Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! Also, view all the timely video interviews featured in Notes.
Thursday, December 30
Orchestrated Chaos
Monday, December 27
Post-Saturnalia 2021
Waiting at Airport Test Center |
On Sunday, there were 2,200 new “cases” of “super-duper corona. Today? 1,300 “cases.” The various testing centers have been overwhelmed. The drive-through testing center at the Blaisdell Center has reported wait times exceeding 1.5 hours. The testing center at the airport is even worse. Why are the “vaccinated” getting tested? They are “vaccinated,” right?
Currently, roughly 30,000 tourists are arriving daily, and three cruise ships (full capacities) will be docking in January. This is the irony of the whole “super-duper corona” plan-demic in Hawai’i. Any “health” restrictions or “vaccine passport” makes no logical sense given that there are about a half-million visitors here on any given day. There’s no “social distancing” in Waikiki. Restaurants are operating at full capacity. Only about 40% of the people wear face masks outside. Step out of Waikiki, and it’s a whole different dystopian world with near-100% face mask usage.
High Priest Fauci of the Church of Comirnaty is pushing for a “vaccine” mandate for domestic travel. He will soon be pushing for closing state borders. Why is this fool still allowed in public? As stated numerous times in Notes, there is no stopping the Fascists unless they are rounded up, face an international tribunal, charged with crimes against humanity, and publicly executed.
Here’s the Silview Media version of the “viral” video of Alison Steinberg’s uncensored take on “Orange Bad Man”:
Saturday, December 25
Saturnalia 2021
Io Saturnalia! |
A quick bus ride to Kahala Mall was made this morning to drop off the last donation of the year at the Goodwill kiosk. Coffee was procured at the fast food joint outside the mall. There was seating available outside in the small shopping plaza adjacent to the fast food joint. A few of the eating venues were open. People were filing in and out continuously, all dutifully wearing their face masks.
The mall is still as bleak as it was last year. None of the seating has been restored. Only a small area in the middle of the mall was cordoned off for dining (with the usual Gestapo checkpoint for entry). There was no reason to loiter in the mall. Arrival back in Waikiki was before noon.
The rest of the day? Same ol’ shit. Canned beans for dinner, just like last night. No attempt is being made to assuage the dystopia with “luxuries.” Reality is extremely harsh, and vigilance is of the utmost importance. Distractions only serve to weaken the mind and body. When the Fascists come for the opposition, mental and physical strength will be required.
The daily “case” count of “super-duper corona” in Hawai’i exceeded 1,800 on the Eve of Saturnalia. Today, the notorious “count” was 1,500 or so. Can this situation get more stupid?
The masses of idiots need to understand the ludicrous nature of testing. Neither the bogus PCR or fast antigen tests (both under EUA, by the way) are able to diagnose “super-duper corona” or its alleged “variants.” A diagnosis of infection is determined by observed or reported symptoms only. That’s right, observed or reported symptoms. Since many of the symptoms parallel influenza and the common cold, the diagnostic protocol is also bogus. Testing is only used to inflate the number of “cases.”
Quite a few excellent Web sites are listed and endorsed in Notes for the truth about the “super-duper corona” agenda as facilitated by the Fascists. Everyone is urged to bookmark and regularly read those sites. To reiterate, Notes will restrict coverage to local bullshit from this point forward.
Addendum: Be sure to download and read the entire essential Fascist library! Also, view all the timely video interviews featured in Notes.
Miscellany: No comments will be made on the religiosity of the day referred to as Saturnalia. The topic of the Yahweh Triad (i.e., Judaism, Islam, and Pauline-Christianity) has been discussed at length in the old “blog” during the year of intense religious research.
Thursday, December 23
Chicken or Egg?
- There are rumors that many tourists are now testing positive while in Hawai’i.
- Several nightclubs have been allegedly responsible for “superspreader” clusters.
- The “omicron” count is at 74 alleged “infections.”
- The “authorities” are urging everyone to get the “booster” shot immediately.
