Sunday, October 17

Lion King

Ekundu, the only male lion at the Honolulu Zoo, has passed on at the age of 13 years from the “Delta variant” of “super-duper corona.” The “fine print” indicated that the lion had suffered from epilepsy five years ago and never fully recovered. However, “super-duper corona” is the “official” cause of death. By inference, the lion was infected by an “unvaccinated” patron.

Both “vaccine” mandates and “vaccine passports” are popping up everywhere, even in Costa Rica. Mexico is probably the only nation-state that has not announced any Fascist diktats. The empire has also announced that land borders can only be crossed by the “vaccinated” (illegal immigrants not included). Thus, the personal international travel passport application process has been moving slowly.

There is still some concern about interstate travel being restricted for the “unvaccinated.” However, with the current mass exodus of people from tyrannical jurisdictions, there may not be any feasible destination remaining. The whole situation is a “clusterfuck.”

Free Rapid Antigen Test Kit

The package of free “super-duper corona” rapid antigen test kits (about a $90 value) arrived. The latter supply will allow for about two weeks of access to any restricted venue with a test option (which will be necessary in the event of a hasty exit from the islands). Wheee!

Addendum: The supply chain in Hawai’i has definitely been affected by disruptions. There are shortages of food products for weeks on end, for example. Hoarding is also suspected, which is only exacerbating the problem.

Miscellany: Since the suspicious breach at Visible, all passwords for on-line accounts have been changed. Preparations are now in place for 2FA at sites where the latter is available. Sadly, trust has now been placed on the Keychain utility on the iPhone 12 to store the login credentials.

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