The possibility of simply living out one’s life is extremely low. The Fascist are “hell-bent” on expediting the event for all rank-and-file peons. The stupid part is that the Fascists will eventually face death, too. The sooner, the better.
The recent sequence of maladies has certainly reinforced the notion of mortality. The body’s ability to heal is quite miraculous. However, the healing process slows down with age. There are no words to describe the frustration experienced. And yet, this is just the beginning of the “twilight years.”
The acquisition of “shiny objects” becomes a low priority for senior citizens. Neither the geriatric owner or others in proximity are impressed. Unless a specific utility can be attributed to the “shiny object,” it is useless. Obviously, latter axiom partially explains the miserly ways.
With that stated, the iPhone 15 Pro was chosen over the Pixel 8 Pro after some deliberation. The Pixel device would have sufficed even given its modest specifications. The privacy issue was a concern. However, the standard pseudonym and associated fake personal data are used for both Apple® and Google® accounts. And, really, no entity is even slightly curious about the ol’ lavahead. Large assortment of “apps” is definitely of no concern. The “woke” bullshit of both parent corporations are annoying but trivial. The prices were the same. So, the choice was made based on … the iPhone Keychain password manager (with passkeys and 2FA authenticator). Sheesh!
The Visible+ cellular plan ($35 per month) is still active. So far, only about half of the monthly prioritized data is being used, which is astonishing in itself. A heavy reliance has been placed on free wireless networks when available for most of the superfluous Net tasks. Otherwise, the Net is big part of the problem, not the solution.
In conclusion, aside from the mundane bullshit, there is nothing to reflect upon. The “human condition” has made a mockery of “intelligence” and brought endless pain and suffering. There is no hope for humanity as it careens to its own demise. Chimpo sapiens, what a lost cause!
Miscellany: Consortium News has been added to the list of approved Web sites.
Saturday, October 21
Friday, October 20
Much “gnashing of teeth” ensued last night after the failed restoration of the Chase® “app” on the new iPhone 15 Pro. So much so that sleep deprivation resulted. This morning, a call was made to customer service. After 15 minutes in the queue, a chat with a representative led to a transfer of the call to the technical support staff. After 30 minutes in the queue, the line simply disconnected itself. Yeah, “things fall apart.”
During coffee time in the dining room of the fast food joint in town, no attempt was made to repeat the earlier phone foolishness. Instead, a brief recollection of the same problem that occurred a while back inspired a solution. In fact, the details are in the Notes post, “FUBAR 2023.” The technical support person initiated the password reset process from the server end. A temporary password was issued by the latter to access the account, then a new password had to be established before logging off. In this case, the password reset was accomplished using the link on the login screen. The process “worked like a charm.”
As stated previously in Notes, this is a bad time to be a senior citizen. Incompetence and stupidity abound everywhere. Critical services (including customer services) is crumbling just like the infrastructure. So, personal problem solving (i.e., “do it yourself” or DIY) must become second nature. In other words, approach all problems as an engineer would.
The calf muscle injury was further aggravated by the extended walking (read: limping) that was required during the evening outing of yesterday. The pain has increased. The healing process may require much more time … all that for the iPhone 15 Pro. And, frankly, there was no real excitement in procuring or using the device. It is essentially the same as the old iPhone 14 Pro. Fortunately, none of the reported problems have been experienced.
A discussion this morning with one of the other senior citizen gym members proved interesting. He stated that he has attended an unusually high number of funerals in the past few months, the deceased being of various ages. Of course, the personal response was to mirror his bewilderment. There’s no point in implicating the mRNA bioweapon. No one would believe that. Little wonder why about 30% of the local population is still wearing face masks full-time.
With the calf muscle injury still lingering, no evening outing was planned. Friday night FOMO will have to work itself out. Alas, maybe an evening spent inspecting the new iPhone 15 Pro can generate some geriatric excitement. Well, maybe not.
Thursday, October 19
iPhone 15 Pro
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Chinatown |
Well, the new iPhone 15 Pro was procured at the detestable Apple® Store in Ala Moana Center this afternoon. The decision was impulsive, most likely triggered by the increasing awareness of geriatric decrepitude. The experience was not fun or exciting. There’s just a very distinct negative “air” about the store and its personnel. Needless to say, the bare minimum of cordiality was afforded the encountered staff.