Tuesday, December 21
Essential Fascist Library
And now, the timely unveiling of the Notes essential Fascist library. Here are the selections (PDF):
- WEF Great Reset
- WEF 4th Industrial Revolution
- WEF Global Digital Currency
- WEF Universal Digital Identity
- WEF Advancing Digital Agency
- John Hopkins SPARS 2025 - 2028
- John Hopkins Dark Winter
- UN Agenda 2030
- NTI Monkeypox Simulation
- WHO - Digital “Health” Passport
- Cyber Polygon 2021
- Digital Dollar Foundation Project
- Rand Corporation - Extending Russia
- Rand Corporation - Avoiding Long War
- Rand Corporation - Internet of Bodies
- Rockefeller Foundation - Food Reset
- Rockefeller Foundation - Scenarios
- US Army - Russian Tactics
- RUSI - Degrading Russian Arms
- Brookings - Which Path to Persia?
- Limited Nuclear War for Authoritarians
- New World Order
- Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
- Mein Kampf
Download them all now. The global ruling élite has never hidden any of its “Great Reset” agendas from the masses. The Fascists know that the rank-and-file peons are too powerless to resist anyway.
Monday, December 20
Bad Sitcom
Previously, CDC data said 240 million people had been vaccinated against COVID-19 at least once, or about 72.5 percent of the population. But now the agency says only 203 million are fully vaccinated, or 61.3 percent.
Saturday, December 18
Excerpt — Hub of Evil
Wolff believes that the people behind the WEF and the Global Leaders school are the ones who really determine who will become political leaders, although he stresses that he doesn’t believe that Schwab himself is the one making these decisions but is merely a facilitator. He further points out that the school’s alumni include not only Americans and Europeans, but also people from Asia, Africa, and South America, indicating that its reach is truly worldwide.
The original article appeared on the Rair Foundation site with a mirror at the Global Research site. Consider the latter required reading.
Friday, December 17
Apocalypse Now!
Thursday, December 16
Secular Apocalypse Revisited
The secular Apocalypse is here. It’s here now. Yes, the same secular Apocalypse that was discussed and prognosticated in the legacy “blog.” The fearmongering over the “omicron variant” has ramped up in the last few days. It’s the same playbook coming back again like a bad sitcom. And, it’s working!
The global ruling élite has two immediate goals right now:
- Depopulation via the bioweapon “vaccine”
- Population control via the universal “vaccine passport.”
The “omicron variant” is being used to scare everyone to immediately subject themselves to the first “booster.” Then, the “guidelines” will be redefined to reflect that the “booster” is required for “full immunization” status. Of course, the second “booster” is already in the works. The rapidly changing definition will require a digital “vaccine passport” in order to remove confusion and expedite entry processing, or so the masses will be told.
There is evidently a global control center that is running the entire operation. That’s why policies, mandates, and slogans have been uniform around the world. Remember, the whole “Great Reset” program was run as a computer simulation with limited human participation. All scenarios have already been “gamed.”
Long story short, the “vaccine” mandates must be mummified. The “vaccine passport” must be stopped. The “Great Reset” must be stopped now.
Addendum: The “case” count of “super-duper corona” in Hawai’i has surged. Mass panic is ensuring. History repeats itself again. Just reread old Notes posts, as the latter should be applicable.
Monday, December 13
Video — Catherine Austin Fitts
Reiner Füellmich interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts in the latest session of the German Corona Committee. Fitts emphasized that the “vaccine passport” must be stopped now, much as emphasized in Notes.
Sunday, December 12
The facts about the “Great Reset” and the “super-duper corona” hoax are becoming more ubiquitous, so there is little need to express independent comment.
On the local front, the “authorities” have issued an advisory to begin water conservation. Obviously, mitigation of the water contamination crisis is failing. Who knew?
There has been some concern that many acquaintances, near and far, have surrendered to the “vaccine” regime most likely because of extortion or duress from the Fascists. A sad occurrence, but not much can be done.
Miscellany: GMail was officially mummified as Google® account is stripped down. Tentative mummification of Notes is now in progress.
Friday, December 10
A criminal complaint has finally been filed with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court by a team from the UK including attorney Hannah Rose and Dr. Mike Yeadon. The complaint alleges crimes against humanity and identifies the following Fascists:
The Exposé has provided information concerning this landmark case. Bring these Fascist duffers to the gallows! String ‘em up!
Of course, the big question is … why isn’t there a team from empire filing a similar complaint? There are myriad Fascists here who must be publicly executed, even down to the governor of Hawai’i and the mayor of Honolulu.
As mentioned in the Notes post of yesterday, everything is going to shit. Right now, news about the contaminated Red Hill aquifer is widespread. Apparently, the contamination is originating from the Navy’s leaking tanks of jet fuel and affecting water for military residences. The real problem is the threat of the contamination leeching into the aquifers that service the civilian (and tourist) population. Given that the local government is staffed by duffers, the worst case scenario is likely.
