Wednesday, May 19

Wit’s End

Fourteen months of the dystopian nightmare known as the “super-duper corona” plan-demic has exacted an irreversible toll on the psyche. And, only the ruling élite are privy to know the duration of oppression. Personal resolve has been crumbling.

Sleep deprivation has had cumulative effects. With each passing day, an additional cup of coffee (aside from the initial cup of instant coffee) procured at the fast food joint in town becomes more imperative. The additional expense was once regarded as frivolous. Now, with the torturous conditions of the “super-duper corona” hoax, all fiscal restraint has been cast aside. Even cost reductions, such as canned beans for dinner, are becoming tiresome. Every individual has a breaking point. Has that time arrived?

As stated previously in Notes, there is no escape. The only way off the island is by air travel. However, submitting to the bogus PCR test is unacceptable. Wearing a ridiculously useless face mask for several hours of flight time is unacceptable. Submission to mRNA “vaccination” in order to procure a “vaccine passport” is unacceptable.

The holographic president (aka “Joe Headroom”) disseminated an ominous message through the despicable Twitter® social media. What “price” will be paid by the unvaccinated?

In any case, Notes must be immediately relieved of the cumbersome task of summarizing the on-going “super duper corona” hoax. There are a few avenues to seek the truth on the Net including:

There may be subjects and opinions which do not agree with individual beliefs. However, the nature of true critical thinking requires that a multitude of viewpoints are presented. The individual reads and digest the various viewpoints with an open mind. The idea, of course, is to sift through the raw data to find the truth.

Most of the prior theses in Notes have been derived independently. Now, there are many sources available that parallel the latter. The six sites listed provide an aggregation of those sources. Notes also listed sites that provide real news in a previous post titled, “Net Dumpster.”

Addendum: There have recently been some very strange side-effects and contraindications associated with the mRNA “vaccine.” The best advice is to stay informed by avoiding “fake news.”

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