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iPhone 15 Pro |
With the iPhone 14 Pro trade-in (valued at $570), the new device required only a $430 net outlay. Of course, the iPhone 15 Pro only has 128 GB of storage. Setting up the new device consumed over an hour. Everything was set up from “scratch” rather than the backup. The process was flawless with the exception of the Chase® “app” (which must be used instead of the Web site). Currently, there is no way to log on. A phone call must be made to regain access, according to the message on-screen. On the other hand, the Visible e-SIM transfer was quick and easy. And, the iPhone 15 Pro is a lot lighter weight-wise.
Dinner was courtesy Lahaina Chicken in the Makai Market food court. Prime rib, of course! On the way back, a brief stopover was made at the International Marketplace to exploit the free wireless network. Then, a couple of bananas were procured at the Waikiki Market for dessert before walking back to the “old folks home.”
The injured calf muscle has not healed yet. Thus, walking read: limping) is excruciatingly slow. Yeah, that’s what’s in store for the later “twilight years,” except that the latter will be permanent.
This afternoon, on an early bus to Waikiki, a chance encounter with one of the gym peers ensued. He’s the guy who was overheard in the gym locker room telling his buddy that he had just been released from the hospital (as chronicled in Notes). His left forearm was bandaged because a blood vessel had burst. This is the kind of fun senior citizens are privy to.
A few days ago, a long discussion with David, a fellow tenant at the “old folks home,” occurred in the parking lot upon return from town. He had made arrangements to move to a new “old folks home” in Chinatown. However, he changed his mind at the last minute. Chinatown, as everyone knows, is a crime-ridden dump. He also provided a lot of news about the “old folks home” in Waikiki, much of it quite disturbing. Specifics may be included at a later time.
Addendum: The purchase of the new iPhone 15 Pro had little impact on this month’s expenditures. And, that was supposed to be the “big ticket” purchase of the year. What now?
Tuesday, October 17
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This Bud’s for you! |
This morning, just standing from a sitting position (on the bus) caused either a micro-tear or a pulled muscle in the same leg (calf) that suffered a massive injury a few weeks ago. The pain is not quite as intense, but enough to cause conspicuous limping. The leg will not be bandaged. The mind just wasn’t prepared for yet another injury. Despondency set in rapidly, because there is no question that the physical body is deteriorating.
The estimated time for recovery is about a week. So, there won’t be any evening outings. Instead, vegetating in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki will be the sole nauseating activity. Currently, no adjustments were made to the workout regimen at the gym.
The Israeli-Hamas conflict remains an enigma with many unanswered questions. For one, why did the Zionists bomb civilian airports in Syria subsequent to the Hamas infiltration? And, of course, many of the rank-and-file peons in the “West” have no idea that Hamas was a creation of the Zionists to divide the Palestinians. Blowback, you think? Few people know any of the sordid history behind the 1948 Israel partition of the “land of Cana’an.” Isn’t this the time to learn more before “standing with Israel”?
On a side note, the book, “The Invention of the Land of Israel” by Schlomo Sand, is currently being read and proceeding to completion. This is the first book to be read in several years, the reason being that the trend in books now is focused on “woke”-ism.
Incidentally, people should not be wasting time by visiting and reading Notes. There’s nothing of value here. The list of approved Web sites are far more important. With that stated, readership is averaging zero to one daily. Thank you very much!
Addendum: The PDF copy of “The Invention of the Land of Israel” by Schlomo Sand is now archived and available for download. In view of the current Israeli-Hamas conflict, Schlomo Sand’s invaluable insight is more important now than ever.
Saturday, October 14
Saturday night FOMO, what to do? Make the trek to Ala Moana Center, of course. Yes, a quick trip was made to Target® in order to exploit the last day of the 15% discount offer on all food products. Shopping, even for necessities such as food, is not fun and exciting. The disdain for shopping as an activity is the reason why personal expenditures remain so low, much lower than the average rank-and-file peon of empire.
There has been no desire to revisit the Apple® Store ever since the encounter with the smarmy security guard wearing a face mask. Interest in the iPhone 15 Pro has waned. Heck, the device is only sporadically available in any of the three stores in the city. And, the nauseating ordeal to acquire the current iPhone will definitely not be repeated again for the new device.
Incidentally, the garbage truck(s) “threw a blackeye in da game” by showing up at 5:30am this morning. Lots of noise, especially the OSHA backup alarm. Unfortunately, the Beats® Studio Buds + was not within reach. Eventually, someone with a “nine” (read: 9mm) will probably “fix” the problem.