Most of the servers hosting the public transportation information infrastructure remains down, now in the second full day. There is no timeline for the restoration, a clear example of why worst case scenarios are highly probable for any problem in Hawai’i. Yeah, the only time that there was expedient action was with the “vaccine” and associated mandates.
Miscellany: A box of Great Value® zippered freezer bags was procured at Walmart® in order to transition from the two remaining plastic storage containers (to be donated to charity). Everything is being compacted as a contingency.
Thursday, December 9
Shit 2021
The servers for the public transit system were offline all day because of an alleged “cyberattack.” Thus, the GPS tracking Web site was down. No doubt, the “unvaccinated” will be blamed.
Everything is turning to shit. Homelessness is rising rapidly. Crime has climbed exponentially. Food prices rise daily. And, the median home price is now $1.1 million for a tiny 3-bedroom tract home with equally tiny yard.
All of the aforementioned is part of the “Great Reset” plan. Nothing is going to change until the global ruling élite and its minions are hanging from the gallows.
Tuesday, December 7
Storm Aftermath
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Typical Transformer |
Well, there were no thunderstorms on the island, just steady light rain for over 24 hours. However, flooding was imminent because of old decaying infrastructure. Overall, the island was not severely affected.
Power was out downtown. That rude discovery was made when alighting the bus this morning. So, all of the usual venues were closed. Another bus was quickly boarded. Coffee was procured at the fast food joint on Ke’eamoku Street. Then, a short bus ride was made to Ala Moana Center.
Coffee time was spent in the Makai Mall food court. Then, a two-block ride cut the walking distance to the Kapi’olani gym. The gym was crowded, unlike the one in town. Lots of gorgeous young hotties were working out, too. Of course, most of the people are “vaccinated.”
Dinner was courtesy Panda Express® in Ala Moana Center, the first time since November 23rd. Nothing like dining out with the “vaccinated,” eh? Since the power was still not restored in town, there was no Walmart® shopping excursion this evening.
The power outage in town was because underground transformer vaults were flooded. The vaults had to be pumped free of water. Then, the transformers had to be removed, disassembled, and dried out. Flooding is a regular occurrence, yet no contingency was in place. How about keeping some spare transformers around? And, why are those transformers underground in the first place?
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String ‘em up! |
Finally, the mayor of NYC went “full dictator” and decreed a “vaccine passport” requirement for everyone over 5 years of age. Not to mention, the “vaccine” mandate for all employees of private businesses. As stated in Notes, these kinds of atrocities are not going to end until each and every one of the criminals are “frog marched” to the gallows and publicly executed. How about starting with the mayor of NYC?
Sunday, December 5
Tropical Winter
The dreaded “Dark Winter” has arrived. And, with it came a cold front and rainstorms. Temperatures dropped into the 60s for the last few days. And, what, with the “Omicron variant” and all. Who really cares?
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Mainstays® Quartz Heater |
At the least, the Mainstays® quartz heater was deployed to stay warm. Might as well use the appliance now. No telling when there will be a need to divest the appliance and to flee this “blue” hellhole.
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Apple® Charger |
An Apple® 20 watt USB-C charger was purchased for $19 at Walmart® in order to utilize the fast charging capability of the iPhone 12 device. Such vanity! The old slow chargers will be donated to charity in response to the “Great Reset.”
Otherwise, the personal sitrep is the same ol’ shit. Just waiting for the “shit to hit the fan.” Oh brother.
Thursday, December 2
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Australian “Quarantine” Camp |
Wednesday, December 1
“Psych-Ops” Redux
There’s really no way to describe the despondency that never goes away. Chronic depression? Melancholia? Dysthymia? The whole Fascist “super-duper corona” plan-demic “psych-ops” has been wearing down the will to live. Now that “vaccine” apartheid has come to fruition, the fabric of society has totally unraveled. The mind can no longer function as reality is skewed. Every other person is viewed as a potential enemy.
