Sunday, October 31
Saturday, October 30
Mask On, Mask Off
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Freedom! |
All of the “vaccinated” in Hawai’i should remove their face masks now. When the large indoor and outdoor events are opened next week to the “vaccinated” only, they should remove those ridiculous face masks. The “vaccinated” are safe and immune!
The “vaccinated” must take a stand against Fascist tyranny. The “vaccinated” did as they were told. They took the “jab.” Now, they must restore their freedom. Take the face masks off anywhere and everywhere!
The “vaccinated” are immune and safe, especially amongst other “vaccinated” individuals. The “vaccinated” must stop cowering in fear. Take off the face masks permanently!
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High Priest Fauci |
The parishioners of the Church of Comirnaty should gather (without face masks) and rejoice. Bow down to High Priest Fauci and beg for absolution from the Unholy One. Redemption is near!
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Map of Tyranny |
Finally, the need to flee the Fascist tyranny in Hawai’i is still being considered. Possible destinations in the mainland empire are shown in the map. Obviously, myriad people are fleeing to Florida. So, that destination may become a total “clusterfuck.”
Miscellany: The on-line password replacement program is nearly complete. And, a return to Subway® (takeout only), this time in town, will reduce the consumption of canned beans.
Thursday, October 28
Comirnaty Two-Step
“I don’t know how else we can tell people that they’re safe. Testing simply means you’re not sick yet,” the idiotic mayor explained.
Tuesday, October 26
Video — Dr. Lee Merritt
Another excellent interview with Dr. Lee Merritt conducted by Mike Adams at Brighteon.
Monday, October 25
Cirque d'Imbéciles
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High Priest Fauci Offers Animal Sacrifices |
High Priest Fauci of the Church of Comirnaty was “outed” by the non-profit White Coat Waste Project for empire-funded research which involved drugging puppies and locking their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sand flies to infect them with disease-causing parasites. The sick bastard is probably a pedophile and a secret disciple of Molech. Someone needs to shove his head into the empty spot between the two dogs.
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“Joe Headroom” |
Then, there’s “Joe Headroom.” What exactly was he doing at the so-called “town hall” meeting in Baltimore? What kind of sad joke is this? And, yet, this buffoon has mandated the “vaccine” for all rank-and-file peons of empire? He is the perpetrator of crimes against humanity, yet all he can do is a piss-poor imitation of the “Cornholio” caricature from the “Beavis and Butthead” cartoon series.
On a side note, a retrospective review of the “super-duper corona” plan-demic in Hawai’i has raised questions about the apparent forced departures of both the Director of the State Health Department (appointed by the current Democrat governor) and the State Epidemiologist (appointed in 2008 by the only Republican governor since 1959) at the end of the 2020 year. The replacement epidemiologist also resigned abruptly after three months. At the time, the daily so-called “case” counts were low, as reported in Notes, even with the bogus PCR tests. The original appointees in question were accused of “dragging their feet.” Perhaps that was not the case. Maybe they were not willing to go along with the “official” narrative and the subsequent Draconian measures. Obviously, they knew all of the stages of the plan-demic in advance because it was all part of a universal playbook.
Addendum: The governor of Hawai’i has announced that “vaccination” for children from 5 to 11 years of age will commence as early as November 8th. A clear majority of local parents are anxiously awaiting that date.
Sunday, October 24
Video — Dr. Lee Merritt
Mike Adams at Brighteon interviewed Dr. Lee Merritt on several occasions. This excellent interview is from a few months ago.
Friday, October 22
Full Speed Ahead
Within hours of the official announcement from the “Joe Headroom” administration, the Hawai’i Department of Health mirrored the same exact announcement as applicable locally. Within two weeks, the FDA is expected to grant “approval” of all (“super-duper corona”) “vaccines” for children between 5 to 11 years of age. Hawai’i is poised to begin “vaccination” immediately afterward. In other words, there will be no delay, no wait times.