The Israeli-Hamas conflict is being personally monitored through the approved Web sites. So far, none have gone to the “Dark Side” of Fascism. The best news site for Middle East coverage is PressTV Iran, bar none. And, of course, Simplicius on Substack offers the best analysis.
Another “plug” for The COVID Blog is in order. Brian Wilkins is an excellent journalist. Although most of the content is related to “super-duper corona” issues, he does regularly delve deeply into the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”) as well. Lots of facts, great information, and excellent analyses. A word of warning, though … prepare to be emotionally affected by some of the material.
Miscellany: Although there is much personal admiration for historian, Schlomo Sand, none of his books have been read yet. Fortunately, a timely article is archived at, of all places, the Le Monde diplomatique site. Sand’s conclusions are collaborated by many of the books in the Notes post, “Bibliography,” under the “Religion” heading.
Friday, October 13
Sinister Kahuna Day 2023
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Sinister, Very Sinister |
The injuries from the face-first fall yesterday have added exponentially to the general malaise. The small bandages on the hands must be replaced several times during the day because of the impossibility of keeping them dry. The gash on the forehead is only bandaged at night. Nevertheless, the entire affair has been sickening given that the torn calf muscle healed just a few days ago. Then there is the injured thumb. One injury after another. That’s the plight of a decrepit senior citizen.
Friday night FOMO was the only reason to make a short evening outing to the International Marketplace. Very little FOMO relief ensued. There’s not much difference between loitering in a shopping mall and vegetating in the mausoleum at the “old folks home” in Waikiki. In both cases, valuable time is wasted and nothing is accomplished. The “twilight years” is obviously the source of FOMO anxiety.
Later, a couple of bananas and a big-ass can of cerveza were procured at the Waikiki Market. The bananas for dessert, and the big-ass can of cerveza to celebrate Sinister Kahuna Day. Celebrate? In the mausoleum? Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa! Heck, that’s more like a funeral!
Thursday, October 12
First Aid
Upon alighting the bus in Waikiki, the short walk back to the “old folks home” was interrupted by an unplanned face-first fall onto a decrepit, gravel pit of a parking lot. The cause? Tripping over a very low chain fence, a true “senior moment.” Assorted abrasions, contusions, and puncture wounds on both hands and forehead gushed blood everywhere. Just upon arrival at the “old folks home,” the discovery was made that the key to mausoleum had been inadvertently dropped in the gravel pit during the fall. Sadly, a bloodied jaunt was made to and from the parking lot to retrieve the damned key.
Once back in the mausoleum, the small First Aid kit (purchased last year) was retrieved from the storage suitcase. About half-an-hour was required to clean and dress the wounds. There was a lot of pent-up anger, obviously. The incident nearly caused the cancellation of the evening outing to Ala Moana Center.
The initial bus ride to the mall was marred by three tourists, all young guys with attitudes. The clown behind kept kicking the seat. “Fucking assholes,” was the polite personal response before alighting that bus at the next stop. The clown was grinning ear-to-ear. He could have easily received a “knuckle sandwich” that would have wiped that “shit-eating grin” off his face and required him to undergo prosthetic dental work.
The evening outing went as well as could be. A prime rib dinner was procured at Lahaina Chicken. Seating was secured along one of the long bar tables. For some reason, a gorgeous young hottie sat two seats diagonally across, even though there were lots of empty tables nearby. Baby was looking mighty fine!
After dinner, a banana and a pint of generic ice cream were procured for dessert at Target® along with a few other food products. The plastic seal on the ice cream container was nearly indestructible. Using the mausoleum key, the band was finally sawed off. The whole process exacerbated the latest right thumb injury. No telling how the injury occurred, but the pain was so bad that parts of the weight workout at the gym this afternoon could not be completed. Then, to have the budget ice cream further injure the thumb … well, violence nearly erupted spontaneously.
There have been near daily evening outings, usually to the International Marketplace. Sitting in the mausoleum is about as close to death as imaginable. Little wonder why most senior citizens require a large supply of assorted booze. Simple denial of death is no longer possible. Extreme alcoholic mitigations are necessary to numb the troubled mind.
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Classic TV Dinner (actual size) |
Dinner last night was courtesy Panda Express® on King Street. Decreased serving portions seem to be the new standard. The “dinner” looked like the classic “TV dinner” of yore. Yeah, that’s how minuscule the serving size has become. Fortunately, the entire minuscule dinner was covered by adequate reward points. Who would pay $12 for that shit? Anyway, an overpriced Cobb Salad was purchased at the Waikiki Market later to compensate for the nutritional deficiency.