Many of the “unvaccinated” are going though similar experiences. A reader calling himself “Abelardlindsey” on the Market-Ticker site lamented:
The worse part of it is that, when in a crowd of people at the gym or in a store, you don't know who the "Karens" are. At the same time you have all these thoughts going through your head about the covid-19 business and the vaccines and you start to wonder who's on board with all of it. At this point, I start to feel a growing hostility towards all of the people around me. I felt this hostility coming on while working out in the gym last night. Even seeing hot women in the gym in no way reduces this feeling. I start to feel as much hostility towards them as I do towards everyone else (as a reasonably good looking guy I get the "eye" from some them) even though they have done nothing to justify such hostility. This is not good for either my psychological well-being or for society at large.
The latter quote is almost verbatim of recent personal thoughts, even the experience at the gym. The “vaccinated” look upon the “unvaccinated” as subhuman, and vice-versa. That’s exactly what the Fascists expected.
Tuesday, November 30
War Zone
The war cannot be won by the rag-tag “unvaccinated.” The global ruling élite has “all the bases covered.” Sure, worldwide, there are revolts being staged and lawsuits filed. Yet, the Fascists keep the juggernaut rolling forward, and they relentlessly stick to the same playbook. Nothing can stop them.
Even in Russia, the Putin regime has gone “all in” with the Fascists. Little wonder why there has been less inclination to peruse RT and Sputnik News. Anyway, Riley Waggaman provided details about the Fascist takeover on Substack. In summation he states, “I believe we are facing an evil that has no equal in human history.”
Other alternative sources insist that the Fascists have become desperate and careless. That’s a “crock of shit.” When the Fascists become desperate, they will simply unleash pure violence upon the “unvaccinated” and commit genocide. Who is going to stop them?
Addendum: The only way that the war will end in favor of the “unvaccinated” is with the indictment and public execution of the Fascists at the “top of the food chain.”
Monday, November 29
Ol’ Lavahead Day 2021
Many moons have passed since birth, 829 to be specific, but that is moot. For the time being, this is just another day. However, for clarity, this is another day in the war initiated upon the masses by the global ruling élite. Nothing else is relevant.
The depopulation plan is fully operational, but the goal of the Fascists is not a total obliteration of the rank-and-file peons. Rather, there will be a culling of the weakest and most feeble, mainly the senior citizens. The intentional survivors of the depopulation bioweapon will mostly be infertile with a limited lifespan. The digital “vaccine passport” will have evolved by then to completely control that demographic.
Why will they be kept alive? Well, the global ruling élite will need a large expendable labor pool, essentially slaves, who will be engaged in the “reclamation” of the planet. Heavy machinery will be available, but much of the tedious work can only be accomplished by human laborers. Once the planet has been restored to a pristine condition, the slaves will be exterminated.
Knowing the aforementioned, personal time remaining is obviously going to be very short. Too many people have already surrendered to the Fascist cabal, so the future is sealed. Anyone who has read Notes and the legacy “blog” is fully aware that the content has been quite accurate. Conclusions are arrived independently of other prognosticators, but are eerily prescient and corroborative.
Once again, there will be no celebration of any kind. Exactly what is there to celebrate? There is a war ensuing against most of humanity. Soldier on!
Addendum: More and more independent news sources are being culled from the Notes reading list. The basis and “litmus test”? Shilling for the “vaccine,” of course. Rest assured, all Notes referrals and links are updated to reflect the latter policy.
Sunday, November 28
Just within the span of a few hours, there has been a massive synchronized mobilization of international governments against the alleged deadly “Omicron variant” of “super-duper corona.” That “variant” is now claimed to have spread around the planet after supposedly originating in South Africa (coincidentally part of a continent that remains mostly “unvaccinated”). Since this is a bad sitcom that keeps coming back, the audience can now plainly observe and analyze the same plan-demic playbook in action yet again.
What is clearly obvious is that there is a criminal cabal at the “top of the food chain” issuing directives to subordinate governmental entities and the “mainstream” media. This is the reusable “Lockstep” phase of the “Great Reset.”
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“Joe Headroom” Exposed! |
Of course, “Joe Headroom” was somewhere in Nantucket, shopping without his beloved face mask. The global ruling élite and its minions know that “super-duper corona” is a hoax. That’s why they are so brazen about their contempt for the masses.
Addendum: The issue of “variants” is another elaborate part of the hoax. There is no test available that can actually identify and diagnose the alleged pathogen. The “scientific” basis for the “variants” are computer-generated snippets of the spike protein. The “mutations” are deviations from the latter snippets, but the probability of a viewing frame error is extremely high.
Miscellany: Confirmed zero readership of Notes for several months now … mission accomplished! Many thanks to nobody! The future of Notes? Premature mummification!
