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At this point in time, there is enough evidence to verify that the “super-duper corona” plan-demic is, as prognosticated previously in Notes, a planned hoax. The whole charade was based on the bogus PCR test with cycle thresholds of 40 or more. So, nearly all of the “cases” and alleged infections throughout the plan-demic are false positives. Of the small percentage of “valid” results, there was no way to diagnose the cause to a specific pathogen. One research study revealed that the only identifiable virus pathogen present for positive test results was influenza.
Clearly, there was some kind of disease infecting people, but the actual number of people infected and by what pathogen are both unknown. Deaths actually attributed to “super-duper corona” (i.e., “death from” not “death with”) were not caused by the pathogen. Rather, the absence of early treatment and the treatment protocol in hospitals (i.e., Remdesivir, intubation) were the direct causes.
Long story short, all quantitative data about “super-duper corona” used by the Fascists and the opposition is suspect. All statistical derivations are also suspect. And, most important, there is no way to know if anyone has natural immunity if infections cannot be diagnosed. Why? There is no diagnostic test specifically designed to identify the SARS-2 pathogen. So, “cases” and alleged infections are moot.
Should the presumption that “super-duper corona” is a bioweapon be retracted? No, clearly it is a bioweapon. However, its dispersion mechanism was most likely by targeted seeding. Did the pathogen spread far and wide? From all indications, no. The universal deployment of the bogus PCR test protocol is the root cause of the alleged pandemic.
The entire purpose of the initial release of the bioweapon was to create an environment of fear. From that point forward, the real totalitarianism agenda was put into play. And, the second bioweapon, the “vaccines,” were given to the willing and fearful masses.
The only data that is somewhat reliable is the vastly underreported VAERS (and its international counterparts). The “vaccination” data is real, not based on whimsical assumptions. Why? Obviously because the “vaccine” is real and tangible. Thus, the “vaccine” has been the immediate goal all along for this particular phase of the “Great Reset.” If the “vaccine” mandates and the digital “vaccine passport” are not mummified immediately, there will be no stopping the Fascists.
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