Needless to say, dining at Panda Express® will be limited to one day per week, if even that. Subway® sandwiches are essentially a rip-off, too, what with the new baguette-sized bread. Sadly, the downsized sandwich is still more voluminous and filling than the new Panda Express® “TV dinners.” Yeah, everything is “going to shit.”
Tuesday, October 10
Staying the Course
Although there presumably will be no further comments about the Israeli-Hamas conflict, there is one pressing concern. The “virtue signaling” for Israel has gone into full overdrive mode by elected political stooges, the propagandists, and the mainstream “fake news” media. If any of the remaining approved Web sites even hints in that direction, it will be immediately scrubbed from Notes. The fact that the puppets of the Fascists are singing the “We stand with Israel” tune only suggests that they are on the wrong side of history. The true opposition never parrots the Fascists. Stay the course.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! The whole Fascist plan is right there in the open.
Postscript: Simplicius on Substack is an excellent source of information concerning the various global geopolitical struggles. Excellent analysis coupled with numerous open source content. However, the author(s) also interjects a lot of data (strategic, tactical, and infrastructural) which seems to imply “deep state” background, far beyond that of a typical laymen. Disaffected “deep state” personnel, you think??
Saturday, October 7
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Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kadyrov |
Operation al-Aqsa Storm, which was launched by the Hamas Palestine resistance, was a major blow for the Zionists in Israel. The main reason for the attack is hidden in the name of the operation itself. Of course, the Palestinians have been brutalized by the Zionists for eons.
Ever since the Russian Federation launched its Special Military Operation in Ukraine, many so-called “third world” nation-states became emboldened. Niger is the most recent case. Clearly, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has made the situation in Ukraine quite clear. Russia is now in a proxy war with the collective “West” and its Fascist puppeteers.
Nations-states (e.g., Iran, Syria, North Korea) that were “bullied” by the “West” are successfully reinvigorating their economies and militaries. They have joined the fight against the Fascists and the Great Re-shit (read: “Great Reset”). This is the “multipolar world” and “new order” that Vladimir Putin has recently been very vocal about. As stated previously in Notes, this is the turning point of history.
Meanwhile in empire, the rank-and-file peons are subsumed by distractions (i.e., entertainment venues and social media) and propaganda while the so-called “government” continues to disintegrate, the “woke” bullshit destroys the social order, inflation spirals out of control, and the Fascists continue running amuck. And, how about that wide open Southern border? The “third world” desires none of the aforementioned. Neither do Russia and China.
The Fascists are correct in one respect … most of the peons need to go. However, the same can be said of the parasitic Fascists. They, too, must go, with “go” defined as “neutralized.” As stated many times in Notes and the old “blog,” overpopulation is the root of all problems.
As far as empire is concerned, the much anticipated announcement that Robert Kennedy, Jr. will declare himself as an independent candidate could wreak havoc on the despicable Democrat (sic) Party. Unfortunately, that will only translate into an advantage for the compromised “Orange Bad Man.” Frankly, there is little hope for real change. No further commentary is necessary.
An evening outing to Ala Moana Center occurred last Friday. Only a brief shopping stint at Target® was made to purchase a pint of Ben & Jerry’s® ice cream and a banana for dessert. A stopover was made at the International Marketplace before returning to the “old folks home” in Waikiki. The real motive for the outing was FOMO. Ridiculous, eh? What exactly is FOMO for an old codger? Certainly not the prospect of mingling with young hotties. So, there is no FOMO for the geriatric demographic. End of story.
Addendum: There are murmurings surfacing alleging that empire shenanigans are involved in the current Israel- Hamas conflict. Allegations claim that the provocation was planned as a “false flag” to implicate Iran as well as serve as a distraction from other pertinent issues. Who knew?
Miscellany: The catalog of books (bibliography) that were read completely during the infamous research period has been updated and posted to Notes (October 4th) for reference purposes only.
Postscript: No further commentary on the Israeli-Hamas conflict is necessary. The old “blog” discussed the issues in nauseating detail, including the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Islam, and Pauline-Christianity), Pauline-Christian dispensationalism, the Unholy Scriptures, the legitimacy of Israel, etc. The aforementioned bibliography has been posted to aid others in similar research.