Friday, November 26
Project Fear Again
Well, Project Fear is back again “with a vengeance.” Actually, it’s more like a bad sitcom that keeps coming back. The new “variant(s),” whatever Greek letter symbolizes it, are allegedly spreading wildly.
The global ruling élite is using the same playbook again, but it’s working … again. Even in Hawai’i, the escalating panic and fear is stupefying. The goal of the Fascists is clear … mandatory (or forced) “vaccination.” Ultimately, the digital “vaccine passport” will be rolled out. The timeline appears to be within the next few months, just as predicted in Notes.
The rank-and-file peons must understand that the most efficient and controlled bioweapon is one that does not need to be aerosolized. An injected bioweapon eliminates the risk that any of the global ruling élite would accidentally be affected.
The masses also need to understand that the confusion with the sheer number of upcoming “booster” injections of the bioweapon “vaccine” will necessitate a standardized tracking system … the digital “vaccine passport.” The global ruling élite need to have the latter system in place in order to effect the next phase … total control (and demise) of the population.
When the same Project Fear playbook is invoked, there will not be any need to provide updates to the latter. Instead, referrals to previous Notes posts will be made, if necessary. The same playbook, the same responses.
Addendum: The latest fearmongering campaign is also being deployed to end any legal opposition to the “vaccine” mandates as well as to increase the “vaccination” of children in the newly allowed group of 5 to 11 years of age. All of that is in addition to pressuring the rank-and-file peons to expedite their plans for “boosters.”
Miscellany: The PO Box was renewed for the exorbitant fee of $81 for six months as a contingency during these volatile times. And, $2,000 was transferred from investment accounts to the local bank to cover expenses, earlier than expected because of inflation.
Update: The masses of idiots in Hawai’i are in full panic mode. They are calling on the governor of Hawai’i to block all international flights to the islands. In addition, the fools are blaming the “unvaccinated” in Hawai’i for the new “Omicron variant,” which isn’t here yet. Say what?
Thursday, November 25
No-Holiday Holiday 2021
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Bush’s® Baked Beans |
Tuesday, November 23
Emergency Ad Nauseam
The governor of Hawai’i has enacted another “emergency” proclamation set to expire over a year from now. The local counties are now allowed to set “super-duper corona” policies independent of the State. And, all indoor capacities have been restored to 100% (i.e., no indoor “social distancing”). Wheee!
Not to be outdone, the mayor of Honolulu has now given permission for the “unvaccinated” to attend all large events with proof of a valid negative “super-duper corona” test within 48 hours. Of course, face masks must still be worn by everyone. Wheee!
The effective date for all new “super-duper corona” policies is December 1st. The comment section of one on-line “mainstream” news site quickly filled up with the usual vitriol from the “vaccinated.” There is one particular vocal and ignorant fool who calls itself “CriticalReader.” It should change that “handle” to “DoucheBag.”
There is no confidence in any of the aforementioned bullshit. Most likely, the global ruling élite have “rewarded” the local Fascists for the extremely high “vaccination” rate. As proven in many other nation-states, the Fascist policies can change overnight. However, make no mistake. There will be no reprieve until all of these criminals are charged at an international tribunal with subsequent public executions at the gallows.
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OpenVAER Hawai’i Data |
Incidentally, the chart of deaths and adverse events resulting from the “vaccines” in Hawai’i has been reproduced from the OpenVAERS site and includes all data up to November 12th. Because of the blind public loyalty to the disgusting Democrat Party, actual numbers could be a factor of 100 or more.
Saturday, November 20
Friday, November 19
The FDA and CDC of empire have approved the “boosters” for all ages commencing immediately. Even as more facts about the bioweapon are being revealed, there is no stopping the “vaccine” juggernaut. When confronted by the truth, the global ruling élite just “double down” even more.
Have any of the rank-and-file peons realized that the first “booster” will soon be a prerequisite for full “vaccination”? There will be “booster” after “booster.” Then, the next phase of the “Great Reset” will be rolled out, that is, the digital “vaccine passport.” Once the latter is established, the subsequent and final phase will begin. The time to stop this bullshit is now!
Addendum: Other issues are no longer discussed in Notes. Most of those issues only serve as deflection from the “Great Reset.” Some of the related issues, such as the recent court decision for temporary stay on the illegal empire-wide “vaccine” mandate, are irrelevant, too. The small victories are allowed by the global ruling élite in order to lower the opposition’s guard. The mandates will continue unabated until the final phase is completed.
