Thursday, May 13

Excerpt — mRNA “Vaccine” Liability

Dr. Joseph Mercola explained the personal liability incurred by individuals who voluntarily elected to participate in the “supper-duper corona” mRNA “vaccine” experimental trials on-going now under the veil of mass “vaccination.” An excerpt:

If you decide to participate in this experiment and are injured, you can try to apply for compensation from the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Act (CICP), under which COVID-19 “vaccines” are a covered countermeasure.

You cannot apply for and will not receive compensation from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which covers other vaccines, including the flu vaccine. You also cannot sue the vaccine manufacturer, the government, your doctor or anyone else involved in the manufacturing, distributing or administering of COVID-19 vaccines, as they have special liability protections under the PREP Act.

However, be aware that compensation from CICP is very limited, and only applies in cases of serious injury requiring hospitalization and resulting in significant disability and/or death. And, even if you meet the eligibility criteria, it requires you to use up your private health insurance before it kicks in to pay the difference.

You must also file a request for benefits within one year of the date the vaccine was administered, and it is your responsibility to prove your injury was the “direct result of the countermeasure’s administration based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence beyond mere temporal association.” In other words, you have to prove what the vaccine developer has yet to ascertain, seeing how you are part of their still-ongoing study. Good luck.

Additional details and hyperlinks to benefit request forms can be found in the Congressional Research Service’s legal sidebar, “Compensation Programs for Potential COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries.”

The article, which appears on the Global Research site, also discusses the on-going rigging of PCR tests, suspicious backlogs at the VAERS database site, amongst other pertinent issues.

Addendum: If infected by “super-duper corona” and symptoms begin to show, do NOT remain quarantined at home and wait until hospitalization is required. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has made a downloadable PDF copy of the following document available to all.

Bear in mind that early outpatient treatment is the best option and may mitigate a faster recovery.

Be aware that there has been a concerted effort to block, censor, delegitimize, and “deplatform” these sites. Many deaths could have been avoided if early treatment was not withheld.

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