Earlier the shady FDA began a massive public relations campaign to coerce pregnant females to be “vaccinated” immediately. Then, the announcement that “mix-and-match” choices of “boosters” was “approved.” How stupid can the general public be? There isn’t even the pretense of the “science” anymore. Yet, the more absurd the recommendations, the quicker the rank-and-file peons capitulate.
As stated previously in Notes, there are about 207,000 children under the age of 12 years in Hawai’i. The expectation is that 90% of the 5 to 11 years age cohort will be “vaccinated,” judging from what parents have been saying. Do they realize that the “vaccines” are still experimental?
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High Priest Fauci |
There’s really nothing that can be done. The congregation of the Church of Comirnaty fanatical. The “holy rollers” cannot be reasoned with. Facts are irrelevant. They only follow High Priest Fauci. Thus, any deaths or adverse reactions suffered by them will illicit no personal sympathy.
Not much can stop the madness, especially here in Hawai’i. Nearly everyone is “all in” with the “vaccine” regime. Heck, everyone is still wearing face masks full-time. All of these fools claim to be well versed in the “science,” but nothing factual is spewed from any orifice. Blabbering media “talking points” is not factual, just asinine propaganda.
Thus, the postings in Notes are just personal reminders and references. If anyone else benefits from the latter, so be it.
Addendum: The CDC of empire has announced that the definition of “fully vaccinated” is destined to change with the introduction of “boosters.” The lifetime “vaccine” subscription is coming. Who knew?
Thursday, October 21
Video — Dr. Judy Mikovits
Mike Adams from Brighteon interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits … this interview pretty much is the capstone that exposes the “super-duper corona” hoax. Dr. Mikovits describes in extremely clinical detail exactly what has transpired and by what means.
Incidentally, the search for truth about the crimes against humanity is continuing unabated. Many videos are viewed daily, and the most relevant are posted in Notes.
Wednesday, October 20
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Governor of Hawai’i |
The governor of Hawai’i has announced that all fully “vaccinated” visitors, domestic and international, are welcome commencing November 1st. No testing required. No quarantine. Understand that this event is the precursor to a full implementation of “vaccine passports” before the end of the year.
There are now only 94,000 “eligible” (i.e., 12 years of age and up) residents who remain “unvaccinated” in Hawai’i. That number is rapidly declining as more people surrender to extortion.
The majority of the “unvaccinated” in Hawai’i are the 207,000 children under the age of 12 years. They are the next target of psychotic global ruling élite.
Miscellany: A lightweight hoodie was purchased at Ross for $15 (with senior citizen discount) to carry as the days become cooler. Every attempt is being made to prevent any illness that could trigger a false positive during “super-duper corona” testing. And, the days that the “unvaccinated” can seek medical attention in any facility is numbered.
Tuesday, October 19
Fascist Passport Bullshit
The COVIDPass “app” is coming! Imagine a “vaccine passport” based on regular blood samples to validate. The “vaccine” apparently introduces “markers” in the blood of recipients. What are those “markers”? Certainly not antibodies. Spike proteins? Or, maybe the shit that was discovered in the “vaccine” vials.
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AAPS Early Treatment Protocol |
Incidentally, the recommended early treatment protocol for “super-duper corona” is detailed in the graphic from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, probably the most useful information in Notes so far. By the way, there is now a concerted effort to block quercetin (a possible substitute for hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin).
Sunday, October 17
Lion King
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Free Rapid Antigen Test Kit |
Friday, October 15
Video — Dr. Franc Zalewski
Dr. Franc Zalewski from Poland discusses what he discovered in five “vaccine” vials using microscopy and spectral analysis. His findings seem to corroborate earlier allegations that some of the vials are placebos (as discussed in Notes). In the “active” vials … what is all that shit in there?
The purpose for the placebos would certainly not be to establish a control group. Rather, the intent would be to increase the window of time for adverse reactions and deaths to present. In other words, this is a mechanism for plausible deniability.