Addendum: The “boosters” are being made available everywhere in Hawai’i this weekend. The majority of local residents are expected to be lined up for the “jab” in earnest tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, November 17
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“Joe Headroom” Searches For Brandon |
At this point in time, there is enough evidence to verify that the “super-duper corona” plan-demic is, as prognosticated previously in Notes, a planned hoax. The whole charade was based on the bogus PCR test with cycle thresholds of 40 or more. So, nearly all of the “cases” and alleged infections throughout the plan-demic are false positives. Of the small percentage of “valid” results, there was no way to diagnose the cause to a specific pathogen. One research study revealed that the only identifiable virus pathogen present for positive test results was influenza.
Clearly, there was some kind of disease infecting people, but the actual number of people infected and by what pathogen are both unknown. Deaths actually attributed to “super-duper corona” (i.e., “death from” not “death with”) were not caused by the pathogen. Rather, the absence of early treatment and the treatment protocol in hospitals (i.e., Remdesivir, intubation) were the direct causes.
Long story short, all quantitative data about “super-duper corona” used by the Fascists and the opposition is suspect. All statistical derivations are also suspect. And, most important, there is no way to know if anyone has natural immunity if infections cannot be diagnosed. Why? There is no diagnostic test specifically designed to identify the SARS-2 pathogen. So, “cases” and alleged infections are moot.
Should the presumption that “super-duper corona” is a bioweapon be retracted? No, clearly it is a bioweapon. However, its dispersion mechanism was most likely by targeted seeding. Did the pathogen spread far and wide? From all indications, no. The universal deployment of the bogus PCR test protocol is the root cause of the alleged pandemic.
The entire purpose of the initial release of the bioweapon was to create an environment of fear. From that point forward, the real totalitarianism agenda was put into play. And, the second bioweapon, the “vaccines,” were given to the willing and fearful masses.
The only data that is somewhat reliable is the vastly underreported VAERS (and its international counterparts). The “vaccination” data is real, not based on whimsical assumptions. Why? Obviously because the “vaccine” is real and tangible. Thus, the “vaccine” has been the immediate goal all along for this particular phase of the “Great Reset.” If the “vaccine” mandates and the digital “vaccine passport” are not mummified immediately, there will be no stopping the Fascists.
Sunday, November 14
The Great Satan(s)
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The Great Satan(s) |
These are critical times now in Hawai’i as the entire edifice is moving toward 100% “vaccinated” status. The global ruling élite is extremely pleased with the local politicians, sycophantic bureaucrats, and the extremely pliable rank-and-file peons. By the way, there has been no personal contact with the few “unvaccinated” acquaintances for several weeks.
As stated previously in Notes, mixing in the “vaccinated” environments is a surreal and unrewarding experience. Even “vaccinated” acquaintances must be kept at a distance, much akin to “social distancing.” Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
Seriously, though, being “unvaccinated” in the islands is a lonely life. However, the thought of mingling with the masses of “vaccinated” is unacceptable. There is nothing in common with them. Case in point, over 5,000 children between 5 and 11 years of age were “vaccinated” this weekend at the Aloha Stadium event alone. Insane!
There are people who apparently are experiencing “buyer’s remorse.” Countless numbers of them in empire are seeking “treatments” to reverse the “vaccination.” There is nothing that can reverse the spike protein factory once it’s established. The only possible mitigation is the use of blood thinners (e.g., aspirin, beta-blockers) to reduce blood microclotting.
Also, as stated previously in Notes, lots of time is being devoted to viewing many video interviews. The most interesting ones are posted in Notes. Discussing any subject related to “super-duper corona” or the “vaccines” in Notes is irrelevant. In fact, the activity is a complete waste of time. The masses have already made the decision to baptize themselves at the Church of Comirnaty.
Aside from that bullshit, preparations to flee the islands is continuing at a slow pace. Actually, the actual time to flight would be approximately 30 days (i.e., the period of time to legally end the lease at the “old folks home” in Waikiki). If not for the latter, actual fleeing could occur in a day or two at minimum.
Friday, November 12
From The COVID Blog:
A 52-year-old cardiologist, hospital director and hockey coach is dead after spending much of 2021 belittling the non-vaxxed.
