Friday, December 10


A criminal complaint has finally been filed with the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court by a team from the UK including attorney Hannah Rose and Dr. Mike Yeadon. The complaint alleges crimes against humanity and identifies the following Fascists:

The Exposé has provided information concerning this landmark case. Bring these Fascist duffers to the gallows! String ‘em up!

Of course, the big question is … why isn’t there a team from empire filing a similar complaint? There are myriad Fascists here who must be publicly executed, even down to the governor of Hawai’i and the mayor of Honolulu.

As mentioned in the Notes post of yesterday, everything is going to shit. Right now, news about the contaminated Red Hill aquifer is widespread. Apparently, the contamination is originating from the Navy’s leaking tanks of jet fuel and affecting water for military residences. The real problem is the threat of the contamination leeching into the aquifers that service the civilian (and tourist) population. Given that the local government is staffed by duffers, the worst case scenario is likely.

Most of the servers hosting the public transportation information infrastructure remains down, now in the second full day. There is no timeline for the restoration, a clear example of why worst case scenarios are highly probable for any problem in Hawai’i. Yeah, the only time that there was expedient action was with the “vaccine” and associated mandates.

Miscellany: A box of Great Value® zippered freezer bags was procured at Walmart® in order to transition from the two remaining plastic storage containers (to be donated to charity). Everything is being compacted as a contingency.

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