Thursday, November 19

Purple is the New Orange

There’s much confusion everywhere, what with “super-duper corona” allegedly rampaging around the planet. Here in Hawai’i, the daily tally of infections still hovers around 100 or so. The numbers are truly meaningless because the latter is dependent on the total number of tests administered on a given day and the number of false positives. Yet, the daily tally and the ludicrous 7-day moving average determines the penal restrictions accorded to the masses.

The fearmongering has ramped up with the fear of death as the focal point. Same ol’ shit. Everyone seemingly has forgotten that “super-duper corona” is primarily ravaging the early “baby boomers” and their parents. Frail senior citizens. Secondarily, individuals with compromised health have been victimized by the scourge. Eugenics targeting the weak and sickly.

The islands have been spared of the “surge” happening across the mainland empire and internationally, not because of the vigilance of the government “duffers.” Rather, the “no travel” advisories have been the savior, much like the original “surge” of a few months ago. Tourists arrivals simply tapered off and decreased the likelihood of a local pandemic. That’s what’s happening now as the holidays approach.

Of course, the government “duffers” are playing up the crisis to increase their self-importance. Most of the theatrics are from the national Democrat (sic) Party playbook. That crap is going to continue until “Orange  Bad Man” concedes to the Democrat “empty suit,” which now appears to be inevitable. Soon, the masses will be swept into the vortex of the “Purple Revolution,” a sickly concoction of “woke” bullshit acting as subterfuge for the same old Neoliberal regime.

Anyway, “Tier 2” is still in effect on the island. At least the gyms all remain open for now. However, the other restrictions are still impinging on personal freedom. Only the Democrat “empty suit” can save humanity, or that at least that is what “they” say whoever “they” are.

There was much internal debate about switching to a different wireless carrier with an unlimited data plan (all for $40). However, with all of the “dilly-dallying,” a seamless switch within five days is unlikely. So, the same plan will be renewed for another month.

Well, the current wireless plan does include unlimited video streaming at 480p resolution. So, the Tubi “app” was installed on the iPhone 12. Lots of great “B” movies ... errr, maybe not. Tubi does have the British “Hustle” series in its library. So, that’s going to be viewed in entirely during the holidays when there’s absolutely nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Addendum: Upon the shocking discovery that Tubi is owned by the parent corporation of Fux News, the “app” was duly mummified.

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