Oh, the irony! Good riddance, Sohrab! As “they” say, “Payback is a bitch!” Baha! Ha! Ha! Haaa!
The personal situation remains the same. The outline detailed in the Notes post, “Personal Sitrep,” is still applicable. Changes must constantly be made to the daily routine, however, mainly to avoid the crowds of the “vaccinated.” No details are necessary. Rest assured, the crux of personal operations and philosophy remain the same.
There is no way to assess the situation in Hawai’i. Anecdotally, there are significantly fewer scathing comments from the “vaccinated” about the “unvaccinated” on the local news sites. Well, that could also be the result of the “mainstream” media priming the public about “boosters” given the limited six-month efficacy of the “vaccines.” Some of the “vaccinated” have probably realized that they have been conned.
Incidentally, there have been numerous confirmations that the majority of “vaccine” deaths and severe adverse reactions are amongst people over 65 years of age, usually with several comorbidities. That explains the anecdotal observations that most people have been seemingly unaffected.
However, there are studies indicating that the spike protein generated by the “vaccine” persist in the human body for at least 15 months. Autopsies have indicated that the spike protein coalesce in all the major organs and produce blood microclots. Thus, the onset of chronic disease may not occur for many months.
A handful of acquaintances have been “missing in action.” No telling what is the cause, but there is some vigilance being exercised. The possibility of “vaccine” injuries or death is a concern.
Tuesday, November 9
Dark Evil
Oh, nothing new locally to report in Notes. However, as the “Dark Winter” approaches (as prophesied by High Priest Fauci), there is plenty of evil afoot. Some say that the Marburg virus (read: bioweapon) will be unleashed on the global rank-and-file peons to finish them off for good. Otherwise, the “Great Reset” will continue unabated with more “vaccine” mandates popping up to usher in the digital “vaccine” passports.
The “vaccination” of children of 5 to 11 years of age is moving rapidly in Hawai’i. There’s a much bile “vaccination” clinic even traveling to the various elementary school campuses. There’s also a mass “vaccination” event coming up at the Aloha Stadium. What’s fairly obvious is that the clear majority of local residents do not believe anything other than the “mainstream” media. Oh well.
The strange story about the diary of the daughter of “Joe Headroom” suggests that something else evil is afoot. The FBI raid of the residences of key personnel of Project Veritas is equally puzzling. Supposedly, the issue was the same diary that somehow came into possession of the group. However, the diary and its contents were verified and published by National File over a year ago. Are the global ruling élite planning to dispose of “Joe Headroom”? If so, the incestuous pedophilia allegations will quickly gain traction.
Lots of videos have been posted in Notes recently. That activity reflects the fact that nearly all personal leisure time is spent viewing the content in preparation for the escalating war. There’s no other was to describe the immediate future. What is really interesting is that conclusions derived independently in Notes are now being substantiated by nearly all alternative sources.
Even Paul Craig Roberts has become much more radicalized, as he recently stated:
At the current time, there are many hospital, university, and public school administrators who are subject to the death penalty for mandating vaccination. Hopefully there will be trials, conviction and all will be executed. Good riddance.
Biden, the Pentagon chief, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff are also subject to trial and execution for coercing vaccination on military and federal personnel. Hopefully they too will be tried, convicted and executed if found guilty.
More and more of the sources cited in Notes are calling for similar action. By the way, Notes has been calling for an international criminal tribunal for a while now. In fact, there can be nothing more pleasurable than witnessing the “frog march” of those criminals to the gallows for public execution.
Addendum: Rumors are circulating that the governor of Cali has suffered an adverse reaction to the “vaccine” as an explanation for his 12-day hiatus. Hopefully, the latter is true. Praise Molech!
Bonus: How to spot propaganda, an on-line brochure from the Ministry of Truth.
Monday, November 8
Sunday, November 7
Video — Dr. Bryan Ardis
Mike Adams of Brighteon interviewed Dr. Bryan Ardis … just an incredible interview.
Saturday, November 6
Stupefying Stupor
The “Axe the Vax” nationwide general strike is slated for four days through Veterans Day. There could be serious disruptions if the walkouts are successful. Bring the whole “system” down!
There’s one aspect of the whole plan-demic scheme that few people realize. All of the edicts and mandates revolve around the declaration of an “emergency.” Thus, the “emergency” orders are valid for only a short duration. In other words, the “emergency” orders must be renewed or extended continually in order to present the façade of being “law.” That is why the elected executive (i.e., president, governor, or mayor) issues the order. Legislation (read:law) can only be enacted by the appropriate legislative branches, obviously. That is also why the weak OSHA has issued an ETS as previously mentioned in Notes.