Statistically, there is a chance that a number of people would be injected with the placebos and suffer no adverse effects. However, the probability increases with each subsequent “booster.”
Thursday, October 14
Just the Facts
For the masses of “unvaccinated” people who have decided to submit to extortion, be sure to photograph the vial of the injection (see above) and also the box insert. The brand name “Comirnaty” must appear on both, and there should be no EUA number (BNT162b2) on the labels. Also, be sure to obtain the lot number.
If “Comirnaty” does not appear anywhere, then the vial is EUA with a blanket liability shield. Forcing anyone to take EUA experimental medication is a Nuremberg violation. Thus, the “vaccine” can legally be refused. If consent will be given anyway, then be sure to have a representative (of the organization or business that is forcing the acceptance of the “vaccine” mandate) sign a binding “acceptance of liability” document.
To save everyone time, Comirnaty will not be available in empire until 2023 or later. And, all other “vaccines” are still experimental EUA with blanket liability shields. So, be sure to have in possession the aforementioned binding liability document prior to receiving “vaccination.” Refer to the Notes post, “Excerpt — mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Liability” for more information.
Yes, while the rank-and-file peons are being coerced into “vaccination, the elected politicians of Congress in empire are exempt. If that was bad enough, those mofos have been receiving Ivermectin for treatment of “super-duper corona” infections. Yes, that’s the same Ivermectin that is currently outlawed for peons of empire. Isn’t the time ripe for an international tribunal for crimes against humanity?
Addendum: According to Hawai’i health “officials, 70% of the local “eligible” population (12 years of age and up) is fully “vaccinated.”
Wednesday, October 13
Opposition 2021
Sunday, October 10
Spread the Truth
Friday, October 8
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Justice |
Thursday, October 7
Video — Dr. David Martin
Dr. Joseph Mercola interviewed Dr. David Martin, which should be considered a great follow-up to his testimony given to the German Corona Committee refer to the Notes post, “Connecting Dots”). Over an hour in length, but well worth the time spent.
Tuesday, October 5
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Spartacus |
Monday, October 4
Safe & Effective!
Ever since the “vaccine” mandate was invoked for the island, the gym has been increasingly crowded. Evidently, more and more of the “vaccinated” are appearing in public. Have they really been self-sequestered this long? Sheesh!
In any case, gym members who exercise on a regular basis (between 3 and 7 days per week) are confirmed to be fully “vaccinated.” Very few people will bother to be tested multiple times per week (i.e., tests must have been administered with negative results within 48 hours of entry) as an option. Only students from the Diploma Mill are possibly “unvaccinated” because they are allowed the option to be tested three times per week on-campus at no cost.
Anecdotally speaking, from what can be observed at the gym, none of the “vaccinated” have suffered any adverse reactions or side effects from the “vaccine.” In fact, aside from excess weight gain, many of the “vaccinated” members appear to look way better then a few months ago. More energy, more strength, more stamina, and more vitality. Even the geriatric members, all of whom have already received the “boosters” are doing extremely well. Absolutely no one has “keeled over.”
At the “old folks home” in Waikiki, the same observations apply. Absolutely no one has “keeled over.” The rumor mill has been devoid of “vaccine” horror stories. If anything, the fully “vaccinated” tenants continually complain about the “unvaccinated.”
Overall, most people were fully “vaccinated” several months ago. Thus, any side effects, adverse reactions, or deaths should have occurred by now. There have also been no reports that anyone actually became infected by “super-duper corona” after “vaccination.” This has been an observation of several hundred people daily over the course of several months. Thus, the “vaccines” are “safe and effective.” Get the “jab” now!
Finally, the upcoming universal digital passport (initiated first as a “vaccine passport”) is a tremendous step toward modernization and freedom. Read all about the greatest gift to humanity now (download).
Sunday, October 3
Great Reckoning
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High Priest Fauci |