Sunday, October 10

Spread the Truth

The last two videos featured in Notes are considered to be of the utmost importance. Please distribute them freely. People need to view the entire videos, even the “vaccinated.” Once the Fascist have established global tyranny, there will be no recourse. Being “vaccinated” will not save anyone from what the Fascists have planned.

And, what about the “vaccine” mandates spouted off by “Joe Headroom” a few weeks ago? So far, OSHA has not provided any guidance. Speculation is that the latter agency won’t do so because it is not chartered for that nefarious purpose. The reason for the announcement was to give carte blanche to private corporations (including medical establishments) to invoke insidious “vaccine” mandates on their own. Rank-and-file peons should immediately boycott as many of those corporations as possible. All frivolous consumption should be minimized anyway. Anyone directly involved in the prosecution of the “vaccine” mandates is committing crimes against humanity.

The actual “vaccine” mandate (without testing option) for employees of and contractors for the government of empire is unconstitutional and apparently has not gone further than the announcement by “Joe Headroom.” In addition, in empire, Comirnaty is not available. Only the EUA version is available and it is not FDA approved. All of the other “vaccines” are also still experimental. So, the mandate cannot legally apply to any of the “vaccines.”

Addendum: The governor of Hawai’i and the mayor of Honolulu made a joint announcement that a few “super-duper corona” restrictions have been eased. Bars can now serve alcoholic beverages until midnight. And, sports fans will be allowed to spectate outdoor events in person. Ho-hum. So tiring. This is just more “bait and switch” bullshit.

Miscellany: There are only two out of all the employees at the gym in town who are “unvaccinated.” About 20 to 30 members are allegedly “unvaccinated,” although that has not been confirmed yet.

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