If the judiciary at all levels were not so corrupt, the plan-demic would have been mummified long ago. However, the global ruling élite control all branches of government. Thus, either full legislation or martial law will be forthcoming to realize the goals of the evil eugenics cabal.
The situation, personally, remains the same. Constant workarounds are implemented to deal with the “super-duper corona” restrictions in Hawai’i. And, the “vaccinated” are now coming out in force. Quite stupefying, actually.
Addendum: Since nearly 100% of the workforce in Hawai’i is “vaccinated,” no participation in the nationwide general strike is expected
Miscellany: Another box of “super-duper corona” antigen tests ($90 value) has arrived. How wonderful!
Wednesday, November 3
Samhain 2021 Recap
Monday, November 1
There is some disturbing information revealed in a recent article in The Exposé from the UK:
An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the COVID-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified. But what’s perhaps more concerning is that the “deadly” lots were distributed widely across the United States whilst other “benign” lots were sent to just a few locations.
The article seems to substantiate the allegations that a certain percentage of the distributed “vaccines” was comprised of saline. And, Hawai’i is most likely one of the 13 states that received the benign “vaccine” lots.
The empire’s OSHA has allegedly issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) as demanded by “Joe Headroom” that will provide “guidance” to private businesses about mandatory “vaccines” for employees. Businesses with 100 or more employees must comply or incur an exorbitant fine for each violation. Myriad lawsuits are likely to follow. However, with a completely corrupt judiciary, nothing will happen.
Obviously, nothing will stop the “vaccine” regime juggernaut. The global ruling élite will not reverse course. The agenda was planned for decades. The “dress rehearsals” have come and gone. This is the “real deal.” The rank-and-file peons will only have one choice … submit or die. Of course, submission will also result in death, albeit a slower one.
There’s no escape. The tentative exodus to, say, Florida is most likely foolish and fruitless. The State government will eventually be toppled. Then, “all hell will break loose.”
The “unvaccinated” will be on the run forever, that is, unless they all choose to congregate in one area and prepare for war. The global ruling élite will unleash its violent fury upon the “unvaccinated,” most likely resulting in pure genocide. That will be a battle to the end.
Thus, the time for real action is incumbent on the “vaccinated.” They must wake up from their fear-induced stupor (read: “woke”) and resist the digital “vaccine” passport. They must resist the “boosters.” They need to stop cowering in fear with their face masks. They need to stop voting for Democrats (or stop voting entirely). They must abandon mindless consumption, turn off the tube permanently, and divest from social media. The same must be said of the “unvaccinated.”
This is the fabled war of “good versus evil.” That war is here, right now. There’s no escape. You can run, but you can’t hide. If the “vaccinated” do not come to their senses, they will bring about the death of, perhaps, seven billion people, including themselves. That’s what the global ruling élite desire. Nothing will stop the cabal, unless the entirety of rank-and-file peons unite and exterminate the vermin.
Sunday, October 31
Saturday, October 30
Mask On, Mask Off
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Freedom! |
All of the “vaccinated” in Hawai’i should remove their face masks now. When the large indoor and outdoor events are opened next week to the “vaccinated” only, they should remove those ridiculous face masks. The “vaccinated” are safe and immune!
The “vaccinated” must take a stand against Fascist tyranny. The “vaccinated” did as they were told. They took the “jab.” Now, they must restore their freedom. Take the face masks off anywhere and everywhere!
The “vaccinated” are immune and safe, especially amongst other “vaccinated” individuals. The “vaccinated” must stop cowering in fear. Take off the face masks permanently!
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High Priest Fauci |
The parishioners of the Church of Comirnaty should gather (without face masks) and rejoice. Bow down to High Priest Fauci and beg for absolution from the Unholy One. Redemption is near!
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Map of Tyranny |
Finally, the need to flee the Fascist tyranny in Hawai’i is still being considered. Possible destinations in the mainland empire are shown in the map. Obviously, myriad people are fleeing to Florida. So, that destination may become a total “clusterfuck.”
Miscellany: The on-line password replacement program is nearly complete. And, a return to Subway® (takeout only), this time in town, will reduce the consumption